Worst 5 Star Character? | Genshin Impact Kokomi Controversy

Kokomi drama is likely on the horizon in Genshin Impact so let’s talk about it.

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27 thoughts on “Worst 5 Star Character? | Genshin Impact Kokomi Controversy”

  1. I got her and I love her, I literally could not care less about her low damage. I accepted she was going to be bad months ago. 36*ing Abyss is already easy AF, it's not like I need any characters from now on to be broken.

  2. Proud Kokomi haver! Her story quest made me like her even more. Seeing her be introverted, and seeing what she struggles with really humanized her for me.
    I enjoy her healing and hydro applying with the Elemental Skill.

  3. I just don't get why people find the need to shit on every character who isnt #1 DPS or support in the game. I go for characters because I like their personality or their playstyle or they fit in a team I have planned. Like Xiao. I pulled him because I love the character, element, weapon type and playstyle. I didnt care if he did big PP damage or not. Similarly, I did not pull for Hu Tao or Ganyu because I didnt like them as characters. Just pull for who you want people!

  4. I have gone like three banners just trying to get Rosaria or Ningguang – Like I just want one of them and I’ll be tapping out.

    Congrats on the Kokomi acquirers tho; I hope to play with y’all someday!

  5. Honestly, when isn't there a new drama about a genshin character? The cycle constantly repeats. "X doesn't do this so X is bad! Don't pull for X!" And then the character is out for a week or so and people say the character is actually good. Smh
    Do I think Kokomi could have been designed better? Yes absolutely. But what ticks me off is that the hate on certain characters really makes people feel less inclined to pull for them, or feel bad for having that character. Pull for who you want, whether it be because of their gameplay or their character. Don't let peer pressure influence your decisions.

    Also proud Kokomi haver!

  6. She's not meant to be a DPS tho. She's straight healing. If you pull her for DPS you need to get your head checked. I pulled because I wanted Xingqiu. Kokomi came along but I'm quite neutral about her.

    Kokomi feels like being that one standalone healer in the CoOp party. This game already has a lot of DPS characters.

  7. did someone say DRAMA?! 👀 as a genshin player, you now have my attention lol.

    as is often the case, i think she's much better than creators make her out to be because anything but the best or competitive with the best dps is going to inspire more clicks if packaged as drama than if they tried to hype her up. she's gonna be great for co-op, she's a great on-field hydro applicator for non-childe havers or people who just want heals, she uses all your shit artifacts, she's fun/ has cool animations, has a cute aesthetic, and she's tanky af. she might be perrrrfect for people who need/want/enjoy that style so do your thing, yall. enjoy the game however you want as my man bryan says :]

    other notes lol:
    -zhongli needs c6 to heal since you asked lol

    -YES build bennett! even if people don't like him, he will probably make your favorites way better! but he's way more fun as a main dps than he gets credit for also, esp melt :]

  8. Kokomi's gameplay in her trial was really fun, I enjoyed playing as her for a bit! She seems great & I appreciate that they were trying something new with her. I hope anyone who wishes to have her becomes a Kokomi haver! <3

  9. I'm a casual Genshin player so I'm just here for favourites to collect. Also Genshin is still expanding, I feel like Kokomi is just bidding her time to shine.

    Either way I love her and she's so fun to play and she's perfect for my usual co op team since I'm the one who dies a lot and don't land half of my attacks, lmfao. NOW I'M HELPFUL BY KEEP EVERYONE ALIVE while I look pretty 😎

  10. I would totally love to pull for Kokomi because I heal in co-op all the time with my Jean and I love her design very much, but Thoma is around the corner and I want to c6 him. 😭

    I hate how many creators are bad lipping her, I get it they wanna help the f2p about who they should pull, but at this point it’s getting ridiculous…

  11. I love her so much and how she plays since it’s so different than the normal crit stuff. I got her and she’s an amazing healer and can sustain everyone especially in co-op. I also like how she’s a tank and can do insane burst damage especially with other bursts like beidou, kaeya, and xiangling. I like this route that mihoyo took with her and it’s sad that no one sees she isn’t bad at all

  12. A lot of players dont understand how roles works. Tank, Support Buffer, Debuffer and Healer. Kokomi isn't MEANT to be DPS. She is design to be a healer. It's like these people never played an RPG or an MMO.

  13. I like her personality and design, but not sure if I should just wait for a rerun of Ganyu or Ayaka as my roster isn't all that great with the only 5 stars I've managed to wish being Keqing and Raiden Shogun.

  14. I don't have any issues with Mihoyo making a strictly healer character, the issue is they made a very badly designed kit for Kokomi. She's a character designed SPECIFICALLY for healing, so it's mind blowing to me why her burst is something meant for her to deal damage. Everything in her kit just feels super clunky and like the developers put maybe a few hours of thought into everything they made for her.

    She's very pretty to look at, but from a fundamental design standpoint she's awful. Even if you're just looking for healing she's still very bad compared to the likes of Bennett, Jean, and Barbara and doesn't even offer anything unique aside from the lack luster water walking. If you want her, that's fine but the ONLY reason anyone is going to be pulling her is strictly because they visually like her design or they like her as a character and that is a bad thing on the part of the designers/developers.

    I don't think anyone should be getting upset at someone for pulling on Kokomi, but I do think that more people NEED to hold Mihoyo accountable for this and make sure they understand that they did bad here. It's become a consistent problem where two of the four limited Inazuma characters we've gotten have just had badly designed busted kits. Even the Shogun (Who I think is fine, especially compared to Kokomi and Yoimiya) has interaction issues that Mihoyo refuse to address. Should I just expect every single character to be a busted mess in the future?

    TL;DR: Like the character and pull for her if you want but PLEASE understand that Mihoyo making badly designed character kits is becoming a problem that they need to be held accountable for or it's going to keep happening.

  15. Question comes from Chris Coy how do I get to play this awesome game Ginshin Impact and get Kokomo?? Because a healer for me is recommended because I show no mercy and I take a lot of damage and I will need a healer and she is cute.

  16. I am not mad at the role she was suppose to be playing. It is pretty clear to me that she is suppose to be a healer and thats fine… but why does every constellation has to do with her dmg then? Why does she take so much field time in comparison to literally every healer in the game? If she was meant to be a healer then why is her set in the trial a hydro dps set and not something better for a support unit? What I want to say is that, if she was meant to be a healer her kit is broken and if she was meant to be a subdps that is broken as well. And I am just tired of getting broken character after broken character dude. Yoimiyas ICD is trash, Ei doesnt work with some characters and electro is still not fixed and Kokomi is… god knows what she is, but she is clearly not meant as a pure support because if she was her kit would reflect that. You would have better time playing a subdps Qiqi over Kokomi and that is sad.


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