Why Genshin Impact Content Creators are Quitting

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48 thoughts on “Why Genshin Impact Content Creators are Quitting”

  1. This was the most realest I’ve seen of Tectone. I relate to what he said and personally as a smaller content creator, I do feel this feeling where I need to post consistently to become successful. Sometimes I don’t want to make content because animation takes awhile and I will always know that it doesn’t return me with good things. I always say to myself that, maybe if I keep making animation and have many sleepless nights to finish this animation that the animation in return will get me the success I’m looking for but it never did and I’ve done 3 animation that took me months to make and it sucks that it didn’t “blew me up”.

    So I appreciate you telling us all this cuz now I know for sure that I’m not alone on this and that bigger content creators also feels the same way.

  2. i havent played the game in like 2 or 3 weeks now. BP and welkin moon is running and i still dont even bother to do any of that shit. I lost pretty much every motivation to play or even log in, i dont care about anniversary either. I just notice more and more how much of a predatory moneymaking slotmachine for gamble addicts that game is. But besides the gambling.. there is almost zero content.

    The story telling is a a joke too, the story is so easy to predict, you know what will happen before its even released.
    But besides that the game has no substance at all. There is still NO endgame…just like on initial release, back the people said: ''oh yeah the game isnt finished, we will get engame soon'' yeah good joke.. what is even the point in playing the game? Usually a game is driven by progress but in genshin… i dont even need to progress, because i can allready do everything in the game.

    i dont need new characters, i dont need new artifacts, i dont need anything in the game really… Is grinding the same fucking domain with crap rng artifacts or daylies.. fun? NO its not… but thats all there is… and since i can allready clear abyss even without doing that.. why would i even want to do that? i have NO reason to even log in. When my mouse hovers the genshin icon my mind goes like ''yeay click it so you can do fun daylies and kill a boss the 500th time… well… nooo''

  3. dude i dont agree with what u said. if u were to quit youtube, i dont think youll be replacable like ur such a funny guy and such a good content creator and i dont think the other guys can live up to u like before when i went on twitch to watch streamers i say alright i wanna see some pro gameplay so i can be better but now when i go on twitch im like lets gooo tectones streaming because when ur streaming its just so nice and such a great feeling to actually have something to look forward to and yeah just dont quit dude and you'll get through it.

  4. Hey Teccy I have a question
    If I've spent so much resources in my genshin account but Im still at a low rank should I restart from the beggining Im ar27 I know Im still at the start but I always get messed up thinking about restarting the game I usually play the game for a while but then I stop it for a month or more but now I really feel like I want to get better at the game(Im really sorry for asking I know its rude and this might make you feel bad Im sorry I know you might not read this even but if you do thank you very much for providing us the viewers with entertaining videos and keep it up)

  5. We all love you Teccy! I’m sure it’s hard but make sure you take care of yourself, your streams or even just going to watch your videos makes my day- but it doesn’t when you’re posting and not wanting too or your stressed about it- so please take care of yourself < 3 And I’m sure your whole community feels the same

  6. Damn Teccy, I really appreciate this video. I can feel your real feelings and emotions coming through. Mental health should always come first, otherwise you burn out too fast and can never reach your true potential. I hope you find the balance between the many sides of your personality – I think people follow you for more than just the laughs, so don't be afraid to dial it back if you feel like it. No person can be on "10" forever, ya know? Take care!

  7. I don't play Genshin. Followed you for arknights content. Just want to say you that I love you. Be yourself man, even if you lose a bit of popularity, that's way better than being insane. You are a gift to the world. Also, you are right with the mental health thing. Thank you.

  8. I see, on my screen, a sigma male, That can express his feelings
    and confess that he doesnt feel so great. If teccy quits, most of us, will be very sad.
    We want you to do what feels best for you brother. We will continue supporting you no matter what.

  9. this is completely fine. if you need a break from acting all energetic and smiling constantly, please take one. we dont want you to force yourself to post anything, and we dont want you to force yourself to yell or smile.

  10. Take your breaks man, be as you feel in the videos. You are energetic and funny in the videos, but you also have the content of it in them so you don't have to he constantly constantly hyper active.
    We support you, you're your own person and you're unique in your constant creating. I've been watching you for long, and you're videos helped me so much.
    I appreciate you, we appreciate you.

  11. we’re glad you’re here teccy. videos like this are what it’s like to be a human. you’ve helped me with your story & your mentality, just like you’ve helped so many others. so thank you for doing your best, continue to spread your message and live life how you see fit.

  12. Pls help me get raiden shogun I just spent 520$ trying toget her and no luck I work as a machine operator making steel wire for car shocks and ivehad no luck I've lost 2 fingers at my job and have contracted alpha 1 lung disease from it I just wanna have a good time after I get off work and I just can't get her

  13. am sure people will still enjoy your contents even if you don't scream and shout on camera for entertainment purposes. Bing yourself on camera is another art on it's own don't think many people can do it not even in real life. Having fans and followers like you do mean you have plenty of people who you can share your thoughts with and listen to you. Yes they may not be able to physically help you and by the end of the video or stream everyone leaves and may for get about it all. But hey it may just help you relief some of that stress that you have.

    Take care dude.

  14. I think with poor end game contents, genshin contents are too little for full time content creators. 70% contents about genshin are fanmade and mihoyo still splitting contents of game and slowly release while making more old mechanics charactors.

  15. hi small content creator #242352 here, im one of those that uploads when I feel like it… I havent grown much over the year. I don't really look forward to growing because I know exacty what I should do if I did want to grow, that being upload upload upload. the sad truth is if you aren't uploading consistently you need to upload HIGHLY edited TOP quality content and even then theres a chance nothing comes out of it. sucks as I look back over the year and wonder "if I can improve this this and this will anything change". other than that I wish anyone big or small content creator wise blessings on their mental health.


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