Why Hydro NEEDS Ayato | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Ayato

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36 thoughts on “Why Hydro NEEDS Ayato | Genshin Impact”

  1. 0:47 couldn't the exact same thing be said of kokomi's jellyfish? There wouldn't be any situation where youd even bring monas skill or kokomi's jellyfish against bosses anyways because if it were a boss you'd just use xingqui for hydro application since itd be a boss and single target you lose the usefulness if large aoe to begin with which is what makes the hydro application of kokomi good to begin with.

  2. the issue ayato has which isnt easyly found on honey is his Normals during his E have ICD means hes pretty bad at applying hydro since can only apply hydro once every 3 hits

    i do hope they change this but so far it doesnt seem like it

    and Ayato like childe needs on field time to charge his Ult where spamming off field Q is hard to do

  3. Weather it's national teamcomp or tazer or any team with pyro dps, you would rather use kokomi and xinqui over ayato. I don't know how good ayato is (probably good due to high scaling) but I can surely say that he is not a good hydro applier. You can't replace him with the other two units. There is q thing called ICD which people always forget.

  4. I'm having trouble figuring out how Ayato would fit in. Say I'd like to use him in a freeze team for instance. The one I currently use consists of Ayaka, Shenhe, Mona and Kazuha. Every character in this comp already plays an essential part. I'd consider replacing Mona (a tough sell as she does A LOT with Omen+Noblesse Oblige+Proto Amber) but then the team would have no access to healing and most bosses can't be frozen in place so it's highly likely most of us are bound to take SOME damage during the course of a Floor 12 clear or parametric transformer event. Then what could I do? Remove Kazuha? IDK man… Shenhe? Not a chance! How would he fit in an Ayaka freeze team? Perhaps I overlooked something or maybe freeze just isn't his thing? Thanks

  5. In over world I plan on running Ayato on aquila as a main dps (4HoD) build but for abyss if I use him as a sub dps/support for someone like Ayaya then I will run him on skyward blade which gives ER and also will increase his speed temporarily after burst.

  6. His burst has an 18 second duration and he regens energy when off the field up to a cap– granted, at a slow rate, but it really means that almost any other hydro unit will probably be enough to battery him if you funnel particles well enough. That aside, his ICDs aren't lining up to make him an off-field support anyway. It currently has a 3sec ICD, so it's far too slow for anything that isn't freeze to make use of.
    If you were to use him for his burst, that's already not ideal because any comp where you want off field hydro does fine with the units that already exist and he doesn't offer anything above them. Hu Tao? Freeze Ganyu? Freeze Ayaka? None of them would want Ayato. What kind of comp are you thinking of where off field hydro is so crucial that no currently existing unit fills the role well enough? I also beg to differ when you say in the latter portion of the video that hydro applicators… aren't good at applying hydro. There's only 5 units, and out of those 5, 4 of them are amazing applicators for how they're used.

  7. U realize that his ult and e form has standard icd. He isn't a hydro applicator for vape, maybe ec works better. Childe better for national, ayato with TF better for EC cause 100% uptime

  8. You can play ayato with
    vaporize like a melt ganyu : never use Q

    Team would be e.g
    Kazuha / venti / sucrose

    Because you dont need his Q you can use 4 shimenawa on him

    If you use him as dps in freeze or electro charge teams you still cab usw shimenawa but keep in mind that this teams need his Q so you better build gladiator or Hod if you think your tean cant handel the 15 energy less on ayato

    If you use him more as Q support you could just use 4 emblem on him or 4 noblesse if noone else use it, in terms of ER it depends on your team but keep in mind that ayato as support want to usw his Q as much as possible so even if you need to use a ER weapon or sand with your team ask yourself what is better

    More dmg on your support or more dmg with the reactions of your team ?

  9. That xinqiu opinion is a bit of an awkward take. I think you're right about his solo target dps being better than aoe, but I think the effectiveness means very little in taser compositions, or teams with adequate crowd control. It's definitely not the whole picture but hydro is in my opinion one of the strongest elements in terms of reactions. Reverse vaporize has been driving many pyro compositions and is the source of many one shots, not to mention doing a vaporize in the correct order. The element could use improvement but hoyoverse is being especially cautious because hydro IMO is a strong elemental reaction baseline other than anemo that can enable quite a lot of element based compositions.

    A simple self-examination, is to check out what spiral abyss teams you have used, or look at your character spread , think about the combinations you utilize most frequently and count how many hydro characters are featured in them. If you use a cryo character with 4 piece blizzard strayer, its basically mandatory or heavily recommended. If you use a pyro character with 4 piece crimson it is heavily recommended to use hydro. I understand that not all people play meta, some prefer waifu/husbando impact, this doesn't invalidate other strong team synergies/ compositions, it does give further insight though onto why certain elements, character archetypes, etc are the way they are though and why they act the way they do.

  10. Hydro first and foremost needs a better resonance bonus, because it's just soo freaking bad that running a non healer hydro character in the team makes a player avoid hydro resonance like plague, Hydro characters absolutely need to be self-sustaining in energy department…this is exactly why Xingqiu and sacrificial sword are like Pizza and cheese, Mona has synergy with ER and why it's her ascension bonus as well, why Childe has energy refund built into his kit…good news is, Ayato also has passive energy recharge when off field, but if somehow it's not enough for him to be the sole hydro character in a team, then oof…

  11. You need to mention ICD and ICD Tag (Internal Cooldown) to properly explain whether a character is a good element applicator or not. Please don't give wrong information to new players and make them seriously think Kokomi hydro application is better than Xingqiu…

  12. Hydro has 5 characters. 2 of which are good applicators by your own admission. How the hell do you start a video with "a lot of hydro characters actually are not that good hydro applicators". There are literally only 5 characters. You also say Xingqui isn't good because he's single target which would make him bad in abyss, but in your latest video you say you haven't used Xiao for 3 to 4 months because Abyss is too single target and Xiao is not good there. Like… what? And regardless of the state of abyss, characters like Hu Tao are always going to use Xingqui over any other hydro characters because he just fits really well in certain playstyles. I gotta be honest, you say some good shit. But this video is a miss, hard disagree with a lot of your points in here.

  13. 1:52 "But, he is a Main On the field DPS" The satisfaction of this line. Like fck all, he ain't a enabler or something. Tortelli a MAin DPS, thats all I know. πŸ™‚


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