Why Genshin Impact Will Never End Or Die

#genshinimpact #hoyoverse #honkaistarrail
Why Genshin Impact Will Never End Or Die


45 thoughts on “Why Genshin Impact Will Never End Or Die”

  1. This is just the "Teyvat Chapter" after all and even if they don't change Chapters, they still have so much lore and ongoing things happening behind the scenes that will never be wrapped up before 7.x or even 10.x comes.

    Although they could end the Teyvat Chapter in-game and continue it in their upcoming Anime, while they introduce a new Chapter in-game.

  2. Lets not delude ourselves into the misunderstanding that Celestia is the Arch-villain for the story so far: the true Arch-Villain is the Abyss Order; let me remind you all that their primary goal is to destroy Teyvat as revenge for what they believe to be the destruction of their nation at the hands of the Gods and the curse laid upon them. Tell me; is this a reasonable response? Should people’s pay the price for the actions of their Gods?

  3. All they do is add mini games and make 1000 dialogue every month. They don’t do too much yet racks in millions of dollars. It’s a cash grab and now they have Star Rail. They don’t have to end off anything. They can simply go to another world once Tevyat is complete.

  4. A problem with asking players what they want is different groups like different things. You can't please all the people all the time. They will have to find a path forwards that satisfies most people enough.

  5. There are some elements that needs to be fixed, but unfortunately from the perspective of money the more people complain about "remove resin" "make endgame" etc, the less likely they'll make it. I want those 2 to happen yesterday. Yet, they won't. From business perspective "all visibility is visibility", meaning the more focus they get on any aspect, in the long run it doesn't matter for them, it's just free promotion. They may implement small changes in a year from the moment it was first being notified about of, but we're just hyped about "oh look, now we (finally) can start domains from the middle without needing to run there". Right. And that demand was first made I think 2,5 years ago.

  6. I'll refute on some of your points:

    Endgame: No, Genshin don't need a conventional "Endgame" that you wish as the true endgame of Genshin is the "exploration" As long as they keep making the exploration fresh and fun, the game can keep go on forever. If they add too much to do in the game for an "endgame" people WILL burned out faster and quit faster. Proven with the "Swarm Disaster, simulated universe and forgotten hall" in Honkai Sar Rail. It's fun at first but for MOST casual F2P and lows spenders it became a chore to go through and just become routine and some just abandoned in the end.

    Story: Fontaine story and structure is one of the best in GAMING as a whole, even some prefer the story in Sumeru so they have it all figured out. They just need to keep doing the same thing and people will keep playing the story. The only problem with the story is with the bloated dialogue. Yes, many great scenes of the story is in their Youtube channel but with the large views and not important for the major plot, I believe it'll be fine. Some of the filler side quest even have great story, it's just sad that it's limited time, this is the only major thing need to be fix.

    Lore: The lore dump of the game for every time each region is released is immense. I would say it's too much but majority of people will not know this because most of them is not voiced and in world quest. They DON'T need to add more, they just need to voice them.

    Competition: Honkai Star Rail is the competition as most of the player base also plays Genshin. In the near future there'll be many new games will release to compete with Genshin.

    Burned out/Tired: Genshin will hold on but nothing can stay forever. Old player will drop out and new player will fill in. But even someone like me who love Genshin soo much right now, don't want the game to go forever. After the traveler and Teyvat story is finish even I probably will quit the game but who knows what's the future holds. In my opinion a sequel with new game with new better graphics is better to keep the game keep on going.

  7. What many people do not understand until now is that Genshin nom is a simple video game, it is an anime video game, and like all anime, it has seasons, chapters, if you don't like it or it bores you, then don't play it and that's it. This beautiful game-anime is getting better and better, little by little but it is always on the rise, the story is beautiful, very complex, very well elaborated, already since Sumeru, but in Fontaine, this game was truly crowned. Unfortunately, young people always fall into immediacy, that everything ends quickly and they continue with another game, and thus, they do not know how to value. I recommend that you watch this video in Spanish with subtitles FONTAINE ES LA MEJOR REGIÓN DE GENSHIN IMPACT | Análisis Misión de Arconte (4.2)

  8. as new players can never experience the gameplay / as a gacha game all things are time gated and when there gone that remain gone – only characters are recycled with reruns – for players who have been here from the start the game will die – for new players they can never experience the true game and are left wondering about a senseless game they can only try to imagine.

  9. Ohhh this would be a dream…. I only play Genshin. I can't play other games anymore. I don't have fun with them 😮
    After shneznaya it goes back to mondstadt then celestia plus there's the region after kandriha, the place where dreamer dreams of dreaming

  10. I don't think the Teyvat journey will end in Khaenri'ah like the timeline suggest, there's still so much more to breakdown from that point like the Hexenzircle, Paimon's lore, The Travelers Origin & the Abyss Order just to name some.

  11. Genshin is literally Hoyoverse's own World of Warcraft.

    -It's too big to die
    -It makes too much money for them to stop making content for it (Literal BILLIONS every year)
    -It created a new breed of live service games (Single-player centric with gacha elements)
    -It single-handedly changed the gacha game industry as a whole and raised the overall standards for them (Just look at Arknight Endfield, Wuthering Waves, Duet Night Abyss etc)
    -it literally defined their future as a company (And likely is the reason why both Honkai Star Rail and Zenless Zone Zero even exists)

    Like… that game is just way too important for them to just "drop" it once the current Saga ends, doing that would literally thanos snap 1/3 of their annual revenue on top of pissing their investors off big time.

    So yeah, like you said, this thing is here to stay lol.

  12. If they added nore gameplay loops for peole who actually care about the game and have invested money and time, the game will not die anytime soon. But its still already lost so many players because you arent rewarded for anytime you put in the game and many people dont like that. A hoyo rider can argue the contrary but they'd be objectively wrong no matter what they say. Only reason you never mentioed for this game being relevant at all is because its a mobile game. Eventually it will be too big and will lose that player base.

  13. Someone tell him Nintendont didnt create the open world genre you should try other gacha games or other titles from the genre until you realize that this game is just like any other gacha game and just like them it won't last forever

  14. Man imagine once we finish up in teyvat they make a spin off series where you start off as some random vision weilder during the rise of Kaenriah and you live your life up until the destruction 🤯

  15. Bro you get me emotional. We love all these characters. But things eventual will come to an end. And someday in the future, we'll have story to tell that back in the day we play a game where we invested times and efforts, the pain of farming good gears, the quest that broke heart, etc. Would love to attend something like Genshin alumnus kind of thing in our 50s/60s, maybe inside a VR Zoom.

  16. They planned to everything since the start just accept the truth and move on buddy but who know Maybe when the game complete they will sell digital and physical copy of it for 70$ or something like that how gacha game usually end?

  17. I usually wonder about this, and yes I do think it won't end with sneshsnayasyaya or the hell is called
    Top much business, and their greed is unlimited. They won't throw away their investments like that, saying "it was fun, see ya".
    They'll try one million ways to make it last as long as possible

  18. Side note, there's an alternative to money or time, and it's private server.
    They'll become more and more common to me, and it's totally right like that.
    You can say it's illegal and I agree with you, but also if they make them its because their prices are outrageous. And somewhat illegal too, mortality speaking.
    If they understand they have to cut these disgusting prices maybe things will change, but I doubt they'll do it


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