Which is BETTER for GAMING? Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Genshin Impact FPS Gaming Test

Since many requested that I test Genshin Impact, this will be one of the first side by side comparisons between the S24 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Warzone Mobile will be next testing tool between these devices! Nevertheless, check out my test as I show real-time fps and provide a detailed analysis on FPS, thermals, and GPU usage.

Device Information and Test Setup (0:00)
Genshin Max Settings Configuration (0:41)
15-Minute Genshin Impact FPS Test Comparison (1:00)
Peak Temp Check (12:30)
FPS average and GPU usage discussion (12:59)
Conclusion (13:53)

#iphone15promax #galaxys24ultra #genshinimpact


34 thoughts on “Which is BETTER for GAMING? Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Genshin Impact FPS Gaming Test”

  1. One thing to consider about this test is that Genshin more optimized on the IPhones chips than on android, one of the reasons is because Apple pay them to put a lot of efforts into optimizing it, also the Samsung version of Genchin runs at a higher resolution than the iPhone, if you thinkim makingthis up search it up. Another thing to consider is that this is a new chip that is significantly different from the Gen2 compared to the IPhones in which it didn't change at all, only the specs. Im not trying to say that androids are better, ik many games are very well optimized for that chip because there aren't many phones with these types of chips compared to the android side.

  2. very strange performance on the s24 ultra.. the s23 already ran a stable 60fps, in theory the 8 gen 3 of the s24 ultra should handle it even better… What can be seen is that the game has not yet been optimized for the processor, as it is very recent.. it would be interesting to do the same comparison in a few months

  3. I wonder if the difference in FPS is due to the iPhone running at a lower resolution. What resolution is he playing at on the S24 Ultra? In any case, I am not buying an iPhone just to play this game.

  4. Which is better I’m getting a upgrade soon, I play mobile games like Roblox, other high end games while using vc on Discord when I’m not on pc , I mainly multitasking I currently use a 13 pro now but gets warm after gaming and batteries at 80% mostly
    And would like to know battery percentage wise after 1/2 year does it stay healthy? Not running out too much? With my iPhone 13 Pro now I lose about 20/30% for 1 hour games and multitasking with vc discord

    And photo wise I like to know… I’m stuck with all of these points iPhone 15 pro max or Ultra 23 , Samsung fold 4/5

    Obviously I don’t game whole day maybe around 3 hours total per day

  5. Hi! Awesome video, but I have a suggestion.. Next time please include a disclaimer that states the fact that phones run different software versions. I mean Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max it's at a 4th or 5th update release and Samsung S24 Ultra is at it's original release software.

  6. fuck that stupid trash iphone really for what da fuck you understand is better ? do you know that there are games where iphone Lag…. Asphalt 9 Mcoc ect. genshin impact is by far the stupidest game ever if you want to play game buy PC ffg stupid


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