Yunjin Looks Like she COULD be RIDICULOUSLY Broken | Normal Attack Support GOD? | Genshin Impact

For those of you interested in the MATH:
Based on The Xinqiu Cinnabar Spindle Test
((ATK * Skill Damage * Yoimiya) + YunDef * Yunskill)) * Cdmg * Bonus Damage * EM * Resistance Shred * Def Stuff
Could change but seems like how it’ll be

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24 thoughts on “Yunjin Looks Like she COULD be RIDICULOUSLY Broken | Normal Attack Support GOD? | Genshin Impact”

  1. For those of you interested in the MATH:
    Based on The Xinqiu Cinnabar Spindle Test
    ((ATK * Skill Damage * Yoimiya) + YunDef * Yunskill)) * Cdmg * Bonus Damage * EM * Resistance Shred * Def Stuff

    All this is subject to change cuz not released but; could be really really broken.

  2. I don't think Yunjin can reach 3k defense stat as easily as Albedo bc there's still no Def substat polearm and I don't think she can proc full effect of 4pc husk as good as him.

  3. I'm gonna dust my baby boy Razor and take him for a spin with Yun Jin, Diona, and Zhongli. He's already using The Unforged so the added geo resonance will be even better for him


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