Zhongli pre buff and post buff comparison – GENSHIN IMPACT

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34 thoughts on “Zhongli pre buff and post buff comparison – GENSHIN IMPACT”

  1. Today is probably my worst artifact rolls so I have two artifacts with crit dmg, atk, energy recharge, and def sub stats. So I leveled them up to level 16 and all of them rolled on DEF sub stats. Is like the Def substats is not even 25% chance but 99%.

  2. Uninstalled this game for more than a month now @ ar52 w/ my main team; keqing,qiqi, zhongli w/ 200%+ ER and razor w/ the unforge.. i got tired of this game when zhongli's ult. Regens faster than its cd 😆 i felt like its just a routine anyway its a nice game. But im done.👍☺️

  3. Bit more math, but it also swings the other way. . due to the geo buffs, having less hp is nearly the same shield as hp/hp/hp pre buff Zhongli.. its nuts. Hence why attack and hp sands are both great, just pick by your subs people not main stat.

  4. Was just watching that recap of post buff Zhongli and I gotta say, he is going super slowly there which I know is to be thorough and get everything but does he not realize that by the time he used Zhongli’s ult, Nings’ geo damage bonus is definitely gone and Klee’s defense reduction may or may not have been active lol

  5. I luckily get a C1 Zhongli, but I don't think it's that useful because a hold E is so long that after skill rotations, my first stone is gone before I could use it again. 😅

  6. Is it true geo res and zhonglis shield doesnt stack? I was testing earlier and the first arrow from my tartaglia did 1358 w/o geo res and while using zhongs shield and with geo res it did 1471 and his melee first attack did 2507 w/o geo with zhongs shield and with geo res it did 2633


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