Yae Miko is Getting Fixed | Genshin Impact

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46 thoughts on “Yae Miko is Getting Fixed | Genshin Impact”

  1. This is a nerf. Now you can't do triangle anymore and need to do long line. Also C2 is now a complete waste. Hoyoverse needs to do private beta in company and stop public betas.

  2. Hmm. It's still trash. I bet they would not fix her E because her constellation is too focused on it. Like how xiao's c6 lets him spam E so they made him not gain energy in Q. Also if they made a Yae elemental skill artifact c6 xiao will be able to use it

  3. If you ask me this is more of a nerf than a buff, because the randomness in her targeting made up for the lack of AoE in her skill being able to dmg multiple enemies around a single area, which really wasn’t a problem in the first place, the problem was that the skill took a good amount of field time to cast, and it didn’t really have i frames
    This new rework just makes it to where you have to worry about placement and positioning, which just makes it even more of a hassle to cast your skill if you misplaced it

  4. but one problem if she now attacks the closest character that decreases her range and aoe that she had so it might be both a nerf and a buff and if so im not happy about it and once again i hate the gi community for always bitching and getting there way it needs to stop…

  5. They are probably going to change the fact that you can use her to solve the puzzles just by putting your totems in front of the puzzles and dashing into them they’ll continuously strike without you having to solve them and give you a treasure chest

  6. Hi Valk, the way her current targetting system works is Enemy in turret range and then interactable objects.

    The prob is that unless shes C2.
    Her turrets are not able to cover large enemy camps completely. Leading to some people wondering why shes attacking torches and campfires while an enemy your fighting is still alive (its cuz their out of her turret range).

    But yeah with that out of the way. I am definitely looking forward to this change too

  7. This sounds like a nerf to me 🙁
    Her Electro application has the same ICD so if the Sakura strikes the same entity then her reaction proc would be reduced. It’ll prob nerf her Cons as well, the range extension from C2 is basically useless

  8. The problem with her targetting is mostly just with her C2. Which is complete bs, if I spent that much on a character I'd want her to work properly too. Glad some people are getting a little more of what they paid for

  9. I was a little worried when I read the title, but this is just a minor quality of life thing that’s just common sense. I’ve actually gotten used to her and learned to live with her ridiculous burst cool down and energy needs. I can’t see them “fixing” her like they did Zhongli since her problems are so different and tied directly to her constellations and not her scaling.

  10. I will like to remove her useless A4.
    It's a no brainer that yae need to be build with atk and crit for more dmg than why her passive wants you to build EM so if you go for a pure crit atk build you end up having 0 to 100 em at most which will give you 0 to 15 DMG bonus at most which is so useless it is better to have no passive than having a trash passive like this.
    She have clunky gameplay
    huge ER issue
    Can't snapshot
    Na/CA slow animation but indeed very pretty animation
    But for me it's her stupid passive which triggers me the most.

  11. While targeting the nearest thing is a good fix, that still doesn’t fix auto targeting problems if the closest thing is a campfire or a berry bush. Honestly hoyoverse if you want to keep turning out more characters that use auto targeting, the system itself needs to be fixed.

  12. making the turrets target the closest enemy is a nerf not a buff. the turrets already pritorized enemies instead of torches in range. this kills her usefulness on taser teams, plus makes her C2's extra range redundant since its only going to target the closest enemy with no chance to target anyone in the back

  13. this is a step in the right direction… i dont understand why it didnt like this to begin with.. did they not have people testing this .. i mean we found out her targeting was a huge issue the first day we got her.. and they had awhile of testing to know… that and i dont know how hard it would be to remove some targeting capability on some things like berry bushes but that would be nice too. i understand why fireplaces and torches are a thing because for instance guoba targets the nearest thing and can be used to light things that need pyro.. however this alone can break many things especially if more characters in the future will be using this same Ai targeting system

  14. is fine and fun for my mona and yanfei, but idk if i would ask a fix it should be somehting broken AF, like adding bulwark of 500% hp on the team everytime you have the 3 foxes on the field plus making the foxes do an extra hit every time you get hitted by the enemy and causes stun on the enemy… i mean something worthy the rework and not only 100 more damage, 10 less energy cost and that DS

  15. She is will still be mediocre at best even with that minute change cause the totem never prioritize non enemy targets. She will be fix if they give her a hold version of her e to just cast 3 totems at once and yes the animation lock on those dashes sucks and also the game always gets stuck when she does her ult.

  16. Other than auto-targeting, I just want to see the day that her skill animations can be reduced to like 0.5s max. I love the idea of being mobile without stamina and I just hate how limiting stamina is in games that include them. I have quite the excessive and vivid imagination, and I can already visualize what a well thought out Yae Miko, that still aligns with the original purpose of her design, would look like:
    It is the year 2022. In this parallel universe, you have just enough primogems to pull past a 50/50 and for guaranteed. The day arrives of Yae Miko's banner. You residt the temptation to pull right away, and decide to hold it off for a few days and see what other people think. Four days have past and after watching YT videos of first impressions on Yae Miko resulting in positive remarks, you feel reassured to pull for Yae Miko. You enter the game, excitement building up. You enter the banner page with Yae Miko staring at you in a way that makes you feel strange but giddy. You start off the pulling session, 40 into pity on 50/50. After an intense rolling session with only getting 3 copies of the 4* you wanted off the banner, you lose the 50/50… to a Diluc. But you didn't give up just yet. You pushed on forward, past the hurtful 4*s such as the Bell you got 2 4* pities before. Finally, yae Miko came home on soft pity.
    You came prepared to ascend her, with all her designated resources stockpiled in your inventory. After mourning for the millions of gold that has disappeared after ascending Yae to at least 80, and with talents 6 across the board since you haven't completed Raiden's 2nd Story Quest.

    You test Yae Miko out in the overworld. With one tap of the letter E on the keyboard, Yae suddenly moves behind her, but it was so fast, it was like she became Goku just to show off at the user behind the screen. You tap E again while moving forward. She swiftly moves forward, so fast that you didn't notice the 5 tails that was revealed in a quick, but just noticeable animation. You peer closely at her Skill icon, displaying to you her 3 charges already in reserve. Some urge inside you, like a gut feeling, wants you to press and hold down that E key. You do so in curiosity, and before your eyes, the kitsune shrine maiden, zips across the plains leaving a trace of something that resembles Keqing's Stilletos. Bewildered, you peer into her moveset descriptions, and notice her burst has a cost of 90. "But why?" You ask yourself. In the process of reading her talents, you discover that her 1st passive gives her a bonus 0.17% AtK for every point of EM she has. Another piece of information you find is that Yae Miko's burst has 18s cooldown. You search desperately for any cluster of overworld enemies, driven by a scientist's will to test this newfound information. Fortunately, you find a treasure hoarders camp nearby. Dashing over there with your now owned Yae Miko, you hold down the E key, and within 2 seconds, you teleported farther than any Ayaka can alternative sprint in the same amount of time. With no delay, you arrive at the camp. You eagerly press down E and spawn a triad of kitsune stilletos, of which immediately strike at the altered treasure hoarders. One strike! An electro particle flies towards you. Another strike! Another particle flies towards you. Before you know it, Yae Miko's burst ended up with 60% energy before the kitsune towers disappeared. For some reason, you find yourself so exhilarated playing Yae Miko. The feeling you could only describe to yourself was that of floating above the clouds in an evening sky as you peer at the sunset omitting a pale orange throughout the sky. You decide to test Yae Miko out as one would in a team. You recall to yourself that she is marketed as a sub dps, so that is what you sought out to do. In a few minutes, you see yourself in the abyss with w team of Yae Miko, Raiden, xingqiu, and Sucrose. Beginning the 1st chamber of floor 12, you start off with Raiden's E, swapping out to Yae Miko, encouraging yourself to hold down that E button, and that you do. In a flurry of purple flashes, Yae Miko sends out a violet spark around her at each instance that her skill was cast. Purple numbers are projected on the screen above the Mechanical Perpetual Array. You swap out into Sucrose for a juicy VV res shred and swirls. You think to yourself, "Wow! And that only took up to 2 seconds!" You swap into Xingqiu, activating his burst and sending two uppercut slashes at the rip-off Decepticon in front of you. Reminding yourself to refresh the towers' durations, you play into Yae Miko with a held E as she zooms across the chamber leaving behind new turrets and thundering purple explosions. A large purple slash comes at the disfigured robot as you unleash a flurry of cuts with Raiden's burst. Once, Raiden's burst has reached its end, Yae Miko ends the rotation with a literal bang— a thunderbolt crashes from the sky unto the mechanical array with three stronger strikes following shortly, eating away the turrets in the process, but not to your dismay as you create a string of towers around the sentient Rubix cube and release a row of purple numbers above that dumb robot's head. Going through this rotation several times, you end the robot's sad life before it had the chance to spawn its minions. This experience was all you needed to know that getting Yae Miko was thr right move.

    And this story concludes. It's a hell of a long novel but just wanted to share what the experience playing a well-thought out and initially enjoyable Yae Miko would be like, well from my perspective.

    What difference to our well known Yae would this fairy tale Yae Miko have?
    1. Instant cast of all 3 totems with Yae given the mobility and speed of Sonic.
    2. Casting a skill causes an electro Shockwave to surrounding enemies.
    3. Em contributes towards atk like ER to Electro bonus for Ei
    4. Each turret strike generates one particle of electro.
    5. Freaking fun skill casting with her quick skips with short animation display.
    6. Nothing redone to burst outside of unmentioned camera freedom shortly after burst animation.

    I hope you enjoy this long story and analysis of the Utopian but carefully balanced Yae Miko, and congrats for making it to the end.
    -Flames signing off.

  17. I dont have miko because i just dont need her but i or better we test her with a friend so in terms of the change that her E should hit the closest enemie they have to change her C2 the increase range is more or less useless if you fight e.g. a lawachurl, mage, ruin guard etc and there are hillichurl archer or samachurls in the back that dont get hit by mikos E until the others die or you kill them by yourself

    If i look at beidou, lisa or some other characters it probably would be a good change if miko's C2 would get a buff that 1 E can hit 2 different enemies at the same time so it can hit 6 different enemies in the same time if all 3 E's are on the field and if there is only 1 enemie it works like now every E hit 1 time BUT a bit faster than before like 0.5 sec

    Would be strong but not OP also with that buff it makes more sence that her C6 only increase her E dmg

  18. Tbh, her targeting change could be more troublesome, if the nearest target is an electro slime then it could cause some problems for targeting. Tbh her targeting seems like the meat of her problems. And her targeting problems are greatly exaggerated atm. Also for the PMA targeting, it may be troublesome on some scenarios if other robots Go close to your turrent rather than the decided target

  19. Beware, this change on Yae Miko it's for blaming the players for bad positioning if the turrets hits anything's not desired, it's a lazy escape out for them that ends on less electro application, this change must not be done


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