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10 of the worst 5 star constellations in Genshin Impact, honestly the order of this list isn’t so concrete outside of a few. Depending how you judge them it could change a bit but I think these are definitely 10 of the worst cons we currently have.
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0:00 Number 10
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2:44 Number 8
3:17 Number 7
4:14 Number 6
5:08 Number 5
5:51 Number 4
6:26 Number 3
7:16 Number 2
10:45 Number 1
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Xiao c4 is useless huh… Now use him without any sup.
i love the random DDLC music while ur explaining zhongli
You are the best thank you
I got it, how to use?
Xiao C4 is not as bad as you think with a shield on, DEF on the character being shielded actually increases the shield strength iirc. Not that that makes it a strong constellation but still, not 'useless with shield'
Don't forget dilucs c6. That's just itto's passive
No one pulls for a c 6 Qiqi, a c6 Qiqi just happens. (ok maybe someone out there pulled on standard 4 her, More power to ya)
I think keqing worst constellation is c2
Cause it only give more energy that she don't need
I hope you’ll make a exact opposite video of this, which is the 10 BEST cons. It’ll help lowspenders and upwards players to know how much they’ll need to save to guaranteed ”lv of con” for the specific characther.
I Usually get Consellations of 5 stars to flex tho
I really feel bad for the earlier characters
maplestory ost xDD
As a fan of Zhongli I want C6 because 1) He's my favorite character, 2) I HATE it when someone isn't full health in overworld. I can deal with Xiao, Hu tao, and Shinobu because it's in their kit but I rarely use them in over world anyway. Because of this I tend to still put a healer even with a full hp Zhongli on the team C6 means that I don't have to do that.
c4 childe, raidens cons pass c3, ventis cons in general, and c6 hutao are very underwhelming cons that I felt shouldve been on the list
Characters occasionally die when they're with qiqi. C6 can help. It's still not good though; I might agree with your placement if it weren't for one thing: qiqi's C4. I would rather be able to revive (something unique that only qiqi and barbara c6 can do) than have enemies do slightly less damage to me any day.
As a C5 Albedo haver, I disagree about Albedo. Albedo’s 4th constellation might be catered to buffing plunging characters, but his first three constellations are all good enough that you just go for C4 if you want it, C1-3 are all very useful because they increase energy regeneration, make his skill stronger, and convert some of his ult damage to defense damage so you can just focus on defense artifacts. C5 and C6 aren’t bad either since his ult is powerful and C6 increases damage by 17% if the character gets a crystallize shield, which usually happens without you noticing it. Out of the C6 characters I’ve used, I’d rank C6 Ayaka > C6 Hu Tao > C6 Mona, mona just doesn’t do a lot of charged damage consistently even with good artifacts, and the three seconds of sprinting plus the charged attack means you run out of too much stamina to make it worth using. C6 Hu Tao is nice to have but for it to be viable in spiral, you still need to build her crit rate so you aren’t left doing no damage while it resets, Ayaka uses her charged attack in combination with her skill so much it makes the C6 very worth it. This is because 10s is not that long to wait when switching back to other characters like Shenhe and Kokomi to buff Ayaka again. Her other cons are great too.
As someone with a C6 Zhongli because I’m a geo daddy simp, that crown comment absolutely called me out lmao. I have him triple crowned and I absolutely do not regret it
Okay… I have not fought the corrosion enemy… things… BUT I can take a good guess at what it does based on the name alone. And, honestly, if you have a C2 or C4 Zhongli on your team and are still struggling with corrosion than… that sounds like a you problem. Bring some healing items. Actually pay attention to your health. Or, heck, invest in damage and kill the enemies before the corrosion can kill you. Like, how did you guys get through Signoria?? Or Drangonspine??? You should not have to invest well over $1,000 to feel comfortable fighting with corrosion.
Personally of all Kokomi constellations, c2 is arguably the worst out of the bunch, basically you heal more when characters are at half or less of thier HP, which sounds good on paper until you realize that you're USING KOKOMI an off field healer whose healing is often times second only to Qiqi's, people would say that it'll allow for Clam 4PC to deal more damage, but I've never (or way too rarely when corrosion exists) had characters at under 50% HP whenever I bring Kokomi to the party which leads to her c2 be almost as bad as Xiao's c4
Also C6 Zhongli negates every character that holds Staff of Homa’s passive
Who's Zoe?
question: Are there any constellation for any character that could actually make that character/party worse except for c6 bennett? (you could say what you want but I don’t want pyro attacks every time)
question: Why do Hutao mains hate when they get healed? I don’t have Hutao so I’m still figuring it out.
Bro roasted keqing jean qiqi and mona but left out my least favorite of the group diluc, come onnnnn 😭
If c6 Zhongli is not necessary why does people wears a healer having Zhongli on the team?
i would argue to replace hu tao c6 in place of jean c6 anyday.
Personally, I think C6 Qiqi is good. My reasoning? Well, when's the last time you did weekly bosses in co-op? The game has a hidden 50-50 system where a teammate will be incredibly stupid and die the most avoidable death possible while also playing a level 90 OP DPS character. I only wish Barbara's C6 worked in co-op…
I saw the qiqi c6 and xiao c4 coming from a mile away
Keqing’s C2 doesn’t do anything. Isn’t that worse?
For Mona C6 she has a constellation that allows her basic attack to trigger a charged attack 50% of the time
Qiqi’s c6 isn’t bad, since you can get it easily without spending money, I’m F2P and have been playing for not even a full year and have her at c4 lol.
Hahahaha aha ha…. sobs
Albedo's Burst is only detrimental in the Spiral Abyss.
kokomi is meh, you really dont need that much healing. unless gumi makes a super hard boss that knocks your team down to 1 hp, and rapidly depletes your hp… she still a meh unit, healing is top of the list, but you can easily do healing with a bennett/ barbra/ jean/ that neko girl. and if youve been playing for awhile you already have those units and dont really need koko.
I mean all c4 in this game are weak for 5 stars cuz they benefit their team most of the time
One thing I will say that you never brought up, and I think ought to have:
Klee's C6 is equally as bad, if not worse than, Itto's C4. It grants all teammates a total of 9 energy across as many seconds in her 10 second burst window, and grants all teammates a 10% Pyro Damage Bonus for (if I'm not mistaken) 25 seconds on cast. The 27 energy for her team is nice, but the 10% Pyro DMG Bonus isn't even half of what Keqing gets from her C6, and Klee already has PDB as her ascension stat. as Klee is typically utilized in monopyro teams meant to maximize her own DPS due to her struggle to consistently vaporize, its inefficient to use her alongside other dps Pyro characters due to risk of vaporizes being stolen, or because she takes up a valuable team slot that could go to a better battery, sub dps, or attack buffer. Even with C2, Klee's C6 is effectively a B Grade Bennett with a Favonius Sword, all while costing about $1000 USD across a soon to be 9 week total period
Love when he showed us zhongli's c6
Qiqi’s C6 is literally a godsend to…..yknow….bad players. And don’t even kid yourself. That’s most players. Poor shield management, letting Xiao die from his burst, corrosion, fucking up your I-frames, whatever it is we all need a monke brain proof full party res sometimes.
Klee's C1 is one of the worst constellations because you will gave to play Klee in another way. C1 will break the vaporize mechanic on Klee and it would be better if you play on Pyro only
You using ddlc theme song just brought back my hidden trauma 🙂
most of these are just not huge upgrade i thought that these would be like constellations that would affect the characters' flexibility in different teams like c6 bennett.
Yah. I stopped at c4 itto after losing 50/50 for c5. It's cringe. Hahha