This is why you should skip the Genshin Impact 2.4 Banner. Genshin Impact 2.4 banner leaks have been on the rise, but consider skipping the Genshin Impact 2.4 Characters such as Shenhe and YunJin for these reasons alone.
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💛 Tags: #GenshinImpact #Shenhe #YunJin
Are you rolling for these characters?
I'm going for yae.
I hope the genshin gods take pity on me and let me get both Xiao and Miko 🥺.
Nah, both Shenhe and Yun Jin will be mine 😈
For me I’m getting Itto because he is my favorite character in the game but then Raiden rerun is gonna be my next pull after itto (R.I.P. gorou cons)
1. Dont need Ganyu
2. Dont need Yae
no I just want shenhe
“Why you should skip 2.4 banner”
“Ganyu rerun”
ganyu is having a rerun in 2.4 what
So basically, you don't want to pull in 2.4
That's cool and all but that doesn't mean others shouldn't. I would say between Shenhe, Yao, Xiao, Ganyu wait and see there kits, gameplay and story then make your choice. No need to make a decision before 2.4 unless your debating for going for one of the 2.3 characters
Shenhe might be my choice if she's fun. But if she's not then I'll skip. I have Ganyu and have no interest in Xiao. I don't like catalyst gameplay except Mona so Yae will probably be a skip for me. So if Shenhe is fun I'm going for her probably
My solution: Hypersave for Yun Jin and 10/10/10 her talents 🙏🙏🙏🙏
you forgot xiao😕😏
Still getting shenhe since she resembles fu hua from hi3
So you’re telling me to skip ganyu and Xiao 💀
Imma roll anyway
If you all worried that you won't get you favorite character remember there is always called RERUN
But what if Yae Miko is a 4 star? There has been no confirmation of her being 5 star. And if you look back at the other two areas (Mondstadt and Liyue), they typically do 6 5 stars then a large break before the 7th. Eula was Mondstadt's 7th and Shenhe is Liyue's 7th. Itto is Inazuma's 6th already. Now look at the 4 star ratio. Inazuma has barely any 4 star. Originally Barbara, Ning, and Beidou were going to be 5 star but were changed to 4 star. Thus, I firmly believe that both Yae and Ayato will be 4 star. Mondstadt and Liyue have more 4 star than 5 star. 5 star is supposed to be less for rarity. There have been too many 5 star released for Inazuma already. They need more 4 star characters.
Simple, i already have ganyu and have enough primos for both Yae Miko and Shenhe
ganyu at this point is a meh and I tossed her aside long time ago. u get bored using her for more than 1 month. yae is easy skip for me just saying lol
Just Gonna Get Zhongli on 2.4 and after that going to save for Ayaka. 😅
ganyu and xiao rerun for 2.4 incase you want one of those
Then also, if raiden reruns alongside Yae, ppl gonna need those saved up primos
don't want yae, or any dps to be frank, I already have ganyu, I need more supports for more teambuilding. I am getting those two for sure