Why everything is so EASY | Genshin Impact

#shorts #genshinimpact #hoyocreators

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16 thoughts on “Why everything is so EASY | Genshin Impact”

  1. The only other game that i played before genshin was fortnite and gta. You could say i wasn't really a "Gamer" (well i played fortnite ALOT and I'm still playing it ALOT i didn't quit. But fortnite is just one genre). And i didn't know what gacha was at all. So i was really confused at the start. But after some time has passed, I'm a master at everything in genshin and star rail

  2. This is the the second complicated game I played (my first are Pokemon games). I'm trying hard but there are many things I'm bad at, especially controlling movement during combat and PUZZLES. I didn't like Honkai Starrail because of other reasons. Hope WuWa is easier. I won't play any other games like this, never was much of a gamer to begin with 🙃

  3. I played legend of Zelda botw before Genshin and only found out about it cus my cousin was playing it, fast forward one year I think I tried Genshin cus I finished botw and got bored lol….. now I’m addicted


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