Why EVERYONE Plays: Ayaka | Genshin Impact

Back with another Why EVERYONE Plays! Today we’ll be featuring the first character ever conceived by the developers: Kamisato Ayaka!

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#GenshinImpact #WhyEveryonePlays #Ayaka


38 thoughts on “Why EVERYONE Plays: Ayaka | Genshin Impact”

  1. Thanks to the extended banner I managed to get ayaka (c0) and a mistsplitter (r1) making her my best built character slightly above ganyu (better artifacts my ganyu has r1 amos). I love absolutely nuking things with her burst but the range and other utility of ganyu is often needed so I can say that even with having both you don’t feel bad about it. Of course ayaka is my favorite personality (and the fact that she seems like she kinda has a thing for the traveler is adorable to me)

  2. I saw her Beta gameplay and saw the after-sprint strike skill where she dives down from the air.

    Too bad its not here anymore but seeing big numbers for 20 cool blue ticks is still satisfying

  3. IMO, her feelings and lore being interwoven into the main game made it clear to me that she’s very dear to the developers. I also felt like she had one of the most realistic emotions in wanting to end Shogun’s eternity, she just feels love for those around her. That melts anyone’s heart.

  4. Its funny. I got her, but I genuinely hate using her and hate her character.

    Tbf though, I'm basically not Ayaka's intended audience. I'm an albedo main and C6ed shenhe. I make my supports my DPS units. Its… well.

  5. Simple…

    She's fun to use. Her charge attack alone is so freakin fun 😂 plus, if you have a good cryo applicator and you can stand her sprint, you can easily create an infinite loop of freeze 😂 your Enemy ain't movin untill your done.

  6. Also, I want to add…. Ayaka is the only character whose kit and literally everything in it especially constellations, ALL BUFFS her damage. Most characters C4 is a support constellation for the party, sometimes excludes the character itself. But Ayaka is built different.

    Imagine Cryo archon being a support for Cryo characters… Ayaka will only get even more busted in later versions. I have her C6 R5, and she is the only character I maxed out like that. No regrets!

  7. I’m free to play, and love her so much that she was my first to be triple crowned and so far the only character for whom I’ve gotten their signature weapon aside from event weapons. That takes a lot for a F2P player, and I don’t regret it. Also I didn’t even know about the beta. She simply became my new waifu as soon as her banner was teased.

  8. I initially pulled for her cause I was new to the game and my brother told me she would be useful for water traversal as well as a good overall unit. Glad I got her as my first 5 star. Now im gonna save to get mist splitter.

  9. She feels "complete" as a dps character, not too OP but certainly deals a very good amount of dmg. She has good f2p weapon, suitable 4-set artifacts, samurai-style attack with alternate sprint (with some additional utility too), can be used in quick-swap or just her being on-field most of the time depending on the team, her overall team is also good at dealing with mobs or a single target enemy
    I wish HYV have this kind of character more….

  10. Ayaka was my very first 5 star and she hasn't left my party since. I love her so much she's my second favorite character overall right behind Komomi 💗

  11. She's one of my least played female five stars, down there with Mona and Keqing. And Mona being down there should be a hint as to why. I despise the alt sprints. I really, really wish there was an option to disable alt-sprints when out of combat. So she pretty much only gets brought out to deal with certain Abyssal Lectors. And that's a shame, because everything else about her is fun (and I don't mind her alt sprint in combat… just hate it out of it).

  12. i also find it funny how her birthday is the genshin anniversary- but fr shes an ideal character and it shows, and im hoping there are more like her in terms of cons, elements and teams thought out for characters

  13. She's the reason i started playing this game. I saw one of her old leaked gameplay and i wanted to get her so bad only to find out that she's not coming out till later.
    I made sure to get her on 1st day of her banner w/ her sword 😋❄️

  14. I thought the video was going to say "Because her banner lasted 240 days." Ayaka is my favorite character in the game. I'm a F2P player, so she's the only character in the game that I pulled for her weapon as well, and I actually got it. But the only reason I was able to do that is because I saved up all my primogems just for her for months and months.

  15. Ayaka C4 allows her to def shred so she is not locked into main dps, not to mention she can be a quickswap burst dmg dealer, cryo applier for hu tao nukes, energy battery for Eula. I think your take on her role may be slightly biased to favor Ganyu. The only things Ganyu has for support are using her burst for cryo application and cryo boosting. Other than that, I can't see how Ganyu is more versatile than Ayaka.

  16. My reapns for liking her kit really come down to her uptime. My other dps at the time was childe and Hu tao who are strong but have definite downtimes (not the worst considering you can swap to supports) but ayaka is one you can have on the field constantly and be incredible. Really good for that slowing water domain.


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