Xingqiu for pyro support? Venti DPS? – Genshin Impact

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32 thoughts on “Xingqiu for pyro support? Venti DPS? – Genshin Impact”

  1. Lol a content creator of your popularity and you didn't know about the Diluc + XQ combo??? What are you doing? Just whaling your way to success…. oh wait.

    It's cringe watching you play the two.

    For XQ, you want to E, then Q, then E again. Don't pop his ult, switch out and that's it. His greatness is he can keep up his ult energy by himself with the Sac Sword for nearly 100% uptime. Just need to spend the extra second for that combo – make sure you wait a little for him to collect the orbs from his second E.

    It's hard to see what you're doing with Diluc, but after you XQ Ult. Switch to Diluc and AA -> E -> AA -> E -> AA -> E -> Q. Rinse and repeat. XQ's ult not only throws his swords into the enemies for hydro, but you have an aura around you that also applies hydro. And you want to level up XQ to 80/90. His talents scale stupidly well, with his Q doing 3120% atk at C2 and a whopping 5076% at C6. His E is not bad either, at 503%.

  2. I think if Kaeya were to have an equal amount of time on his ult just as xingqiu has he would be Diluc's best partner aside from bennett. Melt is obvs the best reaction for him but as of now, no unit suits diluc better than xingqiu because of his kit.

  3. dps venti getting more recognition 😂 I'm build venti dps since venti release I'm so fascinated how easy to clear anything with his skills. I crowned his E and Q getting 50k on press e and 70k on hold then 4.5k on his ult. I achieve that godly artifacts from 3 months of farming veridescent xD

  4. Xingqiu makes Fischl an electro-charged gatling gun! I love em both! It also makes me giggle due to the fact that I prioritize leveling Xingqiu rather than my Main DPS (Fischl) LOL

  5. Tenha is outdated . I made venti dps from last 2 months before i got childe . Cause back then i only have venti . I made 350 elemental mastery crit rate 70% crit dmg 150% viridescent 2 piece and 2 wanderer troupe

  6. okay but kaeya does so well with melt i use bennet and him to do it and can easily do 20k melt with level 6 talents oh well bennet having level 8 for his Q tho i think its crit i got better artifacts for kaeya so seeing that number the first few timess was just crazy. The more you level up kaeya the higher his energy recharge. He is my main dps hehe and since he always has his E and Q he is almost never off the field. I like going more for the freeze comp with xinqiu and kaeya again both characters have high energy recharge i completed a few abyss floors with just those 2 alone.

  7. xingqiu is the best support for pyro for now unil XingqiuX comes out and its literally him with a cryo delusion being 5* while wearing sunglasses
    and then we have to summon and lvl again! the pain

  8. the funny thing is his skills and ult damage rates are so high, that if you miss the attack order and end up vaporizing with water it does main dps levels of damage. one of the supports that does not waste resources if you put him to lv80-90 with +20 artifacts


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