Will This Be the New BEST F2P Friendly Team? | Genshin Impact

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37 thoughts on “Will This Be the New BEST F2P Friendly Team? | Genshin Impact”

  1. To explain further what I define as F2P (yes a f2p can summon on banners and get units, crazy I know) Is a 5* C0 unit or team, and the reason I call this team f2p friendly because outside of the units themselves, their weapons are literally given to you by the game (spindle, whiteblind etc.). You dont NEED zhongli, albedo, but they are very nice additions to the team and very cheap/easy to build. Team will function fine with itto, gorou, (yunjin cough), etc.

  2. what i think is everyone fighting for same artifact is bad , 1 will have decent rest will have bad artifacts and 4th character will be redundant no matter what , i like geo team but more than 3 will do more harm than good

  3. This is the biggest joke meme of a video I have ever seen 🤡. Quad geo is nowhere near F2P friendly: Albedo Zhongli Itto- 3 5* units, and Gorou, a new 4* unit that F2P can only pray to obtain. Not to mention geo is extremely weak element meaning it takes even higher (whale investment) to compete with meta options. Not to mention the Husk domain is extremely resin inefficient due to Kokomi set being super meh and useless on most meta characters. Bro this video sucks 🤣🤣 do u realize that F2P national exists with XL (free character + free op weapon), + XQ (4* character no cons needed just R1 4* sac sword) + Bennet (4* character one con needed can use F2P festering desire) + Sucrose (4* character no cons needed 3* weapon TTDS user)

  4. For a pure f2p team (cause people may miss albedo and zhongli) what I thought of is:
    Noelle, Geo travaler, @R@+@{! !++0 and Gorou. I still think national team is better since you don't get to mess with reactions in a full geo team which makes it boring to play and that roach !++0 is still the skinniest man in g3nsh!n according to my headcanon, even in his official art he has fake "abs"

  5. Maybe valk forgot about F2P National 😳😭, consisting of all 4* characters (XL being completely free and guaranteed), no constellations needed other than C1 arguably Bennet, all 4* weapons: Catch, Festering Desire, Sac Sword, TTDS (3/4 of the weapons are F2P weapons with Sac Sword the only gacha weapon). Don’t forget this is a reverse vaporize team which generally have way higher ceiling than geo teams, therefore they require less investment. Furthermore you can farm Emblem domain to kit out this team, a WAY MORE RESIN EFFICIENT AND F2P FRIENDLY domain then Husk Domain. And National includes zero 5* characters/weapons, whereas quad geo theoretically requires three 5* units (and a new 4* unit, F2P good luck with that 😀)

  6. I feel ftps that want the stronger units should at least get albedo at c0 for how broken is the event sword. Because we dont know how strong will be itto, but we do know how strong albedo is right now with the new set and weapon. And from the gorou quest, we also know how good his buff works for geo.

  7. F2P friendly 😂
    For this team you need to farm most stupid resin ineffective domain waste for f2p and we still don't know how mono geo team will do wait till itto relese then give opinions.

  8. …As much as I love geo and simp hard for the geo boys, I will have to disagree. IMO, the best F2P team is still any variant of national team since they're all 4-stars, one of them can be obtained for free in the game, two of them can use F2P weapon really well (the catch for XL and festering desire for Benny) and BIS of the last one is 4-stars weap. If it's Sucrose national, then that's even more F2P since she can use TTDS. Not to mention the resin efficient difference between emblem domain and husk domain…Mono or triple geo team still kinda need at least 1 limited 5-stars to work, so…

    I'll still get Itto and Gorou since I love my geo boys tho, but probably will go with triple geo, not mono…Tbh, I have doubt the mono geo will actually function in the current meta bcs this team severely lacks sustainability in the current anti-shield environment, especially when the main carry himself, Itto, has self-resistance reduction drawback. The only heal you can get in this team is if your Gorou is C4, and with corrosion currently rampant, I don't think that alone is enough to sustain the team. Heck, I have C6 Zhongli and I'm still considering triple geo (Itto, Gorou, Albedo) with a healer (probably Kokomi) instead of just mono geo bcs I don't think Gorou and Zhongli can keep up with corrosion…=_="

  9. Maybe, there’s something that itching me about Itto’s kits though but it should be fine.

    Albedo and Zhongli can provide particles for Noelle/Itto, one more slot for Traveler(Geo/Electro), Gorou or Ningguang.
    With this team, it allow Noelle to never have burst downtime, as long as there is something to for them hit and create particle.

    People comparing Itto with Noelle a lot but, what about Itto and Ningguang? I felt like Itto is going to be jack of all trade, standing in between both of them rather than against Noelle only, that’s what I feel about Itto shown in Livestream, and ahem, you know.

    Also Valk, I don’t know how good are the artifacts you grind right now but your Noelle damage is only a bit more than half of C0 Noelle max potential right now, can go a lot higher- oh right your Noelle talents thats why, since Itto is going play similar to her I suggest level their Normal Attack talent first, their burst rely on it a lot.

  10. Yup this characters have good f2p weapons. If you are an f2p that saved ur primogem u can get those characters, especially with genshin u have a guaranteed pity anyway. But idk about having noelle she took so much field time, if itto is going to be something like xiao, as a main dps thats on field he is going to get the energy particles back from killing. I don't even think we need 4 geo, because gorou's kit might want you to have another character that have different element(except anemo) to crystallize. So you can basically replace zhongli with other characters if u don't have him or need him at the other side. for albedo you might be able to replace him with the traveler/ C2 ningguang. But idk about itto so, hello content creators I will be waiting for ur testings.

  11. I am honestly excited to get Itto! Have him guaranteed in around 20 wishes. I was planning on building noelle before itto was release and changed course accordingly! I honestly want to build my geo traveler instead of gorou as itto support, is that a good idea?

  12. am i the only person who thinks the new characters who came out since inazuma are lacking and flawed in different ways (or the legacy units are too strong they shadow them)

  13. I don't have Zhongli and I don't know when I'll get him, so I'll probably be stuck with a 3-Geo team for quite a while, with Itto, Gorou and Albedo. I could put Yunjin in the fourth spot, if they'll give her for free during Lantern Rite as rumors say.
    But I'll definetly give Geo a serious try this way. I can 36* Abyss with the units I have, Albedo also helped in this new rotation, so it's time for me to have fun and explore a bit more other teamcomps I wouldn't use otherwise.


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