With Patch 1.5 quickly descending upon us in Genshin Impact. Zhongli or Eula is sure to be on everyone’s minds. Whether you are a devoted GEO worshipper or an Eula enthusiast I hope this video will help you understand the pros and cons of both Zhongli and Eula. Genshin Impact Zhongli VS Eula comparison.
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Most people : eula or zhongli?
Me : klee
Lol everyone trying to pull for zhongli and Eula.
I am trying to pull Yanfei
Girlfriend reveal!!!
As an f2p, pulling for Zhongli seems logical as I have Hu Hu, Keqing, and Childe, but I love Eula's play style sm…😪
noice info !
I think I will get Zhongli bc I lack support
The video came out on my birthday, nice 🙂
I honestly prefer zhongli, a perfect defense is also a perfect offense
I want fun, so Eula is better for me. Even then, probably can’t pull neither.
who's the artist for eula in your thumbnail?
I want it but I can't.
I want ganyu, but I cant.
I want Eula, but its impossible.
No primogem
Still couldn’t decide who to get arghhh
im pulling for both lol i really need both of them :>
Doesn't matter, if she is a grill i am pulling for her
More Power creep… Why..?
I go for both but priorotize Eula over geo daddy…kawai waifu 4happylife
I need zhongli for shield
Selling my Bitcoins to whale for zhongli
I'm really having a hard time, you see I need dps and I don't need support because I already have support characters and I am good at dodging. So I want Eula but every "Zhongli vs Eula" videos I watch, they always pick Zhongli. Even my co-op friends pick Zhongli. I'm mentally dying now
Me saving for another archon
6 months of giveaways never won once
i never win those giveaways uwu….. i really want earth daddy
i thought of it like this: eula will get a rerun banner, zhongli might not so GEO DADDY ZHONGLI IT IS
Zhongli or Eula ?
Me: Yanfei 🙂
Geo daddy come to mama pls 🥺
Me with my C6 Zhong Li: INTERESTING
Im Content with my C0 Zhongli Lol hes OP AF at C0 still, If i get Lucky with a C1 or 2 Zhongli ill be happy tho but if not nah im focusing On getting Eula Her stats are better then Diluc even lol. Shes gonna kick ass
I already have c1 zhongli which I'm satisfied enough plus, I'm lack of physical dps so i gonna need Eula
I will sadly have to skip Zhongli, I'm at soft pity and confirmed 50/50. Zhongli is really really cool, I like him a lot, both gameplay-wise and character-wise and he would be the most useful given I already got Dilluc, Tartaglia, and Kequing for DPS, but I really really want Eula.
I'm skipping Childe right now. Already have Zhongli. He is probably my BEST unit. But I don't think C1 is worth it tbh. But I want yanfei. Probably going to try a bit for her and then hopefully keep my pity for EULA.
Also, Zhongli physical DPS is too tier. He's an easy main DPS imo.
El primo gem seem ps pretty good but I like eula more
IMO almost 70-85% of Genshin Players will pull on Zhongli and 15% is for Eula, she will meet the same fate as what happened to our Queen Kequing and why is that? well its easy…. remember the day the Zhonglis banner appeared? Less players pulled on him, Zhongli was so Trash and WEAK to the point that he was even called as 2nd version Noelle 🤦, and The Genshin Community was so pissed about it and they Boycott, lol, yeah they boycott Mihoyo and they have been FORCED to Buff Zhongli SO MUCH to the point that HES NOW THE NO. 1 META UNIT IN THE GAME 🤦 and now He's back, so those who REGRET on not pulling him, those veteran players, those players who TRASHED him, players who Mocked him are now transformed to META Slaves, well who cam blamed them? Zhongli now is literally a God unit in the game… just imagine Venti+Zhongli combo lol
(her weap does seem kinda whale cause of the 15% attack speed at R1)
Remember people, summon for the character you have the most fun with.
I'm skipping both. I'm waiting for collei banner 😂
in term of element…GEO is perhaps my favorite so i pick Zhongli…but hey i might get Yanfei so…win-win. im tired of playing Claymore all the time so…i skip Eula
People who already pulled for Zhong: Interesting
Why I watching this, I already farmed everything for Zhongli 😂😂
I don't know who to pull i don't have enough Gems for 2 as a (F2p) 😩
End User License Agreement, all the way,
Eula because I already have Zhongli. I'm really not that much hype for Eula but I wanted to collect 5 star cryo girls.
Should I pull for zhongli as a f2p player? im really confused
i dont know which one i'd roll to my party members are
Jean (dps&heal), Rosaria (idk), Razor (dps), Xinyan (just for some pyro effects)
and im still looking forward to get diluc(as a carry) with my 50+ intertwined fate and the guaranteed pity for zhongli as a tank / eula as a carry
im ar43 btw im planning to roll on his last day
This is the most difficult choice i had to make till date😢😢, i wanted zhongli even before he was buffed but i didn't get him(he was the one male character i really like) , but after seeing how elegant eula is i started leaning towards her,and i am not meta person so its waifu for me
Meta tryhards = go for zhongli
Want to have fun = go for the waifu
gotta have the archons team someday ✌️