1.6 Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Genshin Impact

1.6 Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Genshin Impact. You can see Genshin Impact 1.6 Spiral Abyss Floor 10 challenge following this video. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed by miHoYo.


27 thoughts on “1.6 Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Genshin Impact”

  1. They literally dropped 3 boss type enemies in floor 10, and I'm expected to beat each floor in under 3 min, that's some major bs as an F2P player, I don't even have sucrose and enough talent lvl ups for my guys.

  2. The frozen and bubble effects are honestly a pain in the ass at this point. My space key has been broken just because of floor 10. I feel bad for smartphone users.

    Edit: I got through it with team 1: c2 Zhongli, Diluc, a 6c sac sword Xinque, a healer Ning. team2: Xiao, Keqing, a c5 Barbara, and a c2 Qiqi. I would have used my c3 Diona instead of Qiqi, but I hate how slow Diona is. I finished at 9/9… I'm glad hydro characters are finally useful on the floors. I stopped using Barbara and Xinque after the shear cold was added, because they would cause wet and get me frozen. It's kind of pointless to worry about that now, since they added hydro enemies to the floors. Btw my best combos would be Xinque and Ning. His Q plus her auto attacks basically fully charged the teams energy while also doing a stupid amount of damage with aoe blasts. QiQi and Barbara's E skills also kept the annoying electro abyss herald frozen most of the fight. It also made Barbara basically immortal from all the healing (even though she was only level 70.)

  3. i have 8 characters built(ish) for spiral abyss so can someone please tell me the best teams i can make with them? 😭

    Chongyun (Lvl 90)
    Eula (Lvl 80)
    Klee (Lvl 80)
    Jean (Lvl 80)
    Bennett (Lvl 80)
    Sucrose (Lvl 70)
    Beidou (Lvl 70)
    Xingqiu (Lvl 70)

  4. 10-3's time is literally impossible for me to three-star as a f2p + mobile player, the lag on mobile wastes me like 20 seconds everytime i start 🙁 i don't have good enough characters to oneshot either..

  5. Bruh I got 8/9 stars yesterday with 2-3 dps at lvl 80 and some supports at 50-60. Came here to see how to do it faster for 9/9 stars and I'm like "Ah, just have DIluc and Xiao at lvl 90 haha easy"


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