Zhongli – A Terrible Character That Is Good. | Genshin Impact

Zhongli is one of the most influential characters in the history of Genshin Impact, both in lore and gameplay. As one of the most popular and most widely used characters in Genshin, it is an understatement to say that Morax is polarizing.

He is by far my favourite character in Genshin. However, his kit has several fundamental flaws which I discuss in this video.

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/DragonMJE

Introduction (0:00)
Main Topic (1:35)
Closing Statements (14:38)

Music Tracks:-
1. Lovers’ Oath by Yu-Peng Chen · HOYO-MiX: https://youtu.be/3CV4yrXm9qI
2. Rex Incognito by Yu-Peng Chen & Dimeng Yuan · HOYO-MiX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBfoWTB-T_U
3. Slumbering Lore by Yu-Peng Chen · HOYO-MiX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk0MXq8HaoQ
4. Through the Eyes of a Dragon – Remix by tnbee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9ymxU1dfGk
5. Melodious Flute by Yu-Peng Chen · HOYO-MiX: https://youtu.be/kiQIUKYdVfo
6. Lost Expectation by Yu-Peng Chen · HOYO-MiX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRNrzV-WHMQ


36 thoughts on “Zhongli – A Terrible Character That Is Good. | Genshin Impact”

  1. Fun Fact: This video was originally 30 mins long… I had to cut out a large section where I just ramble about Zhongli's story and his cultural inspirations.

    That being said, it was not all for naught. I will reuse that section in another separate video that is focused on Genshin's lore and Zhongli's character design. The video won't be coming out anytime soon tho… The reason is that I have a lore theory about Morax and Haagentus which I need to flesh out first.

    Also, let me know if the audio quality is good or bad 🤔

  2. Bruh his character design is the best we've seen so far. Even Alhaithams design is just good compared to his
    But even though he was my first ever 5 star, first ever triple crown, first ever level 90 still i have to state the faxx


  3. he is ok. i know 9-10 years girsl that play and they love him
    He is very good when your account is shit. Venti is the same
    I even think Venti need rework not ZL. Venti const are useless, his hold E is useless, many chars cant hit in Venti blackhole etc.
    Venti hold E shold be something like mini blackhole like Kazuha, his const should for example reduce all resist and inrease duration on the burst
    ZL have few problems
    burst multipliers are low they should be double
    Geo needs rework
    he should scale mostly of Def and a bit of HP
    HP scaling charcters make the game worse because Nilou 70k, Scarmouche 15 k.. wtf? how to balance that

  4. The thing is Zhongli does do damage though… like i dont know what you are on. My Zhongli, for a cheap 40 cost burst when built as a burst support as he should be, does upwards of 150k to 200k depending on supports in the team in a huge ass aoe that cc's every non boss mob. If hitting more targets the dmg goes up significantly. Burst animation is similar in length to Kazuhas tbh so that isnt an issue. Maybe a bit longer.

    You either build him for shield and burst or autos. Thats no different than other supports like Raiden where EM raiden is "weak" except for HB vs hyper carry.

    Zhongli should never be given trash artis and just loaded up on HP.

  5. Honestly they should’ve made him a claymore character, claymores are also the only weapon that can destroy mine rocks easily , plus they could’ve gave him explosive damage to his normal/charge attack similar to itto and shield similar to noelle, maybe give him a different outfit and more muscles and the claymore would prob match his outfit

  6. Ah yes, John Lee, the unit that makes the gameplay even more braindead but at the same time, does way less damage and utility than Thomas, an inferior shielder compared to him but actually is one of the major key players in burgeon teams for his burst has a coordinated attack and shield refresh mechanic(no matter how low the shield strength is, due to the nature of shields, shields completely prevent staggering which is way more important than not taking damage, like I would rather take damage but not get flung by enemies like a beach volleyball than be immortal but getting destroyed like a tennis ball cuz there's workaround for taking damage like healing or i-frames but there's literally nothing you can do once you become the enemies' soccer ball and there's no aerial recovery like in kh2 where you recover in the air after you get hit by heavy attacks).

    Also John Lee and the other geo units are just screwed by their own element with dog water synergies and elemental reactions and force you to play mono geo but mono geo isn't good enough to clear this abyss cycle unless you made your itto and gorou to c6 and r5 red horn and that is so expensive that you can buy all the c0 meta units for half the price. One Hu Tao team back then was double geo, but thanks to yelan and 3.0 hydro resonance, double hydro kicked double geo to the shadow realm

  7. Nice video, I didnt get zhongli even back when he was very popular because invalidating the dodging mechanic will make the game less fun for me. Plus, if I wanted to be invincible, I could always use both xingqiu and beidou stacking dmg reduction along with prototype amber on a catalyst user.
    Anyway, there doesnt seem to be enough upsides said about zhongli which makes me feel bad so here is my argument:
    1. Geo getting rid of elemental auras actually has one usage and that is to lower the 2U pyro burning aura a bit less so a 1U hydro aura can both get rid of that pyro aura and react with dendro underneath to make a dendro core with enough dendro left to make another 2 more dendro cores with 2 other instances of 1U hydro. Otherwise, that 1U hydro will just get rid of the 2U pyro burning aura without interacting with the dendro so less dendro cores.
    2. Millelith is bad on him because cannot reposition his pillar when doing hold E a second time so have to use tap E which is a waste of time. Thus, archaic petra set to buff double hydro in a hu tao team. Or, instructor set to buff that team and all other dendro teams. The 4 star stats on instructor doesnt really matter on zhongli as his shield is already very durable. These set with addition of 20% res shred are quite nice.
    3. Zhongli ult is 4U of geo so can shred the 4 element shields quite quickly.
    4. If a certain main dps unit is very frail so needs a shield. Zhongli is very important like for xiao and yoimiya.
    My counterargument for those above points:
    1. Beidou can do the same thing with additional overloads in burgeon teams.
    2. Hmm, doesnt have much alternative as zhongli unconditional 20% res shred is really good. I guess if there is already a sustain like kuki in hyperbloom, a dps unit is better than zhongli.
    3. Other units have good element shredding but nice to know zhongli is quite good in this department so a bit of upside.
    4. The fact that those characters needs zhongli means the team dps is weaker.
    In conclusion, zhongli is still a decent unit in spiral abyss, particularly good in hu tao and burgeon teams (if thoma is not there so can use c6 bennett or klee or other pyro units for burgeon)

  8. I haven't used zhongli for almost 2 years now, I really like him in the story, but that doesn't change the fact that his kit and element are bad, unfortunately, it's not even fun to play him

  9. Kit wise, I think Noelle is better (particularly at c6). Since she shields and heals, enemies like the rift hounds aren't a problem. Her burst deals AOE geo damage that can have 100% uptime. She's basically a cross between Zhongli and Itto.

    With that said, I really like Zhongli's character. He's just boring to play.

  10. I gave it a chance because I want to see other peoples perspective but this is video is idiotic, He spend most of the time arguing to himself that the good things Zl provide is a bad thing. Unbreakable shield that makes you immortal and shred def is bad because it encourages you not to dodge and not spend stamina? Bruh what? Hahaha Not a good video

  11. Well….ok. I really like Morax as a character (lore & design) and playble unit. And here is why: He don't need team. He's team for himself. I mean I have him C6: he attack, he protect (actually use his shield for phys res and Vortex passive), he heals and debaffs everything.
    And also I enjoy Geo's philosophy about independence. Any other elements don't have this but Geo has and imo this cool. The problem is that Archaic Petra doesn't work in monogeo teams and Hoyo forgot about geo too(just like with phys).
    And you right he's a good driver in many teams cause of his fast attack animations.
    P.s. Are we again in 1.1?
    Nothing new. What a dissapointing video…

  12. Zhongli would be so much better if his own shield pulsated geo just like his pillars. Would make him an excellent archaic petra driver support.

  13. I mean I wouldn't say Zhongli's bad, he's consistently in the top 10 abyss usage rate for a reason. Especially now with the abyss content and enemies like the consecrated beasts getting more and more aggressive or the cryo heralds sapping stamina so you can't dodge having a reliable shield is extremely useful for most players who don't have perfect dodging skills. Also idk as a burnt-out archon in his retirement era his kit designed being untouchable and chill is very fitting imo.

    Geo is a very neglected and underdeveloped element right now but then again we haven't had a new geo character since all the way back in 2.4 with Yun Jin. Plus EM/Dendro is the focus right now which is heavily tied to ICD but I think a lot of people don't talk enough about how raw damage comps like Geo, Freeze, and yes Physical (also underdeveloped) are not restricted by ICD and those team archetypes have been mostly been neglected the entirety of Sumeru.

  14. Just imagine if zhongli was a dps idk man what if he got geo infusion on using brust or increased the party members DMG or there spd / atk etc anything but yellow numbered freeze i really wish he could do something better than use skill swapout & that's his gameplay. Did he really win archon war just like that just using shield & standing there & enemies got tired of not able to break the shield then gave up wow what a way to win archon war man what a great strategy geo in a whole needs rework

  15. I agree that Geo should have had better reactions, but I respectfully disagree that its the most useless/weakest element from my personal experience. When it comes to elemental Resonance setups, Geo has been the most consistently strongest formula in my arsenal. Great video content anyway.

  16. I feel like him being Geo is a way to balance him with other shielders, I mean others have some utility outside of shielding while he has the best shield in the game but that's it

  17. Disclaimer: I love Zhongli. He was one of the reasons I started playing GI almost 3 years ago. So it’s not easy to hear negative things but you do have good points.

    Zhongli is the bedrock. Always there keeping you safe. It suits his character and story. He was the Archon of war but is now retired, more interested in preserving than destroying. (It’s difficult to separate the kit from the character.)

    Personally don’t mind his kit so much. Most of the problems could be fixed by upgrading geo.

    Geo as an element has been so neglected that it’s a crime. Crystallise could be so much more interesting. Maybe they could explode after time like blooms or infuse geo or something. Anything.
    Albedo is another favourite who could greatly benefit from a re-imagined crystallise.

    I’m secretly hoping Fontaine will bring some new life to geo. Like dendro boosting all electro characters. Maybe copium but what else is there for geo 😅

    Btw I would have never thought the day would come when I hear someone say Thoma is better than Zhongli. Poor Thoma. He was ranked below Xinyan before dendro 😂


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