You won’t believe how my Genshin Impact summons went…I DON’T LOSE 50/50’S HERE!!!
I’m an official Genshin Impact Partner and I stream over on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and witness the madness!
Edited by TurtlMunk:
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#genshinimpact #Doro44 #Genshin
I hope you enjoyed the video! I think the only possible explanation is my hoodie and I cant wash it now lol Let me know in comments what wishing ritual you use!
You’re now one of my favorite genshin content creator. You’re up there with Atsu, Tuonto, Dish, and Ant
I wanna experience that double 5*
hopefully with my raiden pulls
Ok doro i have seen your holly luck. Im coming to you when yallan is geting rerun
I got smacked in the face with Yae AND her weapon RANDOMLY so I'm just saying December is her month???? idek how this happened so AIGHT SHE GETTIN MAXXED OUT NOW BYEEE (also gorgeous dancing creature in tha back made me smile so much)
Hey, I'm a little bit new to the game (like less than a year), and I was wondering how you calculated pity? Cause you're sitting there counting it and I'm just sitting here like "uh…. Yeah…" Lmaoo
I need this luck so bad…
man when will that luck come for me….
Man it's crazy, I'm playing since the release of the game and I've never got 2 5* a single time.. but I keep seeing people getting it i'm gonna cry
These pulls were awesome tho!
I won my first 50/50 with Miko at 50 pity

can anyone give please primogeme I really want raiden
UID 747826595
Your heart must be pure brother I have no other explanation for your insane luck
I need doro to wish for my raiden I want c2 haha have like 250 wishes currently

doro if only i have a fraction of this luck with scara..
12:40 The exact same thing happened to me on the Kazuha banner and I was in vc with a friend, Jean popped up first and I had no more fates I was so sad and my friend said keep going and next slide was Kazuha
My jaw dropped for the last one, congrats to all! (I wish I could get a double 5 star one day T_T)
Yae so nice, she came home twice!
luck = god
Please tell me you love Persona 5 cuz I hear Persona 5 music
Bet everyone will ask Doro to pull Scara for them
Dang so lucky.
The fact that I've never went past 4 pity for my past 8 chars (2 5 stars
Damn. Doro. You’re so lucky. Please pull for me.
DUUUUUDEEE! Prolly the best wishing session I've watched!
Give me that luck for this ayato banner lol. I always love the vibe and energy of your videos btw. More blessings for you too! 
Luka Doncic the Archon of pulls
Genshin playing favorites .. smh
aranara language killed me


Bruh, I want you to pull for Raiden I'm my account
with that luck
Doro ???? Are we loving yea now??
How do i take part for doro to do summons for me……..i would like him to wear the hoddie and bring the rat to get me itto
4:50 bro the pity is so similar to mine, i thought its was my account
These pulls were amazing. Congrats to the users.
Bro cmon I lost my 50/50 yesterday while this man is terrorizing hoyoverse and the game itself
I have never seen better summoning sessions in my fucking life o my god pull for me.
Congrats on early Childe QwQ
Hope Doro will pull for my account and share his luck with me.
Aranara language

Yae Miko showing up for her fans!! My girlfriend just started playing, and she got Yae Miko early (like pity 40??) as her very first 5-star, and then got her AGAIN 17 PULLS LATER. I swear to god. I was absolutely FLOORED.
Meanwhile Childe made me go to pity, get Keqing, and then go to pity AGAIN to finally get him
He's so mean.
Congratulations for all the pulls!
Welp.I got tighnari on CHILDES banner…
I mean i love tighnari but like..-
mans used up his remaining luck for the entire year XD
Omg doro your energy is just everything
so glad I found you during the wings event few months back 
I got childe bow in 1 pull wish 0 pity O-O
I remember when u get about only 20k subs and i got addicted to your vids