honestly, f2ps have a good chance, inazuma gonna provide a shit ton of primos according to some leaks, so i wouldn't worry too much, if it doesnt work, well…
Dont worry u can get her for free in honkai by wasting all your asterite on her fragmants or getting her darkboilt joinin battlesuit from the 7 day login
Other characters appearance:
Raiden – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsJcEd2rxWo&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Ayaka – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5j284vQJVc&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Yoimiya – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bpso9fJ4Sw&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Hydro cicin – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVFPlyP95f8&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Gorou – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZrwEQnQJmM&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Sara – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oLya1LoN-A&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Kokomi – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k414G8xdyc&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Tohma – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EVK6q_8vS8&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
Sayu – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlgKyF5cotQ&ab_channel=Akashi%27sImpact
I don't want anyone I want sayu only her just sayu
"FAQ You"
Holy shit lmao
But deku did get a quirk…the same will happen to us with yae,right?…
This is perfect, I was like where do I know this scene from and then it cut to Izuku's face lmao
honestly, f2ps have a good chance, inazuma gonna provide a shit ton of primos according to some leaks, so i wouldn't worry too much, if it doesnt work, well…
kidneys are overrated anyway
Me f2p farming primogens like crazy 🥲
I'm a man of focus, commitment, I can only be stepped on by Baal, and no one else.. You can't trick me
False, whales don't pity and cry for us (generally)
Lucky f2ps and those who have guaranteed: Hehehehheheheheheheeheheh…….
Its fine just make aether a chad
Me a f2p with 28400 primogems and 18 fates: Interesting
I feel she is the previous electro archon. It be hyrd to choose between her and baal
What is this about?
"Ill got"
It's funny because it's true.
Well, she 4* so probably yes
Dont worry u can get her for free in honkai by wasting all your asterite on her fragmants or getting her darkboilt joinin battlesuit from the 7 day login
This is me when im broke and have to get gems myself this video is so relatable to my life (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
Elite thumbnail
Me who's ten pulls away from pity:
Elite miko?
"Im sorry broke bro" 😂😂
shes looks very elite