Why Diluc's Simplicity Is His Greatest Strength (Genshin Impact Gameplay Design Analysis)

My character gameplay design analysis on Diluc, explaining why I think that despite his simple kit, he will continue to maintain his niche as a main DPS carry.

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Intro: 0:00
Trend in Complexity of Combat Mechanics: 0:39
Complexity of DPS Carries: 2:23
Diluc’s Simple Kit: 3:55
Diluc’s Unique Strengths: 5:17
Diluc’s Other Strengths: 7:16
Conclusion: 8:12
#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Diluc


47 thoughts on “Why Diluc's Simplicity Is His Greatest Strength (Genshin Impact Gameplay Design Analysis)”

  1. Even though I have hu tao, I enjoy playing with Diluc because of simplicity…….like in case of hu tao u need to manage stamina and hp. But in case of Diluc, just start hitting with normal atk and e skill + his busrt has low erg cost and gives pyro infusion. Diluc's e skill and normal atk combo is sooo satisfying…..I love claymore characters, there hits feels heavy and massive.
    And Diluc's dmg is not so bad, I still use him in place of hu tao whenever I have to deal with corrosion situation.

  2. My opinion, simplicity is also a weakness, doing the same boring cycle without change is the reason why most players dropped him. Presses E three times, Clicks basic, then use ult when available. Another thing is his lack of interest as a character, we don't know who he was prior to being in the wine industry in comparison to someone as simple as Xiangling. As a Hu Tao user, it isn't even that difficult to maintain 50% HP. HP% build diona maintains my health above a point where I can't get one shot or lose my damage output and shields me well. Reminder that since Hu Tao scales of HP%, half of her health is around a usual DPS character at full health. So then, her gameplay? Its similar to diluc alternating between two buttons during his E. Press E, Hold down click and jump (c0), then ult when available. So then the reason why people dropped Diluc isnt just because of the similar numbing gameplay. Hu Tao's cute animations/voice and her damage output make it worth it despite the gamplay. In the story, Hu Tao and Diluc both have important positions in their business, but Hu Tao is more interesting because of her connection with the afterlife and her prankster nature. Diluc is a textbook "cool guy" who works in the shadows and even Childe has more depth in character than Diluc.

  3. I always liked diluc, when i tested him i loved how comfortable and simple his gameplay was unlike Hu Tao. When i started playing her i realised how uncomfortable it was to have to aim with charged attacks and having to always be on low hp, etc

  4. Diluc isn't powercrept at all. People just don't understand his kit and are comparing his single target/nuke dmg to characters that are made for single target like Hu Tao. Of course he will underperform in these situations. While in reality his kit is very good in most situations. His normals and E give him his single target. The special thing about these is the wide aoe that Hu Tao or Yoimiya doesn't have. You can see this in a fight against 2 ruin guards Hu Tao struggles hitting both of them with her charged attack. Then his E and normals got very big poise value which means that he can stagger enemies easily 1. This makes him tankier because he interupts potential attacks (Eula's poise values are very low though she is considered as squishy even with her def buffs) 2. This allows you to control the enemy and push them together for more aoe. Then he got the adult male bofy type and is a pyro claymore user. His body type makes him significantly faster, lets him climb faster etc. This both helps in combat and exploration. Being a claymore character means having an easier time destroying shields and being pyro even increases this capability further. Dendro shield? Just attack it. Geo shield? Ez. Cryo shield? Child's play. I can imagine that Hu Tao doesn't have an easy time with shields. Then I see people thinking that his Q is underwhelming and bad. So first his Q does 1 initial slashing dmg then multiple instances of dot (8 at max as far as I know) and another his as strong as the initial hit when the phoenix ascends. His Q is meant to carry lots of smaller enemies away while dealing massive dmg to them. This has such a wide aoe that you can sweep away massive crowds in an instant. And if there's a surviving one you just grouped them for your normals. Yes he got a very good grouping ability as a pyro character. Another thing is that you don't care about Er since his Q only costs 40 energy and is spammable with a cd of 12 secs. As you can see he is very good in any situation and I would call him a hybrid of single target and aoe dmg dealer. Comparing his boss clear times with single target focussed characters makes no sense at all. (I left out some details, you can ask me in the comments if you got questions or wanna discuss)

  5. I have been wanting a Diluc since AR 7 bro, I have so many cracked characters now and still no Diluc. Yeah the cracked characters do big damage but I really like Diluc's playstyle.

  6. I started the game back in 1.3 when I didn’t know what a 50/50 was and lost Xiao to Diluc, but I still thought he was a cool character. To this day, Diluc is my main DPS with my DPS Zhongli on the same team, using both Bennett and Venti as well. Funny enough, I’ve used so many characters and Diluc is just the one that didn’t change at all. Even when I venture to use other characters eventually and DPS them, Diluc will always be my main

  7. im ngl i clear abyss so easy with childe national team but with diluc and xingqiu it just takes too longdue to diluc being weak asf if not super hard invested

  8. At some point when the game has a large enough character pool its not a stretch to assume that older off rate characters will become free to play (either by becoming event rewards, having a farming system, etc) and older limited characters will become off rate permanent characters

    So it's probably likely that in the future he'll go from a solid option for people who like his type of gameplay to a solid free to play option for early/mid game players

  9. Diluc's my 2nd 5* pull since November last year, and was the first character I maxed out to lv90. His straightforward DPS attacks and simpler combat mechanics earned him the 2nd spot on my Starter Party, behind CEO of GEO Zhongli who is my Main Main.
    The new shiny 5* may be cool, but the consistent gameplay of earlier 5* are the staple in any Genshin parties.

  10. I remember when I first got him and lost my shit since he was one character I really wanted. My account was kinda a mess at the time and he got me into watching guide vids since I wanted to raise him right :') really can't thank him enough for carrying me through so much shit

  11. He never was meta in the first place, the thing about him being heralded as the king of dps back then was a side effect of his mechanics being REALLY simple to make the most out of when you start out the game, and by the fact that abyss 12 was just a cryo party

    People also didn't have the stat pool needed to support units like Xiangling, and didn't know how to utilize characters like bennett

    He just got a reputation bc the entire community just started the game and were honestly not too knowledgeable about anything the game used to have

    Powercreep hasn't even started in the game yet

    Yes even with units like Ganyu or Ayaka existing

    The older units had the tools to not just keep up, but compete with any new "powercreep" we supposedly had

    Heck even units people overlook in dps roles like Sucrose (tc knows how broken she is) are very competitive in the Meta (yes even vs a newer unit like Kazuha!)

  12. well i got diluc fairly soon into the game and invested a lot into him since, ya know, early game diluc is like top dps bla bla. but diluc is being power crept. he is a on field – damage dealer, and he can stay on field forever and keep doing dmg. but when he is off field (to allow other characters to do their thing – xingqiu with his Q zhongli with his shield – bennet with his q …) there is not much he can do, and when he is on field his dmg out put cant compare to others on field dmg dealer but with off time (hutao or even yoimiya …). it doesnt help that his aoe (exept for his Q) is mediocre. or in comparision to other full time on field dmg dealer like ayaka or ganyu, their aoe and stats just completely exceed that of diluc. even his 'simplicity' is not completely true, to maximize his dmg in a team comp you need just as many skill as you would with any other characters: practicing specific combo, getting used to the pace of the team and such, one might argue that he is more forgiving towards faults (his pyro infusion doesnt go away when he is switched) but that's about it.

  13. Okay, I started this game because because of Diluc and Mona (still haven't got them) and I'm a Ganyu main, I poured many of my resources into her, but dammit it to hell if I ever get I him I WILL try my hardest to make him the best he can be with what I can give him, because he's my favourite male character and I'm still trying to get pitybroken by him (please Diluc this is the fifth in a row I won)

  14. As a day one player, I gotta say that every character gets boring after using them for a long time. Be it simple character like Diluc or complex like Eula. Beauty of this game is that you have so many characters and so many teams, do not limit yourself to meta, have fun.

  15. This is something I don't see diluc get enough credit for and I fully agree here. Like sure everyone might get a free xiangling who is capable of a lot more damage, she requires a good understanding of energy funneling and rotations to truly make the most of her. For an endgame player sure you can put in time to learn it but anyone can pick up Diluc if they wanted and could still get solid damage

  16. My current team is Barbara-Diluc-Fischl-Eula. And I know this isn’t a usual party but it’s the one I like best. EuFish is my main combo for the super conduct. BarbLa for freeze while waiting for Fischl’s recharge, while Diluc is kinda in the background but is always necessary and elecombos with each of the other three. Especially important on dragon spine, he’s also been great on inazuma on enemies I can’t really damage with eula (getting interrupted or other reasons).
    Diluc is my last guard, rarely used, but always up to the task. I’ve been thinking of replacing him with yanfei but I still can’t stand that her being a mage means she’s got no movement for some parts of her kit, (Leave my Barbara alone, she’s carrying my teams and is at c4 [im debating buying the current star glitter Barbara to bring her to c5, though I eventually want a c6 Barbara])

  17. I have a lot of Limited Banner characters and all 5-star characters, as well as a Wolf's Gravestone but STILL NO DILUC! I've wanted Diluc the moment I started playing this game back at September 28, 2020. It's wild how I still don't have him! Yet, I have C1 Keqing and C1 Jean that I don't even use! Diluc, come home please. I may be pulling for Itto but if I am losing my 50/50, I at least hope it's Diluc.


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