Why Shikanoin Heizou's Design is Misunderstood (Genshin Impact)

Explaining why I like Shikanoin Heizou’s recently revealed design (subjectively of course).

#Genshin #ShikanoinHeizou #Heizou

Intro: 0:00
Color Scheme: 0:18
Cultural Inspiration: 2:27


47 thoughts on “Why Shikanoin Heizou's Design is Misunderstood (Genshin Impact)”

  1. To me, Heizou's design is like Fuecoco (pokémon). At first sight I didn't like it, but the more I look more I like.
    Theres just something that don't make me like it 100%, maybe a hat like the one from those old fan arts before his release.

  2. Good analysis. But still not a big fan of his design, maybe because of the bare side body, the color palette or his design just a visual bore to look at. But that's just me.

    At least his design is not as bad as Aether, Bennett or Diona's design which frankly put, is actually my measurement when it comes to shit tier design.

  3. I didn’t like it at first, but the more times I’ve seen it the more I like it. It’s grown on me. My favorite part is the tiny little freckles under his eyes

  4. In one of the board, Heizou's brother write something about him "Disappearing again"
    So, yeah, if he want to disappear of course he is gonna try to look the most plain possible

  5. I would love to hear your nuanced takes on more of the designs in Genshin that you don’t like, or that you feel don’t do as good a job of communicating information about the character. I don’t really care for Ganyu personally, but I’m interested to hear your dissection of why you don’t like her design since my impression is that most people seem to like her

  6. thank you for bringing this up. the comment of "he doesn't look like a detective" always seemed odd to me because what does an inazuman detective look like? besides, his outfit is definitely reflective of the carefree nature of an anemo character

  7. 4:58 yes pls I wanna hear your opinion on Ganyu's design
    I love her but the tight bodysuit makes me slightly uncomfortable
    Mona is also wearing a tight bodysuit but it's modelled after a swimsuit which thematically makes sense since she's hydro and can cloak herself in water and 'swim' on land
    Ganyu wearing a bodysuit makes no sense tho

  8. I understand the complains but I love his style, the shorts are to give him higher mobility as he is a fighter and has the spin and reverse kicks. I also like the color palette and he being a catalyst user that doesn't carry it when fighting works well.

    Excited for the update coming up as it will let me save primogems to see how many constellations I can get for him.

  9. People saying that he doesn't look like a detective are stupid. He's Japanese, so of course he wouldn't be wearing what those detectives wear in British movies!

  10. His design is perfectly fine. Great even. He’s cute. But once again, the Inazuma inspired costume design fails another character that had a super unique and interesting concept. This is why all the inazuma characters look the same and 90% of them wear some type of kimono. It’s just boring. That’s all.

  11. Honestly, if I was Mihoyo, I would wait until Fontaine to release a detective, I can see him being a police enforcer of feudal Japan, it would even be a cool addition to the rooster.

    But a detective? How can you even portray a feudal Japan detective in the first place?

  12. Redflaim, why do you disliked Ganyu and Ayato design? Is because Ganyu is strongest range character in the game especially Aoe or Ayato make amusement freeze with Ganyu burst aoe like standing around.

  13. Personally I was also innitially put off by the color isolation, but it didn't take long for me to realise "oh! It really makes his personality shine through", the sleeveless shirt, the choker, the open neck, the way he does not wear his uniform correctly, even his posture and expressions gives the self entitled cocky little shit genious vibe who is just too good at what he does that you can't do anything but fume in silence but still respect him. I wonder what his backstory is

  14. Would you consider making a video on characters whose designs you're not a fan of? You mentioning that kinda got me curious.

    I'm not a fan of Sucrose's design myself.

  15. I wish they could've incorporated more detective-y aspects in his design just because I really do think detective designs are so cool and unique. I'd love it if they release another detective character soon that has all the more stereotypical detective traits, I think that'll be really fun

  16. Heizou's design was initially off putting to me, but I've also grown to like his design a lot more. Especially considering the gameplay leaks, the flowy and upbeat vibes synergize well with his combat and animations. The main issue I still have with Heizou is that there's not much to signify that he's from the Tenryou Comission. Like, I get that he's supposed to be a kind of undercover detective, but the vague cultural references with the jite and the military ropes are the only indicators he's an enforcer of any kind. If he was a freelance detective from the Bantan Sango agency, his design would be less weird for me, but the Tenryou Comission prides itself on its strictness and serious enforcement. IDK, he's cool, but his background clashes with his design for me

  17. I saw an edit the other day of Heizou's design actually really improved it with just a few small changes, with the main one changing his skin to be just a tad more brown. It actually made the whole color pallete look good together! I wish Hyv would release more tanned characters

  18. You mentioned in the end that you disliked ayatos and ganyus design. Just of pure curiosity, whys that? And is there any other characters design you dislike?
    Great video btw 🙂

  19. So, in short Heizou's design is actually all fine, on par with other characters, and fulfills its purpose. But since it's not what people expected, most likely due to unhealthy expectations created by the interpretation of one fan artist, they are trying to find excuses to justify their frustration, using arguments that don't hold themselves.

  20. "his casual clothing might be a nod of him going undercover"

    kokomi voiceline: oh that detective who wear official tenryou commission uniform while investigating something in watatsumi island?

  21. don't forget that our very first *free geo character, Noelle, her color scheme does not match the color of geo element

    its very likely that the HYV character designers thought of this a while back, if you think about it, Yun Jin's model was created back on 2018

    *as in you are guaranteed to get her on the beginner's wish

  22. I like his design too. Also I would say his shorts are Khaki colored, and while that might bring to mind images of businesses casual office workers, Khaki is also commonly worn by hikers, adventurers, etc. Baggy Khaki cargo shorts are pretty common among skateboarders and surfers as well.
    Anyway the elements of black and gold in the outfit are nice and the white, black, and red is similar to Sara who is his boss. Overall I think it's a very good design, especially for a 4 star.

  23. the rope on the hand is used to represent the ranking and position of a personnel in a military department , police it is also used in the boys scouts.

  24. His color palette is fine but he's just really boring to look at. Nothing eye catching or flashy like other characters, pretty white bread tier design.
    Also another twinky anemo character? Don't we have enough of those?

  25. I didn't know people didn't like it lol. I thought he looked adorable from the first moment I saw him. You should do this series for why some character designs DONT work( cough cough ganyu)

  26. I'm curious about his opinions on ayato's design. I can understand the issues with ganyu's, as I don't really find any correlation between ganyu's character and her design. Like I get she's an adeptus, and maybe clothing like that are simply adeptus-wear. But was the cowbell really necessary- (like she's hot and I simp for her don't get me wrong. I just don't really understand the choices in why she looks that way exactly)

  27. Funnily enough I think the color palette is okay, my main issue is that Heizou is just another small boy character with a baby face. You can't tell me that a martial artist has a body and build like that, I hate that anime trope where they're skinny asf yet can carry big ass swords like it's nothing.

  28. I don't mind color schemes being different from their respective elements, but what really puts me off from Heizou's design is the color of his shorts. I wish they just made it brown instead of a dirty orange-y gold… Like the tone of the short itself is different from tone of the browns on his waste. The design is good. Just the color of the short is yuck


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