Why I don't make friends in genshin | Genshin Impact

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36 thoughts on “Why I don't make friends in genshin | Genshin Impact”

  1. A lot of people say it originated form lolicon as a sdxual fantasy, but I've also heard it originates from the book Lolita. Which is a story told from the perspective of a man attracted to a little child
    I can't blame either side. Culture differences with the word makes it an unfortunate situation 🙁

  2. just cause this happened 1 time doesnt mean it will happen every time. maybe u block urself away from a realy good friendship that could start. i met alot of ppl and 5 i talk to over a year by now. they are from around the world and i love it. u sound like 1 of them cause he had similar behavior 😢

  3. I have a friend in genshin her name is Brynn I think the reason we have stayed friends for so long is that we found out we live like an hour away from each other so we meet up every once in a while

  4. The word has a stigma due to weirdos sexualizing it. The secondary meaning was assigned by disgusting people, which aren't exclusive to the United States. While I can understand where they are coming from, it's still a really stupid reason to cut contact with someone.

  5. imma just say. NOT ALL OF US AMERICANS ARE LIKE THIS. 😭

    Srry that happened.

    That was just a bunch of people bein asses.

    Like I understand playing it safe when someone mentions something about a child like character, but at the same time. yall gotta
    Cut people slack and stop taking shit so seriously, ESPECIALLY in a “ANIME GAME”.

  6. hey friends. I'm new. I have very few characters. my current team is wanderer as dps, Layla as shield, Jean as healer, and furina as support. is this a good team? should I replace Jean with barbara as healer? and how should i build each character in this team with artifacts?

  7. I discovered it when I was young, and my logic thought that it was called 'loli' because of lollipops, and those spiral lollipops are usually depicted as childlike candy. I was quite shocked when learning the meanings people on the internet used.

  8. I watched a vid where they were showing times for the different character types to do smth and i said smth along the lines of "bro added a couple milliseconds to the lolis' times" and the first reply literally called me a pedo…are you fucking serious? People who have a problem with the word loli are either chronically online or permanently on nhentai. Touch grass, see the world. Not everything has some depraved, degenerate meaning, ESPECIALLY not "loli"


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