Yelan is ABSOLUTELY BROKEN (Yelan First Impression Guide) | Genshin Impact

Just some overall thoughts on Yelans design from someone who does a lot of theorycrafting. If you enjoy, like, comment, and sub 🙂



37 thoughts on “Yelan is ABSOLUTELY BROKEN (Yelan First Impression Guide) | Genshin Impact”

  1. BatChest yelan so broken I can’t wait to get her day 1 and kill every hilichurl that exists in teyvat even in celestia throwing cubes in the sky and 1 shoting them. Your chat was BatChesting so hard there.

  2. As long as her stats dont change by release, defo a pickup, this basically gives us another hydro applier i can throw onto a hu tao team, or vape team, freeing up our favorite water boi for a other team

  3. What about her particle generation? Xinqui gets his burst energy instantly full with sac sword reset, curious to see how she will work in that regard.

  4. she rly is a lot like xingqiu. being a bow user, she has access to the sacrifical or elegy bow. her skill and burst has less cost and cd compared to XQ, and not to mention is also purely hp based which is rare to see (usually its a split scale). she also gets a timed passive similar in effect to monas omen debuff.

    i swear, it sounds too good to be true. i have a bad feeling they'll nerf her +DMG% passive.

  5. Just to point out how another Liyue based character is straight up just broken. Her burst is literally Xingqiu burst but acts like Fiscls 2nd Passive Talent along side her C6 which procs per normal attack.

    Her constellation 2 lets her hydro application rival or even out beat Childes

    Her entire kit forgo Attack all you want it Hydro damage, Crit stats HP% or Energy Recharge

    Already expected this sht everytime it's a Liyue based character

    Mihoyo and the BIAS towayd Teyvats China

  6. Looking at her kit & mulitpliers idk why mihoyo decide to let her burst be used by other char despite that high af multiplier, kinda suck that she could only be main dps at c6 despite all her talent fitting the role of main dps even the NA animations is one of the best there is on the game

  7. Hutao's base atk is 100 and she does a crap tons of damage because of her HP scaling.
    I think Yelan's numbers will get nerfed especially that passive that gives her 30% extra HP if you have 4 different elements in your party + that extra 50% damage from her second passive. Like wtf… I wish Zhongli had only HP scaling it would make him so much better.

    Edit: I did some quick maths on her HP total at lvl90 with a 3 star weapon Recurve bow that has HP% substat, we don't give a crap about atk so this bow is the best free to play bow for now.

    So my total HP came to 39,965.75. The way I got to this number was her base hp(14,450) + all the hp% bonuses we get without including substats from artefact. The HP bonuses I included were 20%(Milelith 2 piece), 46.9%(Recurve bow), 46.6%(Sands of eon), 4,780(flower), 30%(for her passive).

    So on her E rank 10 she can do 16,266 RAW damage. (no crit was included, hydro bonuses, or enemy resistances hence the word RAW)
    On her ult she can do 10,514 per 3 arrows RAW damage.

    I did a for fun calc on her E with a 46.6% hydro goblet, 100% crt dmg and vape. The number was 95,383 (without including enemy resistances)

    And on her Burst she can do 61,654 per 3 arrows. Again I did not include enemy resistances.

    And before some lunatic asks why I did not include enemy resistances is because ENEMIES HAVE DIFFERENT RESISTANCE VALUES.
    There are also resistance shred you can apply to the enemy and buffs on your character and bla bla bla.

    If you have more HP based on substats you will go way above 40k hp on her with a freaking 3 star bow witch is insane.

  8. am i missing something? If you use her with hu tao then you can't use hu tao's charged attacks. when it comes to main dps characters that use normal attacks you've got yoimiya, childe and ayato. yoimiya will probably have the same issues with her that she has with xingqiu. I think she'll probably be good with ayato in taser, but i'll probably wait and see with her.


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