Rosaria, Mona, Jean, and Amber are all getting new costumes for FREE for NA and EU players. CN players will be forced to swap to the new models, but get 1200 Primo gems as compensation
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Absolutely 4 free skins
I play in japan, am i gonna get the skins?
I don’t even know which server I’m on lmao
basically they changed kokomi effects back to the previous pre buffed state which is the same as it was during her release version….. because the new artifact is very decent with turning her into a half decent dmg dealer every 10 seconds even though they originally never wanted her to be able to deal damage and all the BS we ate from the preview stream for 2.3 was all a lie that she was going to be able to fight with negative crit rate… basically they want her to be a pure healer only… i mean you could still waste your time for the new set with her i guess but you can just give her hp and be done with any artifacts with her…
Damn dude Jean and Rosaria look cooler with the new drip
I like the new skins… *cough* more like only Amber’s and Rosaria’s. But honestly I’d rather have the primogems; I’m saving for Ayato and those freemogems would come in handy as f2p.
this is kid of sad for the CN bros but its what it is as long as the rest of us that don't need to have this censorship bs do keep the old looks as well and can change witch ever we wish to use im fine with it
Lezz gooo eu servers 😤
this is the start of Censorship Globally in upcoming new character so don't be happy guys…
Hey, if anyone can answer this, thanks
I play on Asia server but Im not from China, would I still get the choice in changing their outfits from what Ive been used to or nah?
I know it's cebsorship and all…buuuut I really do like these skins. Like. If these were just earned/paid skins i would use em.
Amber's is awesome, the extra details and coloring. And she also kinda matches up with Eula now.
Jean, definitely more formal and the coloring looks better and embroidery on the inside of the jacket.
Rosaria, just looks badass mix of nun and ger own aesthetic.
Mona, I'm sorry, but to me this outfit just feels more…her. her original is ok too, but this feels more like a mage apprentice outfit. And seems more practical for her and her, umm…"frugal" ways lol
Seriously, it's quite sad and bad. They do so to get into conformity with the new law passed in China. We can see it affects directly artistic freedom and it does so to enforce their puritanism value.
Jean's new skin is like Violet Evergarden
Rip Asia server
does Asia server get the censorship? only said NA/EU, i think Asia wont get censored..
It's nice when you have all the characters that they r giving outfits 2
But y does jean have to be the first one with 3 outfits
I'm a fan of mona and jeans skins, they look more professional like they actually are leaders in their fields.
Amber nothing changed where's my manga outfit?
And rosaria is once again censored lol it looks good but her assets are too much for people
mona's original skin is supposed to be a leotard, ykow something that ballerina's or gymnast's would wear in order to be more aerodynamic and flexible (Even chinese athletes). How people are considering it "too lewd" is beyond me. The changed skin looks rather off in comparison, but i guess it could have been worse.
2:25…..well even if u have costumes but u dont even the character then the costumes is useless to someone who dont have the character…so I think the free 1200 primo is a bit luckier…its from my opinion
I had 274 sigils ready for day 1 and I am quite sure I had a few chests not grabbed, so those numbers are accurate.
Jean looks now more like a leader
Rosa 👌. The rest meh
Rosaria looks COOLER?!?!??? Hers is the worst one lol they already nerfed her boobs, now they nerf everything else 🤣
wait so whats happening to the asia servers is that classified as cn?