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Song: persona 5 ost
Information: The soundtrack is used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. All credits for the song(s) go to artist(s)/label(s).
Giveaway Is Up! link in desc, also error i meant to say ayaka releases on the 21st of july not june. Out of all of these banners which one will you summon on?
I am waiting for a re-run of Hu Tao because I missed her banner, since they haven't planned her re-run yet it gives me time to save my primogems and money.
You mean 21st of july?
Hu Tao rerun when? 🤔
Whatever, the later the better, cause I’ll be able to save enough primos
Is funny that it seems like dendro got shafted. No leaks about dendro.
thx for the information :') ill save up my primos and wont use them until da new inazuma update- cuz im usin them to much for 5 star characters that i wont even have a chance to get-
Hu tao? When are you coming girly.
Damn I’m gonna have to wait a bit for albedo 🥲
None of the upcoming Inazuma characters really interest me bar Tohma, and I’m just waiting for a Ganyu rerun but that’s quite far away 😕
can albedo's rerun come sooner 😭
the persona 5 music towards the end of the video always makes me happy 🤍
Ayaka is epic
Me being f2p and saving for xiao and ganyu: 🥲💔
Also, I hope you get your account back nixo ✨
This is a blessing I can finally get myself prepared with my primos honestly though I feel jealous with people that have over 20,000 primos cause I wanna pull for all of these people
i hope gorou will come sooner
3:05 ayaka before kazuha?
Been playing for two weeks now. Really enjoying the game. Kinda wished I had more characters though.
i'm waiting 1.7 ayaka waifu
My dude, make a no monetized second channel and unload there the leaks and that kind of stuff, all you need to do is mention it on your main channel and just upload the clips raw on the other channel, that way you show your ppl the content and have the "copyrightable" content in a safe place.
albedo is my next want after kazuha !! hoping I win my 50/50 for kazuha 🙁
Saving for Ningguang, it's been several months since she has appeared on a banner and I have no starglitter :'] I'm almost AR 54
I just hope it takes a while for Ganyu to come back out. I want Ayaka and Baal, atm I have 95 wishes saved up, so if I can potentially get 100 more that would be sick.
When you've been saving for albedo rerun for four months only to find out he comes out almost a year later…
No albedo come in 1.8 max plzzz
Hu tao???!!! Pls pls hu tao when
Did anyone notice a mistake in 3:1 😂😂😂😂😂
just be careful from now on so that you dont get banned.
So no Albedo?
god dammit
Will mihoyo give us something for the Genshin impact 1 year anniversary? Perhaps a five star😁?
u think hutao will have a rerun in 2.X?
I hope yoimiya is the first banner on 1.7!! So that if I won 50-50 on yoimiya I xan guarantee ayaka! (I can reach pity twice)
i just finished entering the give away lol
How is kazuha 29th of June and Ayaka 21st of June???3:14
When the hell is hu Tao having a rerun I’ve got the staff of Homa
If i get kazuha i aint need nobody
saving for baal, ganyu and whenever hu tao gets a rerun😂😂
xiao and ganyu
50 % chance for klee banner i spent 10k primogems and im down to 160 still no luck business asusual
Yoimiya and baal fan girl don’t mind me..
I want ganyu and albedo so bad but they’re right after each other and there are so many good characters before them…
I saw yoimiya showcase vid and it used the same mechanics that 5 stars use
Hu Tao 😭
Ganyu in 1.9!? T~T
Btw what can we expect on 1 year anniversary of genshin impact?(free 5☆~?)
If Baal is coming out that late, thank goodness I will have enough time to save for her after pulling Kazuha
Is Xiao confirmed?? Aaaaa pls I want both him and Albedo so bad :((
i just know the 2.0 would be my nightmare
I missed Ganyu banner by 1 day because I was on a hiatus and have been saving up for her for a long time… Then I decided "why not spend all my savings on Zhongli banner and lose the 50/50 so I have a guarantee for Ganyu"
I didn't lose it.
Now I'm not f2p since I buy welkin every month