1000 FATES FOR SHENHE! DIZZYING Summon Session! Genshin Impact

How many Shenhe’s are we able to get with 1,000 fates? Was I even able to C6 her?

Genshin Impact 2.4

0:00 | Intro
0:30 | First 220 Pulls and Building Shenhe
4:20 | More Summons


50 thoughts on “1000 FATES FOR SHENHE! DIZZYING Summon Session! Genshin Impact”

  1. this is what it must have felt like when my little brother would watch me on my WoW account back in the day. thank you for letting me live vicariously thru your pulls. idk if i could be a whale, but i would like to do this once in my jenshin polearm impact career…

  2. As a F2P, I'm not impressed by the fact that he doesn't overreact to get or lose the banner's 5 star, because I feel the same way. What shocked me, was how casually he bought more wishes, mora, crystals and bundles. I really want the trees where he grows his money.

  3. im going to assume he has signed many Non Disclosures so he can not say. but would say he most likely gets a lot of free codes for content creations etc, and does not actually spend $2k+ per character that comes out.
    I have heard there are specific Content creator servers and such as well. so thats how they have these videos ready in time for launch etc.

    or at least i hope he gets free stuff all the time from Mihoyo or they really are a shit company

  4. thank you for not stalling like all other youtubers… its so fkng boring and a waste of time all the drama and bs tectone puts into his pulls… the screaming… meh.. in the other hand yours is relaxing and chill, thank you.

  5. I do get the lower-cost shop items, now and then if I am not trying for C1 or more characters in that banner. I am also a low spender, maybe a dolphin.. BP, Moon, and about $150.00 USD in total crystal top-ups.


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