XIAO SUPREMACY… faced some minor hiccups – Genshin Monday #10 | Genshin Impact

Today I experienced a small hiccup to help Xiao take over the world… however we got some crazy RNG to make up for those hiccups. WORTH.

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Reddit: AsianGuyStream

Music Artists I frequently use:
PIKASONIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCRcKcDI1x8&ab_channel=PIKASONIC
Snail’s House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks2hGA1yV3Q&ab_channel=Tasty

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42 thoughts on “XIAO SUPREMACY… faced some minor hiccups – Genshin Monday #10 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Atsu I laughed at you because you didnt get your items. But instead you got my items and I got what you wanted: a geo cup that had good sub stats, shit for xiao and ganyu, and i now know instant karma. Happy genshin friggin monday ;/

  2. After watching the feather part
    I decided to lvl up my crit rate damage hp and recharge feather
    It was 13 and I used already lvled artifacts and it was gonna go up by 3 lvls but it doubled and went up from 13 to 19 and rolled crit Dmg
    13% not 20% but still thanks for the luck

  3. oof the only things i ever get from the childe boss is the shadow of the warrior, but like I hv pretty bad artifacts so I cant do great atk so it takes forever to kill these bosses 🙁

  4. It would be really nice if Mihoyo buffed the prototype drop rate. guarantee 1 prototype from all 3 weeklies. (guaranteed 1 at minimum 3 at maximum)
    Either that or allow us to claim the rewards from the weekly bosses twice a week. once a week with a very low chance of getting 1 prototype is tedious.

  5. I was so pissed I got so many of Shadow of the Warriors back to back for a whole month worth of Childe runs (12 in total geez) and I didn’t have Xiao but wanted Foul Legacy to crown Childe but after getting Xiao I realised maybe I have it easy to level his skills now lmao ._.”

  6. AsianGuy I watched the video and I wanted to tell you that in Andrius fight you can fight with anyone you like and when defeating him to change to the characters you want the Friendship Exp for. Because he is not a domain like Childe or Dvalin.


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