1.6 Changes Genshin Impact part 1

18 new chest

0:00 1. New Recipes
1:02 2. New 3 namecards
1:19 3. 3. Level up weapon slot from 6 to 20
1:29 4. 15 New Achievments
1:40 5. MC removed from expedition
1:54 6. Removeable Items in Inventory
2:14 9. Crafting and forging can be performed in Co-Op Mode
3:04 10. Teammate marker displayed at the edge of map
3:31 11. The adventure handbook function improved
3:59 12. New feature on Serenitea Pot called “companion”
4:28 13. Interaction with companion depends on Friendship level
4:43 14. Placing companion can level up Friendship Level
4:54 15. Second floor Serenitea Pot open for decoration
5:09 16. Your crafting order stays after insufficient materials
5:31 17. No need to always talk again to Tubby
5:58 18. Buff for Elemental Mastery
6:10 19. Character profile avatar outfit will change if your character is wearing an outfit
6:16 20. New fast chat message options
6:32 21. 2 New shortcut for PC
6:55 22. New Boss “Maguu Kenki”

New Time Trial Chalange

New Hidden Treasure

all location Conches day 1

Unlimited Boat Booster Bug


42 thoughts on “1.6 Changes Genshin Impact part 1”

  1. Also a little change I've noticed is in coop mode as you enter a domain, is a new icon you see when someone is changing chars instead of the "…" It's a loop icon. I thinks its nice because you know they arent afk :p

  2. why no one talks about the new “voice line” of fischl, now she laughs while attacking! Before she seemed to laugh but it had no sound at all and it was weird lol

  3. I hope they add the boat ( with or without weapons) to be used as a method of travel throught the sea between inazuma and Lyue. I know we can just teleport but something is nicer to travel through the scenery.

  4. What I also really liked was whenever you would redo your expeditions for the day, if I remember back then, if you chose I think any length other than the shortest one? (I usually always went for the 24 Hour ones.) Afrer you claim the rewards, it would go and pick the shortest time, whereas currently, the game picks the expedition time you last went on. Lel

  5. The best ones for me: Crafting/Forging in Co-op, Traveler removed from expedition, Tubby talk, Serenetea's free FP, 2nd floor open, the crafting doesn't go down. Those things are so helpful

    Not sure how I feel about the increase to the upgrades though, from 6 to 20 damn we'll burn artifacts fast, it's good but can be risky if I went crazy on it. My damn Mora

  6. Instruments playing
    Tatataa tatataa tatataa TA!!!Tatataa tatataa tatataa TA!!! (Another instrument plays) Tatataa tatataa tatataa TA!!! Tatataa tatataa tatataa TA!!! HoooooHuuuuuuHoooooHuuuu (Tatataa tatataa tatataa TA!!!) HOOoooHUUuuuuHOOoooHUUuuu (Tatataa tatataa tatataa TA!!!)


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