Why Does Nobody Ask About Paimon's Existence [Genshin Impact Lore Theory, Discussion, and Analysis]

This video is the byproduct of Aster’s Weird 3 AM Questions and my fascination with audiovisual soundwaves. I decided to kill two civilizations with one cataclysm.

Also, a more relaxed video. I really just wanted to test my new editting toys. Don’t mind me.

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24 thoughts on “Why Does Nobody Ask About Paimon's Existence [Genshin Impact Lore Theory, Discussion, and Analysis]”

  1. The obvious answer is hoyo doesn't want to bring attention to her just yet. I'm sure more will be divulged later on. Probably even end game. But for now her role is to make sure the story continues and being our Teyvat guide apparently.
    And here's something very suspicious: The abyss lector from Enkonomiya said "You shouldn't trust people so easily in the future. Then he looks at paimon and says "Take that little fellow by your side. Perhaps you shall face betrayal from that corner too." We defend her to him and he says " You didn't learn anything at all!" It's almost like it's foreshadowing what is to come. Paimon could be a god. Maybe a god of time or the primordial god, or a helper of sustainer in a weakened form with a lack of memory. But I have a feeling they will keep dropping small hints like this until it is time for Paimon to get her memories back. She definitely has something to do with Celestia.

  2. I think people are just used to seeing weird things in Teyvat. People know other worlds exist and just commonly accept it, and oftentimes only show mild surprise when realizing something is not of this world. They know that visions are normally needed for humans to use the elements, but barely even acknowledge the fact Traveler alone is an exception. People find all sorts of anomalies all over, and throughout history, acknowledging said anomalies and looking too deep into them has just incurred the wrath of Celestia to lead to their demise.

    So, to be honest, I think people are just used to not acknowledging exceptions in Teyvat. There's exceptions to every rule they have in the world, and exploring them only ever seems to lead to danger. So it's better to accept it.

    Also, I think ELFs from Honkai might exist in Teyvat because in Wangshu Inn Paimon is called an elf and I know they got taken to another world so it'd make perfect sense. In that case, people who know about them would probably just assume Paimon is one of them like the girl at the inn does.

    Anyways, here's some odd things about Paimon.
    She's able to disappear, presumably to the same place that Traveler keeps their stuff. But we don't know where that is… which is kind of ominous.

    She claims to have had a childhood, but also says she "doesn't want to become a lousy adult." I think Paimon doesn't even understand her own past or present.

    She claims to be a god in one voiceline, but it seems to be a joke.

    The menu is called the Paimon menu, and she has a shop (Paimon shop). This implies that she might actually be able to skip time and change fate (AKA the fates we use to get characters, or in the lore, to make friends)

    MANY parallels between her and Paimon the demon from mythology. Not going to bother listing it, just… google it.

    Paimon says floating is exhausting, so I presume it's why she eats so much. It takes a high metabolism to maintain that energy.

    …and there's probably more. I can't list all the weird things about her off the top of my head.

  3. I have a theory, it's quite far-fetched, but here goes nothin. What if paimon, as suggested in aether's Chinese reveal, is a companion given by the gods? As in their homeworld. That's only if we assume that Celestia is their home and if they are, infact gods.

  4. I feel Paimon either belongs to the Seelie Kingdom, or from that Moonlit Forest in some book I can't remember, or she is probably the Traveler's locked powers taking such a form coz even the Traveler instantly trusted her. Her being Istaroth doesn't sit well imo (She could be though and this journey might even make her realize things coz if so, the Traveler needs her powers to fight the God they so miserably failed to last time)

  5. I also thought about these questions. Why does nobody ask about Paimon? They don't even ask about the Traveler. I guess most people on Teyvat may think that Paimon came together with the Traveler instead of being separate beings with different origins.

  6. I have a theory about paimon just now.
    First, Let's think Paimon similar to a Achon. By that, when people worships a God and the God does their duty, their powers become stronger.
    The Paimon that we know seems to have a (little) power but it is not fully explained and she's small and lastly floats.
    Now, Q.1. Why is she small? First, I think she's not really a child.
    Q.2. Why does she float and have powers?
    I think the ans to those questions are these;
    Paimon is a forgotten God that used to known and was powerful when she was forgotten and she didn't do her duties, her powers weakened and also made her small, not only that because she was forgotten and was all alone for how long, she forgot who she was.
    All that she remembers is what kind of "person" she is. She doesn't know what she is or who she used to be and when someone broughts it up she diverts from it because she's afraid from the unknown within her.

    An alternate why Paimon had become like this can be this senario;
    She was fighting a God and she lost and used almost of her power and she was defeated. By the impact of the battle, she was thown far away.
    After that, her physical from shrunk (just like Guoba when he used most of his power), she still has powers but can only do simple stuff like float. She has also forgotten who she was and what she is.
    She only remembers what kind of "person" she is and when someone ask about what/who she is, she avoids it and I think she feels scared of the things she had forgotten.

  7. Paimon herself could just be the hoax herself that scarmoche was talking about, since she has the scent of many stars she herself could be the fake sky . Plus there is also her ability to change time etc

  8. I always thought that Paimon is beyond the false sky. Or more of, she's beyond the stars. We found her in the ocean and on the map there's no way she could fall from Celestia and float through rivers to get there given where it hovers. She smells of stars like the traveler. As far as I've seen no one from Teyvat knows anything of her, gods or mortals. I find comfort in like… Paimon makes stars/ constellations, or perhaps is the creation of the one who does. Or was created to aid the travelers, like Morgana from Persona5.
    Also just remembered if I'm not mistaken, I remember Paimon saying like she's the god of protection. So either she's a walking anti-baby maker, or possibly is like… A good luck charm, for your travels. Which could be a good reason why the traveler hasn't just been wiped out by Celestia,
    Whoever or whatever Paimon is, someone needs to teach her restraint. She talks too much.


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