2 BIG Problems With Zhongli and 1 HUGE Reason to Pick Him Up | Genshin Impact

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25 thoughts on “2 BIG Problems With Zhongli and 1 HUGE Reason to Pick Him Up | Genshin Impact”

  1. Dunno why but I have the feeling Dendro will cause some kind of corrosion… even so, Zhongli is a really comfy character that works in lots of comps so I still recomend him over all 2.4 other options or even whatever comes in 2.5, except maybe Kazuha, but if you can I like them, get both.

  2. So you want a shield that takes infinite amount of dmg? What kind of logic is that. He is a great support character. I have him and he never leaves my team. If u want a real opinion go pull for him.

  3. lets be honest who will fight those two vishaps once you done from farming their mats? no one. Who fights devalin? only early gamers. and even if they make an appearance in abyss just put zhongli on the other half that they aren't on. zhongli make any account goes from 0 to 180 that doesn't mean you must pull for him but its just a fact. and im bias to ganyu but no one makes as much difference to an account as much as zhongli (bennett might be at the same tier or second to him) not even kazuha on that lvl cuz there are other characters that do what he does its just a preference i guess…

  4. Aren’t all characters affected by corrosion and not just Zhongli with shield? How is that a problem to Zhongli when it’s actually a problem to all characters? Using heal to counter corrosion doesn’t mean corrosion don’t work on healers. What a bad framing.

  5. People are panicking too much, he's not gonna be irrelevant or anything. It's just a few new mobs that can counter his shield.

    He stills carries your ass in daily domains, weekly bosses, abyss rotations.

  6. corrosion and true dmg are not nerf to shield, its just a buff to heals. Its just like, u can't use a single type of elemental DPS to clear every content in the game, (like Hu tao can't kill pyro slime and break pyro shield, U need to use other elemental dps), Similarly, before this shield can be used universally, but now player need to think before building team, that against certain kind of enemies shield won't work, they need to use healer instead of shielder. In my guess, its a good move to promote healers.

  7. People are sending him to his grave super early when he’s still extremely useful for most teams and has the most longevity in the series.
    And enemies that hurt shield users will stop as soon as we leave Inzuma imo, and he works extremely well for Dendro, an element that hasn’t be released yet, but will in the next 3-4 patches from now.
    And next we are going to Sumeru, so I see him becoming more important for a team in a year from now.

  8. The resistance to interruption is also priceless. Case in point, when Klee gets hit, she literally bounces 2 miles away while taking a fairly massive chunk of damage. Also, getting one shot by enemies kills you instantly while corrosion can be dealt with after some practice, or just carry a healer. This is just my assumption, but I'm guessing that when dendro comes in, there will be mechanics that allow you to do something similar to the corrosion.

  9. How can you not mention the resistance to interruption? That's one of the biggest reasons to pull for Zhongli. It feels like now that you changed your mind and you pull for Ganyu on your f2p account you are trying to prove others (and to yourself) why you're doing it and how right you are for the decision and via this video you trying to convince yourself even more of why you won't need Zhongli cause "you dodge well" and how new enemies might counter him. We all know you follow leaks, you know the new enemies don't counter Zhongli. Why trying to show how imperfect Zhongli is the moment you decided to skip him? Some people might follow you and actually skip a good character like him. Showing how he tanked 7 seconds of Azdaha's heavy attacks and took some damage last hit to say "Wow not perfect" seems like such a weak move to do. I hope one day you will realise how biased you are in terms of characters. Where is the Ganyu video about why to skip her? Not doing it cause you pulling for her? Kinda biased if you ask me Mr Seka.

  10. Did you call zhongli a f2p option?? I will say, its about time they added mechanics that will kill you through shield… you can no longer avoid all mechanics by just having Zhongli… Im sure he will always be relevant, just not the must pick for every battle

  11. ya if i get him and Ganyu, going 4 Ganyu first with my guarentee and 120 wishes built up + wishes from the rest of the patch, i will either use him with her. i'd also use him in that Hu Tao team because i basically use that team just with Jean instead of Zhongli. Xingqiu's healing is a joke and only heals who's on field so only 1 at a time. without a shield Hu Tao can b annoying 4 harder content like abyss, dodging is a dps loss 4 her unless u have C1 and r dash canceling 2 dodge + animation cancel within her skill window because otherwise u lose 2 much stamina or time where u r not charge attacking as much.


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