Which Character To Pull For After The Update? – Genshin Impact

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💬 In this Genshin Impact Guide, I talk about some of the new characters that are coming to try and help you to choose which one to save your primogems for.
It’s really hard to accumulate primogems on this game for F2P Players and Low Spenders, so it’s important to start saving as soon as possible!

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🔰 Credits and extras:
Ayaka old videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LANmpiLBScI

❓ Frequently Asked Question:
Q: Why is your name F2P Diluc if you’re not F2P?
A: My name is F2P Diluc because I’ve already beaten all the content in the game when I was F2P. Now I buy the Battle Pass and Welkin Moon because the resources help a lot to build more characters and make more videos.
🎥 Here you can see me getting 36-Stars in the Spiral Abyss when I was F2P: https://youtu.be/W9Ryy63OXmM



38 thoughts on “Which Character To Pull For After The Update? – Genshin Impact”

  1. I'll surely pull for Ganyu, Baal, Gorou and Tohma. For Yae and Kokomi, if their banner is between my most wanted characters, I'll rather pull in their reruns. Still not sure for Xiao and Albedo reruns if I'll pull. Maybe depends on my primos

  2. First thing first, I really don't know why people keep taking Mona as exemple for Ayaka's dash and saying it's really bad and they HOPE things will change…

    Man ! It's not like this information is hard to find ! YES IT DID CHANGE ! All beta testers said that Mihoyo made Ayaka's dash smoother and quicker. So please stop saying that as a bad point for Ayaka as if you don't know that they changed it.

  3. Oh and btw Yae MIKO is not Yae SAKURA…. You know, that's why they don't have the same NAME.

    Fischl is in Honkai officially because they did a crossover with an entire Genshin event in Honkai, don't compare this to a random weeb speculation please.

  4. I might pull for Ayaka because I hate Abyss Leechers and Abyss Harolds. Seeing her elemental burst looks like a shield shredder.

    Currently with 2,8k primogems In my dreams though

  5. her dash is improved version of mona, she can attack immediately after dashing or sprinting and animation of canceling dash is a lot faster. second thing is, her burst unleash 1 slashing thing, 3 of them are locked behind constelation.

  6. Thanks F2P Diluc that help me being F2P! Just one thing I disagree, Mona sprint is insane if you know how to use it. If not you would think is garbage, but if you don’t know how to use it the sprint isn’t bad you are bad. At least is what I learn beating a Main Mona.

  7. I'm 100% rolling for Ayaka. I have waited too long.

    Only problem is I have to fight the 50/50. Yoimiya may be a more realistic pull in this regard, if at all.

    As for Ayaka, I'm pretty sure they sped up her dodge recovery. Please correct me if I'm wrong heh

  8. Most importantly i want to focus on support value. Archons seem to be designed to be irreplacable by certain extent. Zhongli is buff shield and venti just succ. I hope Baal is the same. Aand that i will farm enough primogems for her.

    Ps. It seems like. I will only get only 1. Or 2 of these alreado shown inazuma characters. If im lucky of course.


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