Why didn't Clorinde stop Childe in court? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore and Theory)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #natlan #capitano #dainsleif #clorinde

not a serious video. just thought the parralel between what clorinde is meant to do, vs what childe did was pretty funny. considering he did everything shes meant to stop. nothing much to talk about so just sorta went over clorindes lore and story up to this point, and then briefly went over a part of focalors plan to save fontaine that still irks me to this very day. i am 100% pulling clorinde, pretty sure im skipping sigewinne, and then if 4.8 has no new characters… then ill see in ya natlan banner page. ive pretty muched finished building clorinde, its weird she uses thundering fury, but at least her mats were easy enough to farm. and furina nahida best team. pog. 4.7 dain quest and clorinde quest in a bit though, it should be hype.


0:00 Intro
0:30 Focalors Plan
4:05 Clorinde vs Childe
7:10 Clorinde lore and story

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #natlan #capitano #dainsleif #archons


28 thoughts on “Why didn't Clorinde stop Childe in court? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore and Theory)”

  1. I mean I was going to say that Neuvilette did say that for to be proven innocent was to do a duel and well knowing Childe he’d obviously accept and I won’t be surprised that if the duel did happen Clorinde would’ve spun Childe’s block in 0 seconds like Neuvilette did

  2. i wanna get clorinde bc she is houraji kyuushou of genshin but i also want sigewinne bc she a melusine and i also want emilie bc her design looks good idk what to do

  3. There was no room for that. He did fight the meks, but then went in to access his foul legacy. By then, Neuvillette intervened. It’s not like Clorinde would be able to handle foul legacy on her own anyway. She’s still just a humanπŸ˜…

  4. My theory is, Clorinde didn't step in purely because of Childe and his status as a Harbinger for the Fatui. Even when sent to Mereopide, Neuvillette basically got scolded, elegantly, by Arlecchino on the injustice toward a type-esque diplomat.

    Ieβ€”that whole sht show was WELL ABOVE her pay grade. I'd nope out too.

  5. Stop childe from rampaging in the court? No, let your boss himself have to jump in and handle the situation

    Do your job as furinas body guard? No, Let her almost get her heart ripped out by arlecchino while you probably make out with your girlfriend

    Be a aspiring champion duelist and save people of fontaine against the narwal? No, let your boss and the harbinger from snezhnaya handle the situation once again

    They call her 007
    0 strong opponents beaten
    0 involvement in archon quest
    7 normal citizens and hilichurls beaten

    Give me fodder citizens
    Give me Ship bait with navia
    Or i retire.

  6. these people are so delusional
    "She'd annihilate no foul legacy childe" silly simps.
    Childe trained by skirk, childe master of almost all weapons, childe who annihilated 10 ruin guards in 10 seconds, childe who held off massive whale for a whole month in foul legacy which kept draining his life and most importantly, childe who keeps on getting stronger and that's even acknowledge by arlecchino and most importantly dude with the most love for fights. And y'all delusional waifu simps tryna say that the present spectator woman who farms nameless NPCs would beat him 😭😭😭😭 nah, "I'd spectate"

    "She's just a human" stupid argument, so is childe.

  7. these people are so delusional
    "She'd annihilate no foul legacy childe" silly simps.
    Childe trained by skirk, childe master of almost all weapons, childe who annihilated 10 ruin guards in 10 seconds, childe who held off massive whale for a whole month in foul legacy which kept draining his life and most importantly, childe who keeps on getting stronger and that's even acknowledge by arlecchino and most importantly dude with the most love for fights. And y'all delusional waifu simps tryna say that the present spectator woman who farms nameless NPCs would beat him 😭😭😭😭 nah, "I'd spectate"

    "She's just a human" stupid argument, so is childe.

  8. Fraudrinde such a fraud that the prophecy had to make HIMjax guilty in court or else Fraudrinde would've been cooked in a duel πŸ”₯πŸ”₯‼️‼️

  9. the clorinde glazers in the comments need to actually READ and UNDERSTAND the genshin lore before saying clorinde wins, its such a no brainer lmao, childe at 20% power would already beat clorinde. he literally fought the narwhal that was stated to devour worlds before coming into teyvat. wgat did clorinde do? all she did was unalive navia's father πŸ’€πŸ™ + she got stalemated by a visonless childe while holding back πŸ’€πŸ™

  10. Ngl, I tought that maybe because of fontainians begin once a Oceansids they were able to ensure more Underwater but it sounds like a MASSIVE stretch. As for Clorinde….. Idk tbh, maybe she was busy drinking tea or something 😭

  11. You all, im a main Tartaglia an he is strong an all but he still has the mind of a child, remember that Arlecchino said it, that guy is going to be turbo screwed, well it's one more defeat of all the ones that he has

  12. Funny that people think their waifus can beat childe because he is the weakest. Yeah the weakest HARBINGER. He may be the weakest but he is still one of the harbingers. He would completely fold her.


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