Why NO ONE Builds Around GEO In Genshin Impact…

Only Geo Builds Around Geo in Genshin Impact. With how the current meta is shaping up to be, less and less players are inclined to build Geo focused teams. If we get to the root cause of this problem, we have to look a the GEO reaction crystalize.

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46 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Builds Around GEO In Genshin Impact…”

  1. uhh. i have no idea about this meta or whatever. i just insta pull and deal with who i got. and somehow got a lot of meta charas such as hu tao xiao zhongli ganyu eula ayaka ei and prob itto seeing my pity. i have a special plan for that guy. or kazuha if im REALLY unlucky

  2. Well, I really don’t do reactions in my teams other than maybe electro-charged or superconduct. My go-to-team is Geo in the abyss. It slaps bacon. Hard.

    Geo isn’t bad. It is just raw power.

  3. While crystallize shields may not be strong enough to comfortably protect your team, it does provide a way to trigger the effects of geo resonance without having to run a full uptime shielder like Zhongli or Thoma.

    One example of this is when you run Itto, Albedo, and Gorou with Diona. Triggering crystalize on Diona's off field cryo application can help to maintain the effects of geo resonance even after Diona's shield breaks/expires during Itto's burst window.

  4. Will have to say, idk why, the personality associated with Geo, being independent to stand on its own, just seems to make sense in terms of why it doesn't really have much reaction utility. To be fair, whether that's a good thing or not is another discussion XD

  5. The meta is just so damage focused that crystallize doesn't have a place, much like Hydro Resonance and Maiden Beloved's artifacts.

    One small buff I would give it is that whenever a crystallized shield is broken or expires, it will deal damage of the element of the shard picked up (It would scale off of EM an character lvl just like overload and such) in a small explosion radius. That way in can serve a purpose in this dps oriented meta despite being a defensive mechanic, like the Ocean Hued Clam set.

  6. there re many ways to buff geo especially on support department. make crystallise from different element stackable for example. make archaic petra set dont have any restriction on only 1 element, or make crystallize shards automatically picked up and make the shard flies towards characters. maybe just make unpicked shards will explode after a duration of time or when picked up dealing some damage based on EM

  7. I think its a good thing. The current meta is just what reactions produce the best damage for abyss floor 12.
    Geo as of rn is an element that is stand alone and doesn't partake in those damage producing elements and thats probably why people don't like it, it doesn't provide anything of use so.. its just a bad element. A part of me hopes dendro remains with 0 interaction with geo and anemo because that will change the meta, vv set will lose purpose and units like kazuha won't be a necessity to do damage.. but that will give light to other elements to shine, like electro since it seems dendro will be an electro buffer (salt salt salt).
    Either way, dendro to me, is a good opportunity to change the set meta we have today, give light to newer characters and reactions.. while geo will remain stagnet for its entire existence, even without a reaction its characters provide a solid team anyway.. crystallize will just exist.

  8. 🌸🌹I would have to vehemently and without a second thought, disagree with the title and utter “simply because meta does not fancy Ge-Element “does not mean that none play it”

    I have been a Ningguang main since week one of Genshin Impact and have run a Mono Geo-Comp for nearly half a year now, and I would not change it!

    I adore the consistency and stability of Geo and the fact it does not rely on reactive play to achieve its potential (quite frankly reactive play is not the only means by which to enjoy Genshin”.

    I get it that majority are obsessed with pushing out the highest damage possible (even though it isn’t required beyond the bare minimal to get the job done), but “overkill damage numbers” are not what drive all.

    I would be dismayed and quite sad were MiHoYo to make Geo a “reactive element” rather than a solo element for it would take not only it’s uniqueness, but enjoyment away from those of us who enjoy a more simplistic play style.🌹🌸

  9. 🌸😹I would utter at 0:57 that the community should understand by now that though Geo could be utilized with other elemental units, it will never be utilized as effectively as it could be with other Geo-Units.

    It is not Geo that is messing up said player’s setup, but the player themselves willingly taking on said detriment by playing Geo incorrectly and not playing to its strengths.😹🌸

  10. 🌸😼I would counter (1:25) by uttering “simply because Genshin is designed around elemental reactive play, does not mean that every element type has to take advantage of that”.

    In essence Geo gives options to those of us that do not wish to indulge a reactive style play and instead wish a more simplistic and consistent style of play.

    It may be that Geo is lacking of reaction, but it is not as limited as the other elemental types in what it can effectively dispense with and rarely shall one be forced to alter their favored lineup when utilizing Geo mainly.😼🌸

  11. 🌸🌺I must disagree once more “that Geo is counterintuitive to what MiHoYo is trying to achieve” for having one element that plays outside reactive play does not inhibit those that play within it, it is just another options for those who do not wish to play reactively.🌺🌸

  12. Increasing shield strength or refreshing the shields with crystallize is not a good idea. The game either has enemies where shields are not necessary (small mobs) or absolutely necessary (Face tanking Maguu Kenki slam). And corrosion has not become meta to be an actual threat.
    The crystallize idea will just make main DPS units deal uncontested damage in a better fashion requiring less dodging or avoiding enemy mechanics. That is not great for the balance of enemies, there are already many enemies which can be frozen or CCed and for other enemies who can't have that done they are too strong where the crystalize shields would not even be enough (needing Zhongli). The better way to do this is giving an elemental damage bonus of 10-15% for the element the shield is made for, a better Archaic Petra effect and more versatile.

  13. I build em into my support geo characters this helps with crystallize shields.
    I use Zhongli as support so I run EM/HP/HP
    Getting decent sub stats was hard but after awhile you just get them.

  14. I just think that cristalyse do damage to the element it apllied to, Itto can break elemental shields with ushi and his ult but if you can use em to make stronger shields why not make em do stronger damage to any unity cristalized?

  15. I agree with you about with your opinion on crystallize reaction ..it should be buffed currently it's useless…maybe increase the elemental damage depends on which crystal sharf a player picks

  16. The reason why itto and Xiao exists to promote more geo or anemo teams, both are timeless Dps and hard to powercrept/replicate. Apparently many didn’t use much anemo in the beginning even with venti in the roster since he was a a support unit rather than a dps and since Xiao came more are using anemo so same thing Can apply when itto came to provide a Geo dps. More ppl Can now use anemo and Geo teams thanks to these two and because they are timeless it will be hard to hoyo to try and replace them with better dps units

  17. I was thinking of a great way to make crystallize reactions viable. What HYV could do is implement into crystallize a feature where when the shield breaks by enemy attacks, the shield causes an explosion that deals massive damage to enemy shields opposing the element of enemy shields. Broken electro shields doing A tier damage to pyro, B tier damage to hydro and C tier to cryo. Broken cryo shields would do S tier damage to hydro, B tier to pyro and A tier to electro. Pyro shields would do S tier damage to cryo shields, A tier to electro, and B tier damage to hydro shields.

    Like this, crystallize becomes an offensive defensive reaction. Defensive with shield giving and makes weaker shields high risk high reward, while being offensive to enemy shields

  18. So how about Shatter? Kekw. Not every reaction should be built around imo. Crystallize and Geo stays true to the design of the game, innate, unreactive, it's fine as it is.

  19. Geo is pretty strong as a single element. If crystallize was changed into a mine field where it will trigger different elemental damage, that would be enough for me

  20. no, make it powerful and all encompassing. i think its simple rly, they just need to make the archaic petra set work off field so as long as the unit with it crystalizes u get the bonus (and make it so multiple elem bonuses can exist at once). its so easy to pick up a crystal cuz it forms near the enemy and u just have to dodge into it; its having to make the crystal and stay on the geo support unit to actively pick up the right elem crystal that makes it so stupid. VV on the other hand, skill swap off. it poor game design (which hoyoverse seems to have a lot of) to make geo an anti reaction element with a team support set thats clunky but to have its counter part anemo to be a reaction amplifying set and for its set to be easy and straight forward.

  21. Bro genshin is a open world game. Just use the character that is fun and you like to play with. Why are you keep talking about one character or element is better then another?

  22. I dont think that ppl are not using geo. For me its best and I love power of geo. I have 2 accounts and one 1 i got Itto now, albedo since 1st banner, Zhongli since 1st banner, and now c6 gorou. They slap so hard. If u need to deal with element shields just put 4th character which u need to deal with it.

  23. Crystalize is such utter shite, it really needs an overhaul

    Heck, if they just made the crystalize shields strong enough to be worth a damn it'd be good

    Take the EM scaling off the durability scale and make it duration or maybe some damage enhancing mechanic for Geos so EM is not a completely dead stat while they're at it

    Alternatively, if they'd rather have Geo remain this exclusive club, make the crystalize shields somehow aid Geo characters in breaking elemental shields

  24. GEO is the copium element, a defensive elemental reaction in a game that the only thing that matters right now is damage to beat a bloody timer in abyss.
    Now, we do have some great GEO units so… If something changes with Sumeru we will see some mind blowing GEO comps but, for the moment, the next big thing is double hydro with Yelan.
    PS: Somethings that they could do is GEO+Hydro slow enemies by mud reaction, GEO+Pyro put a hard DOT on enemies with magma reaction… Sure as hell makes more sense than vaporize, why throw fire in a wet thing does more damage? lmao.

  25. I would love the first change to be crystallize to automatically occur when the reaction happens for quality of life. The second change I would love is more of an offensive angle. Instead of making the shield stronger make it do AoE damage around your character with the element of your shield when the shield breaks. This would allow Geo to cause reactions with other elements by applying elemental damage when your shield breaks. Obviously it would have to be tested to figure out a good radios. You could make it where elemental mastery causes more damage with the element when the shield breaks but the downside is the higher your elemental mastery the stronger your shield so the chances of it breaking are reduced similar to having really high Crit damage and low Crit rate.

  26. Geo is fine, I haven’t met anyone who actually built Geo units (most of you don’t) and says it sucks like the thumbnail of the video.

    You don’t need reactions if you hit like a truck and Geo resonance is the strongest resonance in the game.

  27. As someone who has lost all the 50/50 on Zhongli banner since release and didn't wanted albedo since I didn't had anyone else for synergies. I gave up on the geo element as a whole and the only geo character I've leveled up is ningguang during 1.3 because of early game excitement and haven't used her after that till the recent wolf lord abyss.


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