Will the Loom of Fate revive Khaenri'ah? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Theory, Lore and Reaction)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan

going over the final remnants of the new dain quest in 4.7 “bedtime story” that apart of the archon quest series. talking about the loom of fate this time around and its implications with regards to the ley lines and what the abyss order might end up doing with it. bringing back khaenriah seems both likely and unlikely but well see. ig in the end it all comes down to fate and who controls it. there were some highs and lows in the quest, 5 sinners of khaenriah was cool, interaction with the sibiling was meh, dain wasent really present throughout the quest, concerns about too much memory manipulation in the story, but caribert was lovely at the very least. i enjoyed his scenes if nothing else. also heavenly principles still asleep is pretty funny. also I saw the emilie leaked gameplay and dripmarket. interesting choice to release another witch around this time. her gameplay looks fun. i think shell end up being the last dendro character released for a while though lol.

0:00 Intro
0:30 The Loom of Fate
2:06 The Realms of Teyvat
3:41 Irminsul
5:50 Why create new ley lines?
7:28 Revive the homeland

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan


41 thoughts on “Will the Loom of Fate revive Khaenri'ah? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Theory, Lore and Reaction)”

  1. irminsul is very interesting, i once thought forbidden knowledge was decreed by heaven but it's inherently detrimental to even the dragons.
    why would the abyss go about simply tanpering with its roots (ley lines) and not the source itself?
    it is also interesting that the loom cannot replace or extend existing ley lines which lines up with the explanation of how fate works. irminsul merely stores information, the ley lines intake and crontrol the natural world. with what we know the loom can do what does the abyss plan to create
    also what's the deal between the constellations of false stars, the ley lines and fate?

    we still only have scraps of info

  2. This quest made me think the abyss sibling is gonna wing it w/ their loom of fate plan and somehow it's gonna bite them in the ass. Also, I have no sympathy towards the leaders who caused the Catalysm. It's their actions that forced the Heavenly Principles to step in.

  3. dawit its BCUZ irminsul is upside down or rather right side up, the roots of irminsul appear as the leylines bcuz irminsul is upside down relative to us (remember the sky being a lie) but yea the leylines are the roots of irminsul so the heavenly principles didn't create two or anything its just the roots silly

  4. i left this comment on a few videos after the bedtime story quest came out cause i wanna see what others think…. I wonder if…… aether and lumine’s original home world…… is teyvat? but they just don’t recognize it? and that’s the homeland lumine is trying to revive?

    their home world was destroyed, but lumine “belongs to this world”, we know the primordial one came and basically destroyed the original teyvat and rewrote it… the twins also wanted to find a place where the flower from their now-destroyed home grows, and at the end of lumine’s journey through the rewritten teyvat, she found the place, on this “new” world.

    there are the theories that the new teyvat is a dream, and the “forbidden knowledge” that its denizens cannot understand is that the real teyvat is actually destroyed and they’re now living in a fake dream world. when apep ate deshret and absorbed his knowledge, all she could see was death and destruction and wasteland, as if she was peering outside of the dream and seeing the “truth of the world”, but it was so jarring that she cannot understand and it just causes her pain. the truth breaks down the dream, which causes all the adverse effects we’ve seen in game (withering, eleazar, etc).

    if i remember correctly, lumine also refused to link up with aether because he has not yet reached the end of his journey and learned the truth that she learned at the end of hers. maybe she hates the heavenly principles and she is determined to fight this war by any means necessary, because at the end of her journey when she found the sea of inteyvats, she realized that this is actually her original home world, but the heavenly principles destroyed it and trapped everyone in a dream/samsara to cover up the truth, and to have control over everyone. so now lumine is determined to fight for/revive her homeland, and is waiting for aether to finish his journey, learn the truth, and understand why she has “taken it this far”, in the hopes that he will see where she’s coming from and join her.

    I COULD ALSO just be COMPLETELY wrong and missing a bunch of details, but that’s the theory that popped into my head when she mentioned the sea of flowers!!!!!

  5. Hmmm, you can’t bring back the dead and the Let lines gets its info from people dying so not sure what the Abyssal twin was talking about! The abyssal twin doesn’t even know how to fully use the Loom of fate.

  6. Honestly, I didn’t expect for Hoyo to give us this much lore in a while, but I’m not complaining. What I wish Hoyo did give us is some new (main) questions (for e.g. the Caribert quest did help point us in the right direction of what exactly the loom of fate is whilst showing us the “Sinner”), but hey, any voiced lore is better than nothing haha (also I was intending to post this when the Dain quest came out, I took too long, so I'm kinda late to the party)

    TLDR if this is too much: Sinners most likely became sinners via associating heavily with the abyss and abandoning what they held dear to them. Every sinner probably has their own personal reason for becoming one. Pierro COULD be one of the sinners. The name we give to our Traveler is just an alias they put on for Teyvat. Heavenly principles probably did some other big bad (other than Cataclysm and the siege of power from the dragons) for the abyss sibling (an outlander that has almost nothing to do with Teyvat on the surface) is fighting for the Teyvatians/Khaenri’ans.


    The first two parts of this quest were packed with lore, like a ton :skull:, for the sake of being “concise” I won’t be talking about the commission (imo its kinda boring anyway).

    The five sinners! It’s not one, but 5. Now the main question: what did they do that made them BECOME sinners? Teyvat isn’t pretty strict on the rules now a days, I mean some don’t even care about the archons (Keqing for example), yet they don’t get struck down by cube magic. I believe the main “sin” the heavenly principles is against is trying to become above the gods (?) as a lowly human? Or mimicing the actions of said gods? I assume each sinner has their own reason for becoming one, so I’ll be going individually. But in general, I assume to become a sinner you need to gaze into the abyss, side with it, and forsake things that were once important to you.

    -Hroptatyr, “The Wise”: We don’t know who he/she is, but people presume that it could be Pierro (the jester) since Pierro could’ve done some big bad that made him the jester instead of the wise. It’s just another guessing game for this guy, but the Pierro theory is the most interesting one.

    – Rhinedottir, “Gold”: We have a reasonable amount of information on Gold actually. So we know the following about her:

    • She mastered the art of Khemia (takes a ton of power)

    • Apart of the Hexenzirkel (Alice’s mage tea party group)

    • After finding the “Heart of Naberius” (some rando artifact) she left and told Albedo to find the truth of the world (sibling parallels much?)

    • Probably has contacted Skirk once? (that or Skirk’s master just told her about Gold, so she never met her; one of the two, so don’t take my word on this one)

    • She’s Khaenri’an

    • Made (most likely; again don’t take my word on Elynas) Elynas, Durin, Albedo, Primordial Albedo, Riftwolves (and the golden wolflord), and prolly a lot more

    She has a ton of achievements under her belt, but is hated by Dain for not helping in the cataclysm (for some reason). I assume that she became a sinner by creating other things and obtaining power from the abyss to create things that only those under the jurisdiction of the heavenly principles (aka archons and to an extent gods) should make.

    TLDR for Gold/Rhinedottir: She probably became a sinner to satisfy her desire to create things that only Celestia should be able to make and sided with the abyss (?).

    – Surtalogi “The Foul”: Surtalogi is Skirk’s master and keeps the All-Devouring Narwhal as a pet. We don’t know much about him (other than that he is a sinner and the previous facts). I assume Surtalogi is Khaenri’an (I mean how many descenders have really stayed in Khaenri’ah other than the twins lmao). It’s most likely he wanted power like the other sinners and sided with the abyss, but here is a really outlandish theory: what if he sided with the abyss so that he could have enough power to own every animal/pet in existence. I meannn, why does he own the whale lol (this theory is probably wrong but it’s fun to think about).

    – Rerir, “Rächer of Solnari”: We don’t know ANYTHING about this dude. What’s interesting is that in mythology, Rerir is known as a powerful ruler who avenges his father. He could’ve sided with the abyss to avenge someone who was important to him? Some people theorize that he is Pierro, but there is nothing backing this theory.

    – Vedrfolnir, “The Visionary”: Vedrfolnir is Dain’s older brother and that weird purple crystal we see in Caribert (the quest not the kid). With his title, we can assume that he is a visionary, an astrologist who can see the fate of the whole world. In the quest, I believe that either Paimon or traveler think that Vedrfolnir was the visionary who predicted Fontaine’s prophecy with the stone slates (either that or im tripping). Skirk knows of Vedrfolnir via Surtalogi, so perhaps they’ve met before. I assume that Vedrfolnir became a sinner to obtain the power to become a visionary? The problem with this theory is that Mona’s master, Barbeloth, is a visionary and she (probably) isn’t with the abyss. Since the 5 sinners were renowned throughout Khaenri’ah, perhaps Vedrfolnir was always a visionary and just sided with the abyss for power, self-interest, bordem, or some other personal reason of his. Or (what if) genshin goes the anime route of plots and says that Vedrfolnir sided with the abyss because he was jealous of how much more recognition his younger brother, Dain, got instead of him (just another crack theory, but it would be funny).

    The main question I have is if all it takes to become a sinner is to side with the abyss, why isn’t the traveler’s sibling a sinner? Maybe they are, but I kind of doubt that. All I know is that to become a sinner involves being a part of or siding with the abyss somehow. But like, how do you exactly side with the abyss? Do you just do a Childe and fall into the abyss and make a deal with it, sealing the deal off with a handshake? Perhaps there is somebody higher in the abyss (other than the abyss sibling). WHAT IF (crack theory) the second who came isn’t dead and runs the abyss? All just speculation and crack theories, but it would be interesting.

    Now we know that if you control/weave the leylines, you control memories. Gee I wonder what the abyss will do with that knowledge and power…

    It’s confirmed that Dain is stronger than the abyss sibling, but we don’t know how strong he is. I assume he’s stronger than the bottom Fatui harbingers (ranks 6-11), since he was expected to fight off the cataclysm somehow with the other 5 strong Khaenri’ans (the sinners).

    The quest really ends on a really ambiguous note (for the Traveler I mean, the quest ended in a good way), like “the player knows more than the MC moment” which is actually a pretty good move on Hoyoverse’s end, but it feels like some character development was thrown out the window for the MC, but its alr.

    Caribert is a pretty good character, I didn’t expect them to add more to his story in this 2nd Sumeru Dain quest. His story does confirm some stuff:

    – The goal/use of the loom of fate intends to do something with memories.

    – Leylines are to Teyvat as is the core is to earth (i.e. Leyline malfunction could seriously cause another cataclysm)

    – Existing in memories is not true living, but if you were never known in the first place (i.e. the Wanderer), have you really lived in the eyes of Teyvat?

    – Traveler isn’t much of a self-insert MC anymore

    – Abyss Sibling doesn’t like the Heavenly Principles at all

    Big question: Why have all the recent Dain quests been close to or in Sumeru? The Chasm Dain quest is pretty close to Sumeru, and the last two Dain quests have been in Sumeru. Perhaps the upcoming Dain quests will all be in Sumeru bc of that Khaenri’ah door in the desert (build up to Khaenri’ah arc?!). Whatever the reason may be, Sumeru really is a magnet for chaos. It’s close to Khaen’riah, several archons/gods have died in it, and it’s given us the most lore so far (Fontaine is a close second imo). I say that to really understand the recent lore a Sumeru lore review would really help enlighten some stuff, bc the writers are prolly tryna say something with this (that or I’m reading too much into this).

    I don’t have much to really analyze in this part (as it’s just really a wholesome twin reunion and loom of fate lore, which frankly I can’t understand anyway), also this comment is already pretty long. If you’ve read this far, thank you haha, I appreciate it! That’s the end of one yap session. Good video btw! See y’all in the next Dain quest 🙂

    (also I had like a whole thing summarizing the quest into parts but I had to cut it down bc youtube wouldnt let me comment lmao)

  7. As we know Irminsul records everything in the world as sort of a save file in video game. So what if the loom of fate is used in such a way that it forces Irminsul to reload Khaenriah's save file in its original place. Food for thought.

  8. Hmm i don't think the loom of fate can restore khaenriah, so does the ley lines that cannot restore the event of the past. But we can collect artifact and material from the ley lines, maybe they want to collect some relics from khaenriah?

    Or in ei's sq 2 a memory that leaking out from the ley lines can manifest and interact with the real world (like that 3 samurai vs rifthounds) although for just a brief moment. Maybe the loom of fate's memory can leaking a more powerful being or someone that important to them? Hmmm…

  9. what if leylines are just part of irminsul or else(and not made by celestia)
    how would irminsul record memories and elemental energy

    because its said ley lines sprouts are ROOTS of irminsul
    but then question comes why are memories still in leylines not in irminsul instead

  10. Given the heavy time-fuckery aspect in this story, I always interpreted the blurred chapter of Khaen'riah's region as like, a possibility of us actually going there sooner than we think; and the chapter's placement as being the "last" one could be kind of a red herring all along – if Khaen'riah has no chapter number, it means we could go there at any time, really – after Natlan, during Snezhnaya, etc. Even more now with the Loom of Fate done and this possibility of Abyss Sib using it to revive the land. However I also think the chances of us going there "sooner" are extremely slim considering Hoyoverse, so let's just wait and see I guess~

  11. One thing I'm confused about in this video, aren't the ley lines a part of irminsul not a seperate thing. the ley lines are the roots of irminsul no? so why are they considered seperate things

    Another thing which idk if i'm misunderstanding something but didn't the light realm get reformed into the human realm but technically the light realm and human realm still exist but are like on top of each other i guess

  12. I feel like we're actually gonna be helping the heavenly principles and be on their side eventually, I think the heavenly principles purposely trapped the siblings in teyvat so they will actually be able to help solve the problems, I mean almost every single strong group in teyvat is against the Heavenly Principles like The Sinners, The Sovereigns, The Abyss Order, The fatui, heck even the Archons are low-key turning against them

  13. If Teyvat living in some realm of memories, then manifistation of some memory can become reality.
    We already know that it is possible to remove something or somebody from reality what can even affect items in game.
    What if Loom of fate is device to add something to Irminsul and herefore Irminsul will manefest it as reality? Like Otto add new branch in HI3rd aka new reality.

  14. I was wondering about that. When I heard it can make leylines I was wondering if they could use it to make/show us Khaenri’ah. I’m really looking forward to how/if they do it.

  15. It's interesting how this time I interpreted many things differently from you xD Maybe this is an interpretation you might like to address or consider? Or just tell me if it's stupid.

    The way I see it, the Leylines were always a part of Teyvat and always a part of Irminsul, they are the roots connected to the big tree, that sort of transport the memories to the database.

    They were not created by the heavenly principles, simply rewoven by them. You quoted yourself that creating new memories wouldn't be enough to shake the fate of the world, so why would new ley lines with new (but disconnected/unstored) memories do anything? That's what I think the Irminsul is the single database that controls/predicts fate, and the Loom of Fate is not a new system created for the Abyss, but rather a form of stealing the weaving power from the Heavenly Principles. The Loom of Fate is going to weave the same leylines and change the same tree. That's also why Leyline episodes are only local – if something does not connect to the tree, it has no effect on the whole world.

    I also don't think this contradicts the 3 realms theory, because… genshin keeps talking about 2 worlds, right? We even have in penacony that bubble world divided in half, it's pretty clear that Teyvat is divided in 2. And you said yourself that the realm and abyss have always existed. My guess is that the human realm is not a new world/realm, but rather the light realm conquered and reshaped by the primordial one (therefore, we still have 2 worlds/halves only), and that would make sense given that the gods stole the power from the dragons.

    You also quoted that the leylines go from the surface to the deepest depths, so I interpret that as the leylines existing across both realms, therefore the abyss doesn't need its own fate system, because it likely has the same one and it's also affected by what goes in the leylines/Irminsul. Thus why the loom of fate would be a better fit to reweave the existing leylines, and change the all-encompassing fate, than to create a separate fate system.

    But I think there is one entity that can indeed create new fates, or at least, new databases that can compete or override the irminsul: Istaroth. By… giving seeds that will grow into trees and all of that. Or maybe not, I came up with this for a fanfic but I've just been feeling like that's increasingly possible. Istaroth also has some potentially funny ties with the serpent knights of khaenri'ah (with the star they have as a symbol resembling Ishtar's star)

  16. I don’t think we’ll go to Khaenri’ah at all. Yeah it’s in the story preview, but it doesn’t have an act number, presumably because its story doesn’t take sequentially within the acts, but alongside all of them, as the interlude archon quests.

  17. I've heard some people theorize that the leylines are irminsuls roots, the fake sky is it's canopy of branches, and the constellations are fruits of irminsul aka condensed memories from the previous samsaras. If that is true then the new archon quest could be foreshadowing the potential of the fatui and the abyss order actually working together. If dottore burns irminsul then the abyss order can use the loom of fate to weave new leylines for the whole world, effectively seizing control from the heavenly principles (if they don't get smited first). Idk how likely this is but it was an interesting thought

  18. I think a lot of people misunderstand the Three Realms as some kind of parallel worlds. But when they are introduced, the author explicitly said that they aren't – they are more like different ways to look at the same thing.
    Consider war – one person might focus on bravery of the soldiers. Another might see military-industrial complexes making big money. The third sees the common people's suffering. And they are all right – these are all valid aspects fo war.
    So the way I see it, the light realm is the realm of elements. Human realm is also made of elements, but human realm also hosts a lot of emergent phenomena, such as contracts, justice, freedom and so on. It took a lot of efforts to terraform the wild climate of Teyvat of the time of dragons, into one mild enough for humans to prosper.
    The big question is, what is the Void Realm? My guess is, it's a realm of emotions and psychic powers. Such as the ones that power artifact sets we use. But this is just a wild guess, based on Abyssal power being described as willful.
    So the ley lines and the light currents are the same thing – roots of Irminsul. They carry both raw power of the elements, and also the memories of the world. Which is why they can project the memories into the physical world. And they probably carry the emotions attached to those memories too. Which is why ley lines keep showing great battles, and not ordinary Tuesdays.


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