Why Kazuha Is 10X Better Than I Thought: Genshin Impact Review

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Kazuha is way better than I thought. I wish I hyped his banner a bit more, but I honestly didn’t realize his true power. HE WILL BE BACK! And I am saving a few wishes just for him! #genshin #kazuha


35 thoughts on “Why Kazuha Is 10X Better Than I Thought: Genshin Impact Review”

  1. I know you aren't going to see this comment, and I know how many times you must hear this. You have no idea how much you have helped me play this game. When I first started playing, I had NO idea how to use artifacts effectively and get type match-ups to work. I progressed super slow, and I felt like quitting the game. When I started watching your videos, I could tell that I was improving IMMENSLY. I was doing way more damage than before, progressing faster, and I just want to genuinely tell you how much your videos have helped me become a better player. Not to mention how entertaining your videos are, I could watch these for hours. Thank you so much.

  2. I’m so lucky I got him at 0 pity on a single pull, literally right after keqing!! I wasn’t even rolling for him, I really just wanted bennett. I didn’t get him unfortunately (used 40 fates and ended up with diluc too, which helped me get yoimiya) but kazuha really helped me early game when I needed a good character.

  3. Wow, correcting your mistake way after his banner ends, good job, can you imagine people who followed your suggestion got the short end of the stick because of you? I won't even be surprised if you're wrong again about a certain character one day.

  4. I accidentally pulled him and didn’t really use him much other than a Xiao battery, so I started using him as a better role in a new team recently and I’m having so much fun – it’s insane.

  5. I did skip him on your recommendation but I also wasn't keen on rosaria and razor so I don't hate you for it, but I did have some regrets not getting him because he's useful and has a good utility passive.

  6. I'm watching this video right after I watched a video of the top 20 most popular characters in the new 2.0 abyss with Kazuha ranked at number 2 behind the one and only Zhongli. So glad I pulled for Kazuha!

  7. I believed in the power of Kazuha from day 1. I just was unlucky enough not to reach pity with him because I got Klee by mistake on a very soft pity and I've been in pain ever since for missing my chance to get him coz that Re-run banner is gonna take FOREVER to arrive. People are still waiting for Ganyu, Xiao, and Albedo to come back. We will be together my good friend someday. ❤

  8. Hey man I'm new to Genshin and am a bit overwhelmed by the amount of websites/interactive maps/guides/external resources, some of them seem unreliabe (like, BiS artifacts sets/weapons, characters tiers), think you can make a vid to recommend the ones you use(d)? Might be useful for us newbies


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