Why Sucrose is the Most Underrated Support in Genshin Impact

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21 thoughts on “Why Sucrose is the Most Underrated Support in Genshin Impact”

  1. Sucrose was never really underrated. She was actually the reason people undervalued kazuha before his release and people got to see how good he was. And she along with bennet and Mona were considered an “trinity” for main dps damage per screenshot. She even beat out venti in usefulness after inezuma came mainly because like kazuha she doesn’t suffer as bad from heavy and boss enemies

  2. I’m pulling for Ayato when his banner arrives (ayato nation rise up), but I CANNOT wait to FINALLY get Sucrose so I can finally play my dream Geo/Anemo team of Albedo, Gorou, Sucrose, and Kazuha 😭👏🏻

  3. i also fucken love sucrose, i have like three builds for her lmao
    shes like the must have of genshin in my eyes, for endgame and early game
    great cc, vv shred, constellations, decent damage in mid investment, battery, and unrelated but has a relatable and solid past . hoping shes in a recent banner so i can snatch a few copies of her

  4. I have Venti and my bf has Sucrose and I used to tease him she’s a budget Venti. Well, Sucrose has proven many players including myself wrong. She’s such a great unit that is a mainstay in many team comps especially national team and sukokomon. I have since leveled up my Sucrose.

  5. As a hutao main, whether sucrose or kazuha is better will likely highly depend on the artifacts. If your hutao is on an em time piece with a bunch of em subs sucrose is gonna have diminishing returns. That said tho for a four star shes crazy good.

  6. Her Burst vacuum is better when it is activated standing face close to ZhongLi's pillar. The butterfly will activate on top of the pillar… somehow pulls in people more aggressively.

  7. Letsgo xD I habe been playing sucrose in my national team forever and don't plan on changing that, even if I get kazuha xD.

    Side note: she's the only glasses wearing playable fhar right now that's a +1 coolness


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