Why you're burned out of Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is massively popular for a very good reason. It’s world will captivate you like nothing else. Yet, after a lot of hours playing this game, the spark starts to die out. In this video, I aim to explore a few problems with the game and try to explain why our passion for it dies.

I didn’t sensor my UID so in case you’re a player on the NA server, feel free to add me as a friend!


00:00 – Introduction
00:42 – Intro Sequence
00:54 – Genshin was really fun
03:20 – Interlude
03:32 – What happened?
05:28 – Problems with Genshin
09:21 – Will Genshin improve?
10:30 – I will miss this game
11:53 – Outro Sequence

99 Problems with Genshin: https://youtu.be/m9PYBuyDh4A

The songs I used were taken from this video: https://youtu.be/TqVQS-ayMJk

Harmonic Melody – Isaak Wolf, Nycto
Sharp Seas – Isaak Wolf
Delectation – Nycto
Catharsis – Nycto


32 thoughts on “Why you're burned out of Genshin Impact”

  1. for me, its not like im burnt out. its just too inconvenient to play. i dont want to open my pc when i want to play cause i wont be able to lie on my back and relax. using phone is hard too cuz i have to decrease the graphics, which somewhat ruined the vibe for me

  2. I've come to my own conclusion recently that the reason for this feeling, more than anything, is that Genshin has the least respect for your time as a player than ANY other game I know of, and I've grown utterly sick of it. It comes down to two big reasons I think.

    Firstly is that damn unskippable dialogue. Every single game in existence has an option to fast forward or skip dialogue and cutscenes, even games like Visual Novels that are 100% dialogue which you come in to expecting to read. But Genshin for whatever reason seems to believe it's the only game above such player convenience, no matter how pointless and asinine the dialogue you're being forced to click through is. I remember one mini event recently where you had to go out into the desert and blast sand worms with a turret, and every single time, you have to listen to the same two generic Akademiya nobodies bitch and whine at each other in some petty relationship drama at every step of the way, always playing out exactly the same every time. And because it's two generic face NPC's, you know it's never going to matter ever again in the future, so why did they waste my time with it? The only conclusions I can come to for why they've stubbornly refused to change this for years is either that they're so proud of their writing that they seriously think every player should have to read it all, or a deliberate method to force players to stay in game for longer, thus padding their engagement metrics

    Second is the progression, specifically with artifacts. The means of obtaining and upgrading artifacts to be even halfway optimized for your characters is the greatest RNG hell I've ever seen in a game. This isn't even a 1 in 8000 chance of finding a shiny Pokemon, it's layer upon layers of fractional chances to MAYBE get a stat boost you want, let alone on a piece with the primary stat you want, let alone doing this five times for a single one of your characters, let alone for a full team of four characters, let alone additional characters after that. And the fact that this system of pure luck based advancement also requires you to use your time-limited resin to attempt to farm, with NO failsafe/pity system means you can spend an entire day's, or week's supply of resin on grinding the same domain for a certain artifact set and gain literally nothing of value you can use; your character has gone nowhere after a week of farming. And even good artifacts can go bad if levelling it up rolls into DEF or HP multiple times in a row, starting your grind all over again.

    And the surprise third reason is that, for all the complaining players have done about these glaring and severe problems, literally nothing has been done about them in years; the devs are extremely selective about what complaints they listen to. Other tiny issues brought up like making the distinction between underground and above ground waypoints in Sumeru was fixed in a month, core gameplay pillars like artifacts haven't been adjusted, balanced, QoL updated since the game's inception. So those things that are so oft complained about are working exactly as the devs want, so they're probably never going to be changed. Once you realize this, why would you keep coming back when you know the game has no respect for your precious, limited time on this earth? Nothing that needs meaningful change has changed, and that's the most tiring thought of all to me.

  3. yeah I just came back after 4 months of rest and phewwww it feels good to be back while actually I was so bored playing this game 4 months ago. Tbh no matter what game do you play, it will still make you feel burnout if you keep playing the same game for like 500 hours (that's why I did) so it's not wrong for you to take a rest from playing it and play other games or just do anything you want. Though I have to say that compared to other games, genshin is a lot more easy to feel burnout because of how bad it is. I like it but I can't really say it's a good game because it has so many flaws.

  4. It's crazy (and vindicating) how your experience is almost 1:1 with mine, the 'magic' of this game back in the depth of covid lockdown days, making so many friends over Discord and just hopping onto each other's worlds, helping each other find those last few chests, farming domains and bosses together. I miss that feeling so much, I almost wonder if we ourselves are the orchestrators of this burnout, it's likely because we beat our heads against this game so much, combined with the lack of innovation mentioned in the video (honestly a very strong point regarding how there are no real competitors, I well and truly hope Wuthering Waves manages to light a fire under Hoyoverse's ass) that has led to this feeling. I don't know what it is, but I too struggle so much with finding the energy to do anything in Sumeru, I've done the archon quest and that's it, I don't' feel like exploring even though people tell me the desert quest line is really cool. I still love the OST a lot, the desert has really cool tracks, I remember being really hyped for getting a desert region 2 years ago, but now that it's here it's bizarre how I just have no motivation to actually play it. Right now, the only thing that has managed to somewhat reignite that spark is Arlecchino, I am so madly in love with her that I well and truly hope she becomes playable, as honestly not a single Sumeru character has made me (simp) like them this much.

  5. The thing that burnt me out was the actual gameplay. Mondsadt and Liyue were a joy to play through, Izazuma was a bit of a pain (especially with Enkanomiya and how pointless it felt). Sumeru was great fun until the release of the desert and then the 2nd half of the desert. Don't get me wrong, all these places look amazing but the gameplay is frustrating as they keep on throwing in new mechanics. I get that new mechanics make different areas fun, but it's so annoying as someone who is time poor to finally wrap my head around how to use the sandstorm mechanics in the desert, only to unlock the second half of it and now I have to learn this whole new thing that I will never again have to use in the game. One of the biggest reasons it's a slog to learn and get through is because these things don't contribute to the main story at all or carry onto other areas. What we learnt in Mondsadt and Liyue carries through the rest of the game. Hell, even those electro blocks we were hitting in Izazuma eventually reappeared as a reskinned version in the dessert. Collecting those things to light our way through the chasm was tedious, but at least it feels like the chasm has a future role in the story.
    A lot of the quests feel pointless to the main story – they aren't even given audio dialogue. There's no reason to care about these side character. I've stopped reading what everyone says because at the end of the day, unless they are an archon or Dainsleif, what they contribute doesn't matter to the main story. You get burnt out doing all these side quests that ultimately lead to nothing.
    I only still play because the character dynamics of Sumeru were interesting enough to keep playing.
    Ultimately the game is just too bloated gameplay and story wise

  6. Stopped playing everyday and only when theres events.

    One thing i started noticing after completing quest, especially Archon Quest, the place or region essentially becomes empty after completing each one. Like the world quest in Seirai Island where we remove the lightning. It was so nice to look at but after completing it the place became dry and wished i hadn’t done the quest.

  7. I dont mind Genshin Impact as a whole, Ive been extremely burnt out for over a year. I stopped playing around after Inazuma was just done and I decided I was going to move onto other games and focus on my life, Ive returned recently and I dont see myself playing more than 30 minutes a session- it was a good pandemic game but its not the pandemic anymore and I have no time to play.

  8. I'm sure if not most of the burned out genshin players just miss the feeling when we just started, me included. Though I only had hiatuses due to uni life, I didn't feel the need to open genshin even after playing genshin everyday for almost 2 years. I used to grind for mats, artifacts everyday, doing comms and trying to 100% regions but now I'm just sticking to the main story because its the only thing left I look forward to. But what ppl need to understand is that, genshin definitely isn't the type of game where you need to grind everyday like MMORPG's. No one would actually be playing an equivalent of a AAA game daily for 2 years and this really justifies everyone who's burned out of Genshin.

  9. Its true. Genshin has no end game, which is why i moved away n went to Diablo Immortal over a year ago. However, i just go casual on Genshin, didnt quit it. I just login for dailies on most days n do some events. But my average daily playtime on GI is just 20min, its on maintenance mode.

    Howrver, i still enjoy the main storyline n the characters, which i have a lot of good n meta characters, despite being nearly f2p. Its still a good game for me, casually.

    And yea, Abyss sucks, same reward but gotten way too hard. Its no longer useful.

  10. It isnt really about being burnt out. It is about Genshin being a garbage game, that had ZERO gameloop/gameplay changes since around 1.1.
    Intead of becoming anime character epic story driven game with cool combat – it became a trashcollector simulator for 5 yo kids with autism.
    Game had tremendous potential on release, and Mihoyo wasted it all. They know how to make money, but don't know how to make games.

  11. I find that I left the game many times for short and long periods of time… I used to do my dailies almost every day for primos and made sure to not miss events cuz everything back then was just fun and made you curious abt what’s next to come.
    I tried to come back to the game at the beginning of the summer event after not playing for around a month n a half-logged in for two days, and again got bored and left till this day.. I really wanted to be interested in the event’s lore n all but it really doesn’t feel as magical and surprising as before.. I got tired of going through every single place in the map looking for treasures and awards, the only reason I still want to continue the game is because of the main story which really interests me.
    I will probably go back to playing when Fontaine comes out, and only complete the main story…it is sad knowing that my excitement towards the game is fading but the curiosity for the main story and still wanting to continue to experience this game, drives me to continue after 2.5 years of playing it.
    Although the game doesn’t feel the same as before, and not to mention how the toxic side of the fandom also made some ppl quit, I still want to learn about the story and see the ending of the game..
    A lot of what you mentioned in this video resonates with me, and I feel the same as many do. Even if the spark of the game in my eyes fades away, the game still has a special place in my heart.

  12. The core gameplay loop is beautiful, art and music and great, and the love they put into level design and the collect-a-thon aspect is incredible.

    But the artifact grind kills it. It's dull to the point where I don't want new characters because it'll take a dozen hours just to make them useable anyway.

    The lore and story are great too, but the game doesn't kmow when to stfu! I hate doing story and event contet because they're 80% cutscene. Ffs just let these goons talk while I run around and fight.

  13. I played genshin for about two months and quit finally because after losing on limited time banner two times i felt hopless but still continued with my diluc then one day i got tired of all the grinding and still i couldn't beat up high level enemies… currently i am playing star rail its much better and my luck is also going good as i have 4 5 star characters in just one month

  14. One thing I see nobody talking about is the exploration. I really enjoyed it in th early days as well as inazuma but now with every new zone added there are also new gameplay mechanics for puzzles and stuff. The problem with them is that they are highly overcomplicated. Also for most if the you need to complete some boring ass side quest that takes you 10 hours to complete. So I can't just go out and explore bc most of the puzzles I can't even complete yet and I'm searching hours for a solution for a puzzle that I'm like halfway through and then I just can't complete it to get my reward. I think what I really liked a bout old genshin, was it's simplicity and I really miss it looking at all those cool looking locations the game has by now.

  15. Even worse than talent materials is ascension materials in my opinion. Taking Yae for example who needs the boss at the end of Enkanomiya. Have fun playing until there just to be able to ascend her further.

    I was really disciplined with genshin until Sumeru hit where I became really sluggish, skipped events etc. And my one biggest reason is not being able to SKIP cutscenes. I would have done every world quest with that feature, but no, they are still in my questlog.
    There is not a single reason not to include a skip button. Those who like watching it can still do it and those who don't can skip it. everyones happy.

    Also some small problems or missing QoL features which arent adressed until today are done or added in Honkai Starrail. Does it need a new game to fix some things? Really bugs me what they are thinking sometimes.

  16. I never got to experience the golden apple archipelago. I started on Nahidas first banner and I got her as my first pull (literally). Having her was magical, and everything else was so fun and fresh and lively. Ironically, the abyss was what made me burnt out of genshin. I felt every pressure to only pull for characters that were "good", and often disregarded if I actually liked them or not. Every day was a grind fest, and there was no time for the world quests

  17. I just miss the feeling when Inazuma came out. When i woke up at 6 am to log in just because we had a plane that same day. When i played genshin Inazuma quest in the airport and all the way until I didn't have inernet and ENJOYED the game. It's just sad

  18. You say you'd play together. Doing what exactly? I played and enjoyed this game as a single player game, but was incredibly disappointed when i got a GF amd got her to play. The entire multiplayer experience is so broken. You cannot hand in items. Quests, at best, tolerate the second player, but never actually acknowledge them. That's okay i guess, but most quests are just blocked. Open world puzzles will randomly be broken because certain parts will be gone when in multiplayer (like the Inazuma electro circuit puzzles). The only thing we could do is dungeons, dailies and bosses. And yes, that is not only very grindy, but also feels meaningless because what are you even preparing for when you cannot play most things. I could go back to singleplayer only, but honestly, thwres better single player games, and considering the game requites online, I wont accept it as a single player only game.

  19. I came across the game by accident and before it blew up. When I found it, I was searching for an open world MMORPG on mobile like Skyrim or any other game with quests, knights and medieval theme.

    I remember being blown away by the quality of the game! Mobile games have a certain quality (not a good one at that) and it pales in comparison to this game that would have cost hundreds of dollars if it was released on any other platform.

    My first time in genshin was fun, and I kept playing because of the endless content.

  20. The hype was really impressive tbh

    I… I'm just… sad to see that… no matter what you do in the story of the game, the characters they create just feel in the game but not in the lore as much as they should. You have more than 50 characters and only the NPC and Paimon mattered. The story was the only thing I truly care about. And the ergonomy of the game is bad and you endure it to hear Paimon talking from start to finish ?

    The gacha system is so unfair when you look at other gachas because they don't give you enough as a f2p game and don't care about you but your wallet that's another story. Honkai Star Rail has the same system. But you can do much more because the game gives you more

    It has been 3 years and I think the game lost his spark. And the TCG sucks don't @t me. The fact that they are doing event around this thing is annoying. If even rewards don't make me want to play this thing nothing will.

    Since my burnout phase was in the beginning of Sumeru, I didn't care about a lot of stuff. And everything just don't feel interesting anymore. And I initially don't care about open world like others do so it doesn't help


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