20 Quick Tips If You Want To Start Playing Genshin Impact In 2022

Good luck on the Hu Tao rerun.

00:03 – Don’t spend your Primogems on standard banner.
00:22 – Wait a few days before pulling.
00:52 – Don’t roll for a specific rate up 4-star.
01:24 – Get Xingqiu if you can.
01:43 – Amber, Kaeya and Lisa’s Constellations.
02:17 – Use your signature.
02:44 – INeedSomeFish.
02:58 – Pick up everything you see.
03:22 – Mark everything that looks suspicious.
03:43 – Reach 100% Exploration Progress on the map.
03:54 – How to swim further?.
04:31 – Statues of the Seven healing tips.
05:03 – Use Beidou during your exploration in Inazuma.
05:37 – Spiral Abyss button.
06:10 – Use your resin effectively.
06:40 – Keep your expectations when farming artifact low.
06:58 – Finish Spiral Abyss 9 to 12 every two weeks.
07:15 – Blessing of the Welkin Moon is the most cost effective micro-transitions in the game.
07:45 – Don’t rush Genshin Impact.
07:55 – Treat Genshin Impact like a single-player game.

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47 thoughts on “20 Quick Tips If You Want To Start Playing Genshin Impact In 2022”

  1. I decide to risk getting C2 Diona at the last hour of Hu tao and manage to get her without ruining the pity
    Well if i did i still doubt i will get Hu tao (Eula the banner i will pull)

  2. miHoYo could’ve made it so that one domain drop better stuff the more frequently you use it. So that if you continuously farm one domain you get stuff the more you run it and resets when you want to change the domain. So much more efficient and keeps player retention so much better.

  3. Additional tips, im ar 58. 1) If you already farm for artefacts on lowest ar, lower than ar 45, using resin bec of playing coop. Do not regret it bec u Didn't follow this youtuber tips. Every month we got at least 5 fragile resin for free from BP and 10 if u bought BP. Also, keep in mind for later on, to have 2 team which are: 2 dps, 2 support, 2 sub-dps, after ar 45 for completed abyss floor [sooner is better]. 2) Don't hesistate to see the tier list, for me it saves time to use meta 4/5 star before invested everything which is time consuming Especially for their artefacts, bec later we wont using the same characters based on our favorite only, they will always be replaced. seeing genshin is full with attractive characters. For example me, replaced xiao with kazuha, or ganyu with ayaka according with abyss enemies or team needs. And most important thing, don't forget to enjoy the game into the fullest and follow your own pace. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

  4. as a player who loves keqing and pulled on standard, i am happy to say the odds still happen to most players. i love keqing so i pulled on standard for her and got her at 6 pity. even though i suggest you dont feel free to try

  5. This may be an odd tip, but I heard a great deal about how scarce Mora was once you start bringing characters up to nearer level 80. I personally limit myself to just over the amount on the weekly award for the Battle Pass and consistently gain Mora. This does mean that you will have to wait a bit on buffing that new character you got on the last pull, but the peace of mind in always having Mora is well worth it. (Note: it is quite possible a Mora bottleneck is old news and this info is useless. If so, my apologies.)

  6. good guide, except the second one – imho: dont try to get specific characters. if you want Char-X and dont get it, you'll be disappointed. if you just roll on the event-banners when you have primogems to do so, you get a 5 star every once in a while, at least half of them are those from the banner. that way you'll never be disappointed. quite a sum of F2P players quit the game after saving up primogems for weeks, aiming for a specific banner and then not getting the 5 star they wanted. soo – you got primogems: use them. but if you already have the banner-charcter, maybe wait for the next one, but only if you allready got the currently running one. – and another tip as a casually f2p player (still daily logins since release) – be careful of content creators advises. there are just too many who only glance at chars before giving reviews or trying to force you to farm specific materials for who knows why.. that just ruins the gamefun, just like people with wishpull-vids, pumping thousands of primogems into the game. 99% of players dont do that and will only feel bad that they wont experience 100+ pulls in a row and getting C6 on a 5-star.

  7. always play with whichever characters you enjoy most, meta is irrelevant when the alternative is enjoying the game. This is coming from a ar54 former fischl main to eula main and now back to fischl main

  8. This has been said already, but I'll say it too. Play the game however you want to play it. Don't let anybody tell you how to play. I shared some stuff I got with a friend of mine and I felt pretty happy about the stuff I had, only for them to crush my dreams and say, "your account is really bad… you should reroll" and then from then on they felt the need to force "advice" on me whenever I don't even ask for any help at all.

  9. im redownloading genshin and in need of help cuz some of the treasure chest i forgot and and also have to save primos to do some wishing plz join me soon…

  10. a tip for newbies who don’t like exploration that much or just haven’t cleared enough quests to unlock some regions (i learnt this the hard way!!)

    only roll for the characters whose upgrade materials are in your currently available map, even some of the new mond/liyue charas, however cool and easy to farm they may look, are rlly painful because they may use boss drops/materials only available in a specific location that you have not accessed yet. one of my newbie friends was so disappointed when he pulled gorou but found out that the ascension materials were only available in inazuma (he hadn’t unlocked it yet). so please beware of this trap.

    – a genshin player 😀


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