Why CN is malding over Itto & what this means for the future of Genshin Impact…

Genshin Impact CN Itto drama brings into light a deeper issue that we are not talking about for the future of Genshin Impact…

CN content creator video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pU4y1K7ao?p=1&share_medium=android_i&share_plat=android&share_source=COPY&share_tag=s_i&timestamp=1639583600&unique_k=9sAVBLn

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41 thoughts on “Why CN is malding over Itto & what this means for the future of Genshin Impact…”

  1. Powercreeping in a gacha game is unavoidable… there will be endless loop of introducing new stuff that will bury old stuff. I dont think Xiao is completely outclassed tho. Some content creators like Zyox who is a Xiao simp is a dolphin player with little to no constellations on his characters. He has a habit of not following mechanics at times like using xiao team against the abyss dogs. We often bully him in chat for it lol but he keeps proving that it is doable. Genshin is not a solo character game. Dps units whether in the current meta or washed up are all reliant on supports

  2. It looks like Mihoyo's style of beating around the bush when it comes to buffing, nerfing, or dealing with underpowered characters or strategies is about to bite them in the ass. As fun and creative as these new enemy formations can be, it can really only help bolster a certain few characters like Yoimiya, Kokomi, or even already powerful characters like Ganyu while the powercrept characters like Keqing, Diluc, and Xiao are left behind. It's almost like seeing the rich get richer and the poor become even more poor.

  3. Just sayin Itto did nothing wrong it’s not his fault for being new and improved typically new characters are improvements over older characters it’s incredibly common for unit based rpgs

  4. 2:10
    I can't disagree with this harder. You know and confirmed what you payed for. C6 Xiao could use a fix for sure, but the idea that "Because I payed a lot, I deserve something better than exactly what I payed for" is absolutely absurd.

  5. Been playing Honkai Impact for 4 years, and older gacha characters becoming obsolete is kinda the norm there, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it in Genshin either. The good thing is that the pool of obsolete characters can become farmable or even be given as f2p rewards once their luster is over. That's just how it goes. Mihoyo needs to keep selling new gacha for the next few years.

  6. Are they seriously surprised? Xiao is one of the most janky and failed-experimental characters in the game. His mechanics are just not exactly compatible with the game when it comes to content that pushes things to the limits like this.

    Whales malding is nothing new though. The toxic Diluc mains for example from launch are still snorting copium that their huge money dump on Diluc was not money thrown into a trashcan and he's still super OP(which he never was) and not at all mediocre and underperforming fourstars.

    It also gives tryhard megawhales huge level of denial and jealous rage when they waste their money on a virtual toy and a new thing just ends up being better.

  7. IMO you forgot the flip side of the equation, most older characters feel more complete without Constellations, and with Raiden onwards, maybe even Ayaka, they put more stuff into the Con's

  8. If they can give xiao 4 piece or at least Crowd control immunity when in ULT state then i won't complain. getting interrupted/ frozen mid air is annoying as hell.
    there are even small things that is fkcing annoying when using xiao.
    when plunging and jumping xiao slowly move backwards. even if you cornered the enemy. xiao moves backs a little then you need to stop jumping, dash a little so his plunge can reach the enemy again.

  9. Meh i actually dont care. The game doesn't even demand that your characters get constellations. The content is way too easy.

    The ones who spent money, well they knew what they were spending on. Let them go to MHY and fight no need for the avg guy to protect either sides

  10. nice video. one thing i would say i wish you talked more about kit issues at c0, since people are less receptive to problems about c6. at c0, itto already has QoL features that other characters could have had.

    – no resetting NA chain which yoimiya would have liked
    – no low hp requirement, or no hp drain at all
    – no stamina consumption in CA, basically c1 hu tao built in his kit
    – auto-targetting enemies and auto-chasing nearest enemies when you hold his burst

    the last one isn't talked about as much but one thing that can piss of xiao mains (double crowned btw) is the fact that xiao overstaggers enemies and forces you to waste precious seconds on his ult by manually repositioning him. itto just auto-targets the enemy and chases them down, while also staggering them. what a QoL dps.

  11. thats how gacha games works. newer characters will always outperformed the older ones so people will spend more money to wish. its all about money whether you like it or not. but atleast you can beat the story though even if you're just using 4 star characters

  12. Eventually almost all dps and characters will get powercreeped. There will appear new mechanics and enemies, bcz if not, then, it wouldn't make sense to pull for any other 5 stars, bcuz you don't need them, u have enough 5 stars to beat ezly the game. Is like buying phones, eventually your phone will turn out to be old, and not so good as the new ones. Ofc, it depends on the design of the character: maybe they will also be obsolete later than the other characters, but at some point they will be obsolete

  13. It should come as a fair warning to every genshin gamer that Mihoyo would only focus on a problem when they get monetary compensation, a.k.a. reruns.

    Also, Mihoyo wants players to forget that certain problems exist. Instead, they want players to focus on newest shiny object, a.k.a. latest banner. More so if it's a new character.

    Players need to stop focusing on the present marketing and start seeing what are the needs for their teams are.

  14. Honestly, mihoyo has to get on the ball with hot fixes and making sure characters don’t have bugs or glitches, as well as being useable.
    A lot more characters are starting to be pushed aside for the mere fact of the abyss
    I got keqing but there is absolutely not reason to raise her if she hasn’t had a weapon, artifact set, or actual fixes to her skills, to even run her

  15. As a Xiao main, I can definitely feel the powercreep, but a different one. My main team is catered around farming fowl, meat and fish. Kazuha, Venti, Yoimiya and Ayaka can do all that better than Xiao, so I hardly use him anymore TAT

  16. Is this really representative of the entire CN community though? Everytime I see 'CN is Rioting' posts, it usually turns out that those complaining are just a loud minority. It's like global players just cherry-pick some posts on cn social media and call it "CN coMmUNitY rEAcTiOn lOLz".

    ZL is really the only time where mhy listened because of its political implications but every other 'drama' goes unnoticed.

  17. I agree with what ppl said about artifacts set, support characters and weapon. But about his kits, I think each characters have their own strength and weakness, we should be at the point where we can select the team base on the situation. Itto seem OP bc MHY tend to modify the abyss to show new characters strength not weakness. This abyss favor Itto doesn't mean the abyss will always be like this.

    I think standard five stars have more mess up kits.

  18. i'm not a gacha expert but i heard this is pretty common, powercreep and older units falling behind. Some even argue Ganyu is more difficult to use than Ayaka and that's another form of powercreep (I have neither so I wouldn't know :P)… Xiao's issues are still there of course and I'm sure he'll go back to slapping big time whenever they add dedicated artifacts and supports for him like other strong units. Mihoyo just wants us to keep spending for the shiny new toy unfortunately


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