You should try these teams! | My Top 5 Teams in Genshin Impact

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0:00 Intro
0:25 Team 1
2:56 Team 2
4:19 Team 3
7:20 Team 4
12:39 Team 5
16:46 Team 6
21:03 Team 7
29:20 Closing thoughts
30:15 Outro


49 thoughts on “You should try these teams! | My Top 5 Teams in Genshin Impact”

  1. I like that Zajef's favorite teams are one that require that he swaps a lot and have complex rotations. I'm the exact opposite. The simpler, the better. All of my favorite teams are…

    Char 1 EQ > Swap > Char 2 EQ > Swap > Char 3 EQ > Swap > Char 4 EQ N5 or C1.

    And, even more than that, I'm not a person who is super concerned with meta. That's not to say that I don't use meta teams or archetypes, but the characters I use are rarely chosen because they're good, but more because how simple they make the game… or how much I love the character. For example, in Vape, I use Yoi. Why? First, I love Yoi and hate Hu Tao. She's in my top 5 favorite characters in Genshin, but she also make Vape a left click simulator, which is so nice. With Hu Tao, you need to Charged Attack and jump cancel to optimize the time of your buff. With Yoi, the most you have to do is occassionally dash forward so you don't get too far away from the enemy. It's so nice. And her rotation is braindead.

    C2 Zhongli Q or hE> Swap > SacSword Xingqiu EQE N1 > Swap > Yelan EQ > Swap > Yoi E N5 (x3)

    No thought, just one character, boom, next character, boom, next, next…

    Neuvilette has made this even easier since, of all his teams, Hyperbloom has been my favorite. Just Raiden E, Furina EQ, C1 Baizhu EQE, Neuvie E C1 Q C1 (x2). And because both he and a 1000 EM-fueled Raiden do so much damage, I haven't had to really put much effort into Abyss since Neuvie released. I'm 35 star Abyss with no issues other than I don't know how to fight the triangle robot boss thing. He goes invisible and I don't know how to deal with it. It eats up too much time. I don't really care though. I don't really like Abyss outside of freemos. It's not good content.

  2. favorite team rn is Tighnari, Kuki, Nahida Proto Amber, Furina.
    was excited to finally have a hydro unit on my account to enable hyper bloom with tighnari and I wasn’t expecting anything too crazy but it ended up blowing my expectations out of the water. the damage is huge. I was able to 1 phase raiden boss, before she could transform.

  3. My favourite thing about Tighnari has been his teams haven't been desperately fighting with everyone else for Furina, but in the end even he falls prey to the Hydro Archon…

    I've been enjoying Tighnari/Fischl/Baizhu with trying out a bunch of different options for the 4th. Not really found anyone I fully like, Beidou or Sucrose are the best but there's just something missing with either of them. All the comments on this video making me want to roll for Yae tho.

  4. My favorite team overall is Noelle Hypercarry. I played it before with Gorou, Albedo and Yun Jin but with Furina it got super charged. Just cleaving through multiple enemies with her giant attacks never stops feeling fun.

    My other favorite teams as of late have been Retriburgeon (Diluc, Baizhu, Xingqiu, Furina) and my premium version of Nilou Bloom (Nilou, Baizhu, Kokomi, Nahida). I just want things to explode.

  5. I'm a little confused at Zajeff77's comment at 4:30 about Neuvillette's teams. Specifically, that his buffs expire on him. You can run Neuvillette and still have full uptime on VV buff. Just swap to your anemo unit during your rotation and reset your VV buff. I don't where he's coming from.

    In fact, there's a rotation out there that allows all three Neuvillette Charged Attacks under both Furina's Burst and Kazuha's Viridescent Venerer. Look up "Neuvillette Furina Kazuha Charlotte 3CA 23s Rotation".

  6. For me there should be at least one character in the team that I actually love and care about, so I run Childe International, Kuki Hyperbloom (either with Al-Haitham or Yelan) and Wriothesley Freeze (or melt) with Kaeya the most because they are my favourite units, I also enjoy Beidou (Taser, Aggravate, Double electro hyperbloom). I really like Dehya, Itto and Navia too, but it's always XIANGLING BENNETT with them for Abyss. For my second acc I have Neuvillette hyperbloom (with 3 archons), Ayato National, Ganyu Kokomi Rosaria freeze, and sometimes Nilou Bloom to shake things up and because they are braindead to play (well, most teams in Genshin are) and do not require a lot of investment (I rarely farm artifacts there), sometimes can be Mono Hydro with Furina.

  7. Ning-Zhong-Furina-Jean

    i use this team for my Ningguang hypercarry with Furina. and it is super viable in the Abyss. helps me get perfect stars.

    – Festering Desire weapon or the free in-game Fontaine pipe sword. Furina needs an ER weapon.
    – give her 4pc Golden Troupe (hp-hp-crit) or (hp-hp-hp)
    – talent priority: 1.Skill; 2.Burst; 3. No need to level up Normal Attack

    NINGGUANG on field DPS
    – 4pc Archaic Petra (atk-geo-crit). she will pick up hydro crystallize shards to boost the off-field hydro dmg of Furina.
    – talent priority: 1.Normal Attack and Burst; 2.Skill

    – 4pc Noblesse for team atk buff (hp-hp-crit)
    – Black Tassel weapon
    – he will provide reliable shields for Ningguang, and for full use of Geo Resonance too.
    – talent priority: 1.Skill; 2.Burst; 3. No need to level up Normal Attack

    – 4pc Viridescent (ER-atk-atk). Jean’s healing scales off Atk, so make sure she has lots of Atk.
    – Furina needs a teamwide healer. Jean is perfect for this team.
    – she will carry 4pc Viridescent and will reduce enemy resistance to Hydro
    – give her Fav Sword to get her burst ready faster every rotation. make sure artifact substats has enough Crit Rate so Fav Sword can give you extra energy particles.
    – talent priority: 1.Burst; 2.Skill; 3. No need to level up Normal Attack

    What this team does is hyper-augmenting Hydro dmg by Furina because Ningguang Hypercarry is equipped with 4pc Archaic Petra in conjunction with Jean carrying 4pc Viridescent. Combining the 4pc effects of Archaic Petra + Viridescent is super powerful for Furina’s off-field Hydro dmg. Furina’s Burst boost Ningguang’s dmg and Zhongli augments Ningguang’s Geo dmg through Geo Resonance while providing shield so Ningguang can dish out amazing dmg without being interrupted. Jean is the perfect healer for this team. Every party member of this team synergizes extremely well with each other.

    ROTATION would be:
    1. Zhongli Skill
    2. Furina Skill, and then Burst
    3. Jean Skill to Swirl Hydro
    4. Ning Skill & Normal Attack to pick up Hydro Crystallize Shard
    5. Ning pass thru Jade Screen
    6. Ning Burst
    7. Zhongli Burst
    8. Jean Skill, and then Burst to heal entire party
    9. Repeat from the top

    You don’t have to strictly follow the steps. But just always remember to Swirl Hydro with Jean, and Ningguang has to pick up Hydro shards while she is on-field.

  8. Honestly having Furina C2 gave back my love for Eula and make her feel so much stronger it feels like she is meta. Still my favorite carry since her release, I don't know why but I do not get bored of her due to her animations and flow that makes is so satisfying every time, the only thing that prevented me from enjoying her was how weak she felt compare to easier to use carries.

    Eula Raiden Furina Jean make me love her team again and I love that I pulled Furina C2 for that.

  9. Some of the teams I've been having fun with recently are some wacky Furina teams that I've been testing with:

    An Anemo/Hydro team, consisting of Furina+Jean and then 1 other anemo and hydro (For example, Heizou or Lynette, Furina, Xingqiu or Yelan, and Jean). I like playing Heizou, but he never worked that well with my current available characters outside of Taser, so having Furina buffing him and the team, and not relying on Bennett only anymore is a god's blessing. Same goes to Lynette. I like her desing, and I think her numbers are pretty respectable for a C0 Lynette to do in this team. I'm C3 Jean currently, so I'm kind of hoping that I get another Jean if I lose a 50/50, because having those 40% Anemo resist shred with her C4 would be pretty cool in these teams, since my Faruzan is still C1 e.e

    A Noelle team with Furina, since Noelle can heal quite a good amount. I've never been a huge fan of Noelle and Geo teams in general (Maybe due to my lack of constelations and characters), but this one is pretty fun actually (Something like Noelle, Furina, Yelan or another "Flex", and Yun Jin. Maybe a triple geo or full geo with gorou c6 and albedo could be fun, but I don't have those XD). It's basically a team that you can't really die on, due to there being quite a lot of sustain with constant damage and healing going on for a good period of time.

    And wait for it… An EULA team (Yeah, I know, crazy stuff). I personally like playing Eula, but I know the cons of playing her. She's pretty clunky and ER hungry, while also needing to have a good amount of crit ratios and all of that good stuff… Not to mention that she needs good supports to make her dmg worth having her nowadays, due to the game lacking physical content. Her ER needs are mostly what gatekeeps me from playing her in different team comps more often. That's why I was having fun and experimenting with some teams, and what made me have more fun nowadays with her was something around using Eula, Bennett (Because I don't have C6 Mika nor good spare noblesse artifacts for him, otherwise he could be a reliable option as a healer to pair with Furina), Raiden (For the superconduct and the Ult to regen particles) and Furina. After I got Furina, I got to squeeze a bit more dmg from Eula, and I'm pretty satisfied with the current results, despite still wanting a C6 Mika, for example. But you know, we always have Eula HyperBloom if we need to resort to those sort of teams XD.

    But Eula's team is basically a flex for whatever physical teams I want to do. I also like Xinyan, but I know for damn sure how bad she is XD. However, I could get some respectable numbers coming from her ultimate using Furina+Jean, and I'm honestly pretty satisfied with the results (Not that I would take it to abyss, because Physical teams are already bad enough, so imagine taking a freaking Xinyan team there XD). I have C4 Xinyan, so it helps a bit with having those Physical RES shred and the double crit rate Burst, which can bring her dmg a bit higher. C5 would be good, but C6 isn't that big of a deal to me, so I'm okay with C4 honestly.

    Other than that, I would like to test a Dehya and Furina team, but I sadly don't have Dehya to do that, so I'll have to wait until the game decides to give me one XD. I love Dehya as a character, but I also know how bad her numbers are. If Furina could bring her dmg a bit higher, I would actually be satisfied with it.

    Lately I've been having fun building these "bad" or "Old" characters, and that's what makes me keep playing this game, honestly. Sure, pulling for a new good character is always nice, but trying to make something work is really satisfying to me. I've built a Klee team using Furina as well, and the results actually surprised me, despite me hating how clunky Klee feels to play XD. If you have Yelan, Jean and Furina, I would honestly recommend for people to try some characters with them, because I sure had lots of fun visiting these older and bad characters and either be completely disappointed in them, or be actually surprised by how more reliable they are (Not "good" or "perfect", but they still had improvements). Furina, alongside with Nahida and Kazuha are the characters I would personally say that are "must haves". They make stuff that didn't work before and make them either good, or at least usable. Kazuha is here because he's absolutely a "must pull" for overworld Exploration, as well as for providing good support for the team. But that's my opinion, of course. Heck, maybe if I wasn't too shy, I would make a video explaining everything, instead of making this absolute thread of a comment, but oh well XD.

    tl;dr is: Furina made my account great again, and made my Jean have purpose in multiple teams. Also, play whatever you want, if it is fun to you. Furina also made me come back to playing the game consistently, because I was feeling pretty frustrated and burntout of the game before pulling her. I wouldn't say she's the best character, but she brings a LOT of benefits in my opinion. If you already 36 star'd abyss before, she brings new enjoyment with some different teams, while also bringing good support. If you have never 36 star'd abyss before, she COULD bring some benefits to you, but I would recomment investing a bit in some units that you probably have in your account and maybe neglect. But if you don't care about abyss or meta stuff and just want to have fun, then go out there and kill those pesky hilichurls with whatever you want 🙂

  10. Yoimia overburn/burgeon/soup is my go-to comfy team. I usually go with Yoimia/Raiden(Kuki)/Kirara(Baizhu)/Xingqiu(Yelan).
    It has good coverage for just about anything overworld and most single target Abyss floors. The rotations are simple and can be mixed up, plus it actually uses Yoimia's burst in a way that feels impactful.

  11. my top teams are:
    nahida yelan kuki beidou
    suc xq xiang bennet
    neuvi furina kazuha baizhu/can use charlo instead baizhu too but i pref my baizhu cuz hes build is better and charlo is c0
    keqing fischl kazuha baizhu

    now im targeting two teams for the future: mono pyro with lyney and a nilou bloom team with kokomi driver

  12. Regarding the thundering furry team, if i have artis with a lot of crit substats, will that make the em swords along with crit circlet a better/viable option?

    I.e. em/em/em/crit. With a decent enough atk + crit subs?

  13. As one of the og razor mains, i havent used him for a while but since hearing about this team i’ve found new hope for him. Now all i need is to c6 my bennett which im scared for lmao. (Also rational is my fav team so i feel it’s kinda the same unga bunga type shit)

  14. First team: I don't have 2 of the required characters which is a shame.
    Second team: Funny enough I stopped using Raiden for hyperbloom after leveling up Kuki, otherwise I would switch one of the hydro characters with Zhongli although it wouldn't be a double hydro team anymore😅
    Third team: I tried using xiangling instead of Dehya but it didn't feel nice tbh, but this team does look good once you have Dehya.
    Forth team: I like how there are so many variations for Taser team, but for some reason I never used the Sucrose version, partially because I did not build her as I didn't find her useful aside from damage per screenshot content back in the early patches. 😂
    Fifth team: I enjoy this team but I hope we have more characters that can be used here.
    Sixth team: Ngl, I started building Sucrose just to try this.
    Seventh team: But of course, we can't forget to nominate Razor boy🤣
    Good options of teams to be honest. Now if only I can access the first three.

  15. i love it every time you shoutout thundering furry– i remember when it broke containment and found its way to the japanese side of the genshin community, they called it 'rainbow razor' which is incredibly cute

  16. also u can start with razor tap E for… u gain a lot of ER…. so when swaping to him u do E again and Q… and if i umderstamd correctly… the Er buff dosen't go away nefore u catch the particles… i might be wrong tho

  17. For the longest period on my account my go to team was Eula Beidou Rosaria Jean. That was (and still are) not a minmax team but a full kit of specific instruments which complement each other just like different weapons in Devil May Cry do. I dont need to dash out or run away from Magu Kenki's cast when i can parry it with my Beidou. I dont need to waste my stamina run all over arena for that teleporting Ruin Cruiser when i can use Rosaria's E to teleport to it. I dont need to worry about Sacrificial beasts or any other enemy that apply status effect on my characters when i can lay out dandelion field from my Jean which swirls it off. And i dont need to worry about being interrupted while im doing my 7 sec dance with Eula cuz i have Beidou ult on me and with addition of Jean's ult i dont need to worry about incoming damage as well cuz Eula's e + Beidou damage resistance + Jean's heal = unkillable dancer of destruction.
    P.S. Im klinda miss that team cuz Raiden took Jean in her team (Raiden Sara Mona Jean) and right now im finding out on practice that Mika has not enough heal to keep all above 90% hp in Eula Raiden Furina Mika team. Т_Т

  18. I like to play a lot Geo Taser since the introduction of Furina 🙂
    Noelle – Furina – Beidou – Raiden, where i use Raiden E as electro off-field damage while Noelle bring back to full hp the teammates after Furina Q (everyone full hp aside Furina) and when she did that i launch Raiden Q to benefit from Furina max Fanfare stacks (i have Furina C2), do a bunch of damage and have all my burst back for another rotation 🙂 It's fun and i see it as a two on-fielders team somehow ahah
    Gonna use Thundering Furry for sure as it is quite a while i wanna test it out

  19. my fav teams
    – Diluc/Xiangling/Bennett/Sucrose
    – Diluc/Ayaka/Mona/Ganyu
    – Dehya/Xiangling/Bennett/Sucrose
    – Dehya/Ganyu/Bennett/Rosaria
    – Dehya/Furina/Ayato/Bennett
    – Alhaitham/Yelan/Shinobu/Nahida

  20. a team that i tried out (that got 36 stars believe it or not) is a full hydro team with Ayato, Barbara, Xingqiu and Furina. VV Jean would strictly be better than Tenacity Barbara in this team but I wanted to go full hydro and Jean felt like cheating. The basic premise is you just drown the enemy with Ayato and Xingqiu on Fanfare steroids. I would use Neuvi instead of Ayato, but he doesn't proc Xingqiu swords


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