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for the weapon that is, the character banner is alright. i think
atleast the wait for CYNO is finally over jk pull venti cuz he is cuter
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00:00 cyno
01:22 venti
03:20 4 star are terrible
05:51 weapon
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#cyno #genshinimpact #venti
the real purpose : check out my RGB ELEGY pogger
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I would love a C2 Kuki Shinobu for Hyperbloom teams.
To pull or not to pull. I still want to save up for Mr. Biceps, Alhaitham, and archon child for my archon collection.
But I am slightly tempted to pick up a Venti con. He's amazing for commissions. Just apply an element+Venti burst, then I stand around until mobs are dead.
As for the weapon banner. I already have a Elegy, I'll think about whether or not I need r1 Elegy.
The character banner is pretty bad for new players but its actually good for older players who have c6ed the major 4 stars from launch.
Im ar 59 and i dont have a single kuki shinobu and my sayu is at c0 so all of these 4 stars won’t be redundant to my account. Not just me but almost all of my friends who are ar 55+ have low cons on shinobu and sayu.
well i mean once upon a time elegy was paired with homa soo not really sure which weapon banner is better
I want all of those four stars, but not Cyno. Guess I gotta skip and no Kuki for me. Oh well. I basically just pretend the four stars don't exist since they're so hard to get and are constellation locked once you do get them.
a “good weapon banner” is defined as any weapon banner with elegy + polearm with crit main stat
Uh em diluc
Homa, Elegy banner > Scarlet Sands, Elegy banner
Why do i feel like this whole Dendro patch is just a big filler..
9:59 timestamp for voice crack to make fun of TenTen for
I was considering going for cyno’s weapon but I already have 2 elegies. not a very relatable issue LOL but that’s where i’m at (I went hard on hu tao’s character and weapon banner back in the day). I can’t really justify getting a third elegy
i am still waiting engulfing lightning with genshin calculator my raiden damage can reach around 700k damage, i have staff of homa only can do around 640k damage
pls stop praising this pathetic polarm
Besides being obviously good on cyno, it barely beats out r5 dragon on hutao, and is literally worse than the catch on xiangling since she really needs those er, don't be fooled by those 44 crits, it's liking putting red horn on diluc it's fucking stupid
If you want to pull a polarm for hutao/ xiangling, why not wait for homo staff or lightening? Besides being so much better on the two specific character than this piece of garbage, they also have SOOOOOOOO much more versatility.
10:29…only chracter that could work with this now is Sayu Thinkge
Claymore sayu weapon?
this banner is insane bruh i was saving for an elegy and for a cyno, so I might get scarlet sands along the way
The best weapon banner till this day still is the Hutao rerun banner with homa and elegy
I only have a single Shinobu. I was hoping she'd be with Nilou so I could get more copies of her. Oh well.
Can Jean proc albedo elemental skill like c6 sayu
But is Staff of the Scarlet Sands better than The Catch for Xiangling?
I like the polearm but I won't pull for weapon banners for a while
I would love to pull for Candace and make a counter everything team with her, Beidou and Yunjin. But i don't want to waste my pity on Cyno.
This weapon banner it's gonna be difficult to pass on. But I most resist for Nahida 😶😩
1:02 2.5 out of 3?
For Scarlet Sands, you should also add that Aggravate and Hyperbloom Raiden also prefers it over EL.
But that's sheet wise. An actual practical showcase is required.
Kazuha, Beidou, Candace and Thoma (High EM ) for an overvape team with Kazuha being the driver. There you have a probably good team for Candace. Although Dendro MC is most likely better than beidou in this comp. On the other hand i did think of Sayu as well the moment i've read the description of that Claymore but again, it is hard to think it will be better than favonius.