You Can't Buff Electro | Genshin Impact

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Oh damn, here we go again.

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35 thoughts on “You Can't Buff Electro | Genshin Impact”

  1. “Utility” me trying to keep up with the enemy as they are thrown miles away by overload : ok , My problem with electro is how less it does for itself u could say it’s support but even when it comes to support capabillies it only really helps phys it’s like in a middle line where it’s not good for damage and not good for support either cryo, pyro and hydro are arguably better as support elements because of the insane amount of damages they can give if they have good off field application.

  2. I don't really want electro to reach the level of pyro damage, all I want is for electro to do something, useful man. superconduct only really benefits like 2 characters in the game ( EULA and Razor). Overload knocks enemies back so characters like keqing who relies on stamina pretty much lose damage over time while fighting groups of enemies. If overload did a huge amount of damage to make up for this drawback like being able to crit as an example I think the knockback would be fine. Electro charge is decent but since it cant crit its damage is lacking while not making up for it in utility, maybe if it stunned it would be way better. Electro resonance doesn't really do much to the point where running 2 electro characters is a waste ( unless you need a battery). So long story short electro wants to be a support element yet in most cases ruins other team comps with its bad reactions. Since electro isn't the "damage dealing" element it should have something appealing to make up for the missing damage numbers otherwise the element would be useless. Electro doesn't do this / doesn't do it well enough which is bad game design in my opinion.

  3. I don't believe every element needs to be very good at the same thing… I think it's way better for each element to have its own niche something it execels at more than the others.
    I will explain what I believe every elements personally to be. In a rant electro is the last one

    Pyro: Completely damage oriented, from it's reactions, to it's resonance, and even it's characters. After all fire hurts things right?

    Geo: Almost the polar opposite as Geo's thing is less about big numbers and hurting things but it's about protecting you it's reactions create sheilds, and it's resonance buffs every sheild and Geo demage itself. It's fucking rocks they are though I guess

    Cryo: Revolves around crit overall buffing others as well it's reactions are better when they are not the one doing the big numbers and freeze can allow you (with certain builds) to stack very little on crt rate. Plus it's also among the 2 only viable sources of phisical dps.

    Hydro: is a tad harder but it's a very support oriented element its almost never the one doing the damage (except for childe) it's healing resinence solidifies it as a support role .water is usually tied with healing.

    Anemo: is also a supportive element swirl allows for damage with reactions Wich won't require crt or attack it allows a lot of freedom as you can make big numbers with anemo alone use EM for the reactions or even enable other characters.
    it's resonance buffs move speed wich makes sense I guess, I mean wind is usually tied with freedom

    And finally electro: it should in mind focus on support and bursts of energy supplying others with energy and quick damage. But I don't think it does it well… It's resinence is by far the barley does anything. Furthermore it's reactions end up injuring you instead of helping a lot of the times (overload) and does nothing to buff itself (the physical one) supercharged is not very noticeable and you are usually better of parying hydro with literally anything else. In the energy department it's not even that good because of its resinence. To buff electro I think it should simply solidify its job as a battery improving the energy gain from the resinence. And helping the element itself dish out more damage by making it so it can shred electy res as well. Overload could simply trow enemies up instead of away or maybe just paralyze them for a while resetting their moves idk. Superconduct is mostly fine as well but maybe an increase in it's damage or utility could be nice.
    After electricity is usually in my head energy bursts of power followed by silence like a thunder (right)?

  4. I think electrocharged is fine, especially with an anemo support against a bunch of enemies. Overloaded should either get reduced knockback or a higher base damage… or both. Then it'd be super good. Superconduct needs to debuff enemy elemental and physical def. And yah, resonance getting the 20% ele recharge is very reasonable. I'd like to see it give white particles and not just electro particles, too.

  5. Here’s how I would fix/buff electro and it wouldn’t be game breaking:

    1: Change the resonance so that instead of get a particle every 5 secs to 15% or 25% ER.

    2: Make it so that electro charged has strong jolt causing a lot of stagger/stunning to enemies that holds them in place. Jolt would be no different than the freeze mechanic.

    3: Make overload simply explode and juggle enemies in place vs sending them flying all over the place. Overload’s dmg should be comparable to both melt and vaporize. Think about it, electricity is one of if not the most powerful/hazardous elements in existence. Couple that with fire causing EXPLOSIONS. Why would it not offer up big dmg numbers similar to melt and vaporize?

    4: Super conduct is fine as is. The phys defense shred is fine. If anyone else can think of an improvement then by all means share.

    On a personal note, Mihoyo needs to put back the synergy between Baal, Beidou and electro traveler. Makes absolutely no sense for that to have been removed.

  6. I'd say like 25% er is good + current passive.
    Also I'd love to see resonance give more if you have more than 2 so like
    A full team of electro would give 45% er or full pyro sould give 35% atk, etc etc

  7. So I am not experienced with the game enough (started during Ayaka banner) nor good enough at theorycrafting to say what it should be exactly, but I can think of a good way to buff Electro in the future.

    Give Electro a powerful reaction with Dendro. You're not stepping on the toes of any existing compositions, nor necessarily trespassing into any other element's identity BUT you would potentially open up a lot of team options where Electro characters could really shine.

  8. everyone talking about electro resonance needs a buff, but no one talking about hydro resonance.

    ik hydro element is already op, but come on. some of the resonance needs a buff/rework

  9. RedFlaims video about electro buffs really explains why electro as it is now is fundamentally inefficient at damage, it’s all about the icd and other internal mechanics and whatnot
    I really just want to use electro and not feel like I’m gimping my damage by not using melt and vape

  10. I don't understand your point in dmg perspective. Anyways, buff can be utility wise and some rework for reactions like Overload launching enemies away to launching enemies upwards can be better and electro charged can have a ramping damage like consecutive hits can increase dmg per each hit. Obviously resonance should be something else. These are the things I think would be good.

  11. I've been using the resonance to generate extra energy until I noticed that it doesn't generate on swirls. All this time, my Raiden, Sara, Kazuha, Jean team was basically just using anemo resonance. If only we have a hydro healer that can deal burst dmg…

  12. This change to electro resonance would also resolve the detail that it goes from mostly useless to completely useless in a mono electro team (all the other elements still get their effects in a mono team) and in an Electro/Anemo/Geo team, since it's only the three effect elements, rather than swirl or crystalize.

  13. I honestly think there are several changes that could work for reactions.

    Overload: It shouldn't do knock back, but instead just knock enemies over/stun them, like claymores. Let them crit and maybe increase the AoE a bit. That's all it would need. Right now overload is pretty much useless with only a hand full of characters (like Yanfei) even being able to properly use it at all. Another possibility would be to make it so that overload applies pyro on close by enemies, allowing for an "infinite" overload chain.

    Superconduct: As good as this is for physical characters, it's completely useless for electro characters. IRL superconducting makes it so that electricity can pass through an object easier, literally reducing resistance to electricity, so why not have it lower electro resistance in the game, even if by only half of the Phys Res reduction.

    Electrocharge: This one I am not sure about, since it's damage output is incredibly team dependant. It can range from abysmal to amazing. I feel like what we really need is a character that can apply AoE hydro while off field or allow it to hit enemies that aren't affected by hydro.

    Resonance: Yeah, a flat 20-40% ER stat would be one of the best things to do.

    Right now the issue with electro reactions isn't how bad they are (I mean, it is, but that's not the biggest issue), but how little they do for electro.

    What do I mean by that? Opponents that will naturally trigger overload (like Pyro Slimes) won't be affected by it. Same goes for Superconduct. You also need to chase down your opponents, which is just awful for any character that isn't using a bow or catalyst. (and even then it's bad)

    Superconduct doesn't help electro at all. All it does is deal abysmally low damage. So unless you play Razor/Phys Keqing it's not going to be viable enough to justify putting a cryo character in the team.

    Electrocharged only triggers on enemies affected by hydro. So while you need lots and constant hydro application over a large area, you only need a single electro hit to trigger all of them, making it only really viable with hydro main DPS characters like Childe.

  14. Everyone wants a change to the resonance, but i feel like resonance buffs werent that good for geo. It is strong, but geo went from being the worst element in the game to remaining the worst element in the game. As the second worst element, a resonance buff to electro would not let it be competitive with pyro, cryo, or hydro units. Electro needs electro units that are strong with good modifiers or electro units that enable electro carries, imo. Right now, electro is somewhat competitive because beidou exists. We thought baal could enable beidou to make electro competitive with meta teams, but she cant. Electro characters need to be strong, rather than the element itself being strong.

  15. The real thing electro needs a is a proper roster, more physical units for superconduct (or making superconduct shred other resistances), more hydro units for EC comps, more hydro (EC) and shielded enemies (overload), more anemo units for full em teams

    The only units that work fairly well with electro are Kazuha, Sucrose, Tartaglia and Xingqiu, Then Venti and and Eula to a lesser extent

    Also resonance buff, still I'd choose hydro resonance buff over Electro because is utter garbage

  16. I feel like we might see the reactions rebalanced in a new way once we have Dendro. I would like to see electro utility increase if we aren't going to up electro damage. Maybe electro resonance protects us from taking electorcharged damage triggered by us. But I think if it gets any sort of buff it'll be when dendro comes out.

  17. Personally I think the current electro resonance should still have the same effect and on top of that add when you gain a energy particle through this way or just in general you will get a 15% energy recharge bonus, 15% electro damage bonus, and a 15% electro reaction bonus. Cannot be stacked multiple times. Or something off those lines

  18. Honestly just thinking they need to tweak how far enemies fly with overload. That and maybe make it so superconduct shreds elemental dmg def by just a little, 10-12% maybe less. Think this would be a nice change because of how few character can actually utilize superconduct.

  19. A flat ER buff for resonance is appropriate imo and it seems to line up quite well with the way other resonances function. As for reactions maybe increase the stager caused by overload? It would be pretty cool to see Andreus get staggered by Oz lol. I think that superconduct and electrocharged are mostly ok. Maybe a small base damage bump to electro as an element? Not totally sure on that one.

  20. Electro is weak so you could give it more damage without it being as much as Pyro. A buff doesn't have to mean it's as strong as the strongest element but could still be stronger then it currently is.

  21. Electro resonance: 20% bonus ER, generate white particles for reactions every 3 sec (or 15% burst dmg instead)

    Electro+Cryo – Remain the same (Res shred)
    Electro+Pyro – Though enemies fly back make em attract nearby enemies to fly and clump back together as well (Ranged Dps)
    Electro+Hydro – instead of dot, 15% of all dmg inflicted on 1 enemy affected by Electrocharged is applied to all enemies that are electrocharged (Crowd damage)

  22. they could just go baals deep with the utility side,

    overload knock up and not knock away
    electrocharged reduce interruption resistance
    superconduct reduces cryo/electro resist aswell or make it reduce def to a lower amount than it reduces phys def rn, like let´s say 25% reduced def instead of 50% reduced phys res

  23. You saying that they cant be changed is a bit stupid in my opinion. Even if you cant directly buff the values of the attack (which tbh you probably could. You could change how the actual reactions themselves work so they are better and more on par with the other reactions.


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