Where Are The Natlan NPCs? – Genshin Impact Theory

Hello everybody! Today we will try to figure out why there’s not even one NPC from Natlan in the 5 Nations we’ve visited so far!


39 thoughts on “Where Are The Natlan NPCs? – Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I like the version where they don't leave Natlan due to some kind of coercion, like getting some major negative trait if they get X amount of meters away from their homeland. But i'm very intrigued about the idea that you brought up, regarding the possibility that they could be working together as a nation, to actively help their Archon as a collective force. Maybe they don't leave because they need every single native, to be at all times working towards that singular goal. So leaving would be viewed as a sign of disrespect to their societal norms/rules, might be another instance of cultural behavior dictating ones actions via a directed upbringing/peer pressure. Hell, maybe the whole negative trait thing could even be a last resort measure, to ensure that absolutely no one native to Natlan, can actually leave even if they wanted to.

  2. I can think of 3 reasons why the citizens of Natlan don't leave the nation:

    – The constant conflicts between the tribes

    – Some kind of tradition that considers leaving the nation wrong

    – A curse prevents them from leaving (Maybe that's the reason why Bennett is so unlucky)

  3. You know it’s weird that I actually agree with most of what you’re saying the only differences that I still believe that there is a current pyro archon in natlan and your theory somewhat is similar to mine, so here’s what I think I believe the og pyro archon is actually dead or at least half dead i believe the pyro archon and the pyro dragon could be siblings both created or being born thx to the pyro archon themselves since every archon is a species native to there land and natlan is a nation of dragons then it could be possible that the current Pyro Arcvhon and Pyros sovereign could be half siblings the only thing they share is being born from primal fire which would make them half siblings, and the endless ring of war could be a result of of murata being the new god of war and the pyro archon if the theory of pyro vision users having a theme of passing to church or continuing legacy is true then it could be that the endless ring of war could be a result of the Pyro Aran and the Pyro sovereign having a falling out with each other and the war that has been happening for 500 years in natlan could be a result of three of the tribes fighting the other three the ones that worshiped the Pyro Arcon, and the ones that were worshiped the Pyro sovereign in the end I think murata knows that the Pyros sovereign has a victory that rightfully belongs to them by birth, that being the authority of the pyro element I think kinda like how furina and neuvillette had this father daughter dynamic it can be the same with the Pyro Arcon and the Pyro sovereign having this sister brother dynamic with Murata being the older sibling who might actually be trying to reason with the younger one but the pyro sovereign only wants his authority back even if it means fighting her in the end I believe Murata and the pyro sovereign will have an epic battle with all the people of natlan watching and just like Murata in Honkai died fighting but not actually killing Kiana she will die the same with her idk what she would say to him but considering Genshin parallels Honkai impact 3rd murata could’ve been a sister teacher to the pyro sovereign and her final words to him would be “this is my final lesson” like what himeko says to Kiana (I am legit tearing up right now and we don’t even know what their dynamic is yet dear god) and she dies in his arms with a smile just like the smile himeko gives Kiana in her death in the end the Pyros sovereign doesn’t end up, earning anything from this battle, this could be the reason on why murata tried to reason with him even though she is the god of war, I believe her ideal of war is more so passion and the will to fight for what you believe is right but what the Pyros sovereign is doing is that they’re fighting for something that they themselves want rather then the benefits of the people and with the people of natlan watching muratas death though losing the battle but still fighting to the end there belief and war becomes so passionate and bright that they could pray to her even though she’s dead and with the people having the belief of war being so strong murata will turn to ash and be resurrected through the belief in the people for true strength is not by sheer physical power or martial prowess but the ability to still keep fighting for what you believe in to the point of death that’s the true meaning of war to murata and honestly this makes for a much more interesting story, because if the people are able to resurrect a God through their beliefs, and that would make human ambition stronger than it actually is in lore plus in all the things murata says in descriptions it’s always talking about a man, so it’s likely her talking to the Pyro sovereign as for what I think capitano does in natlan Well, I’m not really sure I was kind of underwhelmed by arlecchino since she didn’t really show to the important plot point in the story and was really just there to be honest I mean, she did do some stuff in Fontaine but she wasn’t the major focus like other archon quest where the fatui are usually one of the main focus in the archon quest but arlecchino didn’t really have much importance in Fontaines story so I really don’t know what capitano will do as for the boss of natlan well it’s possible capitano but idk this is just speculation after all and we really know anything about the guy. Now for the og archon lore it could be once murata dies she meets her predecessor and the predecessor is the one who tells her the secret that dain talks abt which leads to murata giving this secret to the traveler I think the twist of the Pyro sovereign and the Pyro Arcon being half siblings we really interesting since it can better show the dynamic between the sovereign and and the archons anyways as far as why nobody in natlan is leaving well it could simply be because of the 500 year war I think hoyo has made it somewhat clear that the people of natlan are a pride nation were they don’t leave behind their nation if need even arlecchino talks about it basically being disgraceful about leaving your homeland so like we would all see any people from natlan due to them not wanting to leave they have pride, and who they are they have pride in their nation, and they have pride in the war that they’re fighting, even if it last for a millennia I also kinda believe xianyan and Bennett could have their origins be from natlan since xianyan is in pretty sure blasian and Bennett could be from the tribe lansan is in To be honest when I first clicked on your video, I thought I might disagree with a lot of stuff, but I actually ended up liking the video much more than I actually thought I would so great job I think we both need to start considering each other’s theory, since it always leads to an argument and I don’t want arguments especially since you’re my favorite ik I can be disrespectful sometimes so I’m going to try to start seeing Genshin lore in your eyes but I’m still a firm believer that the tsaritsa is bronya especially since an OB development of the game it was confirmed that the cryo- archon would be bronya You can look it up and do your research it’s there.

  4. So Amber or Signora becoming the Pyro Archon isnt entirely copium anymore.
    The people of Natlan could also not want to leave simply due to being prideful dragons, just as we saw with the Sumeru Dragon being so prideful that she'd reject any help from the Archon herself or any other human.
    And im sure Childe out of all of them would be considered the "battle junkie" more so than Capitano, dude is just strong just to uphold his rightful duties as a knight. And since he heard rumors of resurrection… could he be trying to bring back Signora? Its a contradiction considering as a knight, he took her death with the utmost respect, even calling her by her exact name and not saying "Signora", from the video Winter's Lazzo. Him trying to bring her back can be seen as being disrespectful…. maybe Signora does return regardless without his doing?

  5. It's possible that ALL tribes are constantly at war and skirmishing with each other and theres no actual "tournament" it's just like ritualistic war with structure. They may never fight to the death and people may always yield when defeated so there no attrition happening. Likely it's just an honorable requirement that you fight for your tribe, and leaving natlan of course means you arent doing that so they just dont leave. Traders in this case would still come and go, travellers likely wouldnt be harmed and allowed passage. venessa's tribe obviously was a special case and were exiled for some reason a long long time ago, maybe they were BLAMED for murata's death at that time.

  6. thing i hate about genshin is puppet that never gets punish after murdering million of people and even hack irminsul to alter the entire world. i hope unknown god will make fireplace using wood from dismember part of that fuking puppet.

  7. Finally I was so starved for Natlan content and your served! I believe in your theory mortal obligation of the peoples of Natlan not being able to leave because anyone could be called upon to sacrifice themselves. And as for the perfect vessel, everyone jokes and say Benny-boy is the true Archon.. it’s probably not going to be the case but I really hope he’s involved in the story somehow. One other person compares him to a horcrux from Harry Potter due to how he brings misfortune to him and everyone around him and the Gnoses are somewhat similar because they are objects of misfortune. Therefore he may be a Gnosis. But yeah it’s possible that Murata’s new vessel is probably a girl due to a “she” mentioned in Travail.

    (This person is Genshin Bane btw)

  8. That Ganyu line is a plot hole though. The only one who knows that Ei is not Makoto is Yae Miko. For everyone else, the electro archon has been the same since the archon war. There's no way Ganyu knows about the twins.

  9. I have a theory that native Natlan people can't leave their region due to a curse of sorts. My main point is Bennett, and if we actually consider him being a native Natlantean. What if his 'bad luck' is actually a curse of being far away from Natlan? like how Fontainians can dissolve in water.
    Let's see it like this, Natlan is a big bonfire, if a piece of ember strays away from the fire it will eventually be snuffed out and extinguished by the elements, so they have to stick together and fuel the raging fire (war) to continue burning (living), without war they will die out.
    Or perhaps in very rare cases, even single ember can continue to burn despite being far away from Natlan like Bennett (perhaps him being a vision holder could explain it)

  10. Why people keep saying we haven't met any Nathlan NPC? We did…. In one of Inazuma's battle event. The one that said that Nathlan developed a new fighting fist style…….

  11. I'm sorry I haven't been able to watch your videos lately! Have been busy with school and stuff…

    Your theory really does make a lot of sense. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened in the game exactly as you said lol XD

  12. This is my own speculation because of some LEAKS design so take it with a grain of salt:

    It's seems like the story of Natlan is similar to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec. The war will be more similar to a colonial conquest from an indigenous people. By the way it also seems like the Archon is the Spanish…. If this is true, the shit storm will be enormous but let just see.

  13. Any reason other than a reason that forces the people to stay feels like an underwhelming explanation because people have individual thoughts and beliefs. Theres no way a whole nation of people would simply stick around never curious and never thinking to travel.

  14. Natlan people remind me of some actual isolated place irl. First, If we look at manga, apparently vanessa is a slave in mondstat, honestly i wondering why and how vanessa's tribe end up as slaves there, but it make sense if this is one of reason natlan people wary to go to other nation due to their past experiences. They made vanessa's tribe as cautionary tales for citizen who want to leave natlan.
    Second, despite natlan itself is a nation, they might be didn't guarantee safety of people from other tribes. So if someone stepped on other tribes territory, the ruling tribe can do whatever to the tresspassers. (Including killing/sacrifice them maybe?)
    Last reason is inspired by a actual village in china where all the resident are extremely wealthy, but if they want to leave the village, they need to leave everything they have.

    Or maybe the reason could be any combination of above reason, or none, who knows. Based on these theory, people who leave natlan might be ended as slaves, dead, or poor.
    Although other simple reason maybe natlan just geographically isolated and we're only able to enter through certain place (& guarded by certain 'people') just like how we enter the chasm, or enkanomiya, or inazuma during sakoku decree 😅

  15. What if the Natlan's Pyro's Archon represents the torch like in the Olympics? Every four years, the Olympics occur and the fire is always kept alive. The fire's message in the Olympics is "peace and friendship". What if the war is what's keeping the peace?

    In addition, Bennett's birthday also only have his birthday every 4 years and he finally has his birthday this year!! We even have the Olympics 2024! (in Paris, France apparently, right after we had Fontaine lol) There might be a connection.

  16. Nice! I'd switch one thing, though – I think Murata will tell her secret to the Traveler before the Tournament, and Capitano will win. This is because the Tsaritsa has to obtain all the gnoses. It would be an incredible narrative let down if we build up for four years to the collection of all seven gnoses… and never see the payoff. For the climax of the story, the Tsaritsa has to (at least for a while) win. And we don't know anything about Capitano – he may very well be the one destined for this since birth.

  17. Natlan, the mandatory Tournament arc of the anime, just as Fontaine was the mandatory underwater level. Since Venessa fullfilled her vision and ascended to Celestia to become a god i guess, what if we see her return in Natlan? Maybe she is linked with the pyro archon in somehow. Also im reading a lot the word "bullfighter" associated with Natlan, and with the archon, if that's so then Natlan would be the legendary spanish most fun nation ever, and even so im spanish for the record.

    PD: I think im going to try No Man's Sky thanks to you ~

  18. It seems like it's implied that it's not easy to travel between Natlan and the other nations. It might be almost entirely cut off from the rest of Teyvat if the Hillichurl tribes in Mond are a clue (Sleepy Tribe, Meaty Tribe, Eclipse Tribe) and there's apparently no wind there? Varka has been gone since the start of the game and whatever he's gone for is important enough for him to go personally.

  19. Somehow I think Liben falling into a pit and spending a few days in there without starving is some kind od Natlan foreshadowing we didn't decrypt yet. Something like Natlan is so hot that nothing grows in there and people of Natlan live off some other sort of energy present only in Natlan; if they left, they'd starve to death due to lack of that energy.

  20. Another interesting posibillity, based on this video… what if the Travler is the one who whichs the tournment, an ends up being the perfect vessel for the archon to inhabit? obviously as they are the player charachter, the attempt would fail, but it would be be an interesting conflict, and if the process of failing ends up destroying them, it would also massivly break the status quo.
    It would also in the end leave the Travler with a Genosis which would a nice bit of leverage to get a meeting with the Cryo archon in the next phase of the game.

  21. I saw what could possibly be a Natlan NPC in the Cat’s Tail playing Genius Invocation. He stood out immediately to me, wearing long robe-like clothes that had gray/dull orange patterns that I’ve never seen anyone wear in-game. The skin color was like Kaeya’s, which isn’t common. I gave him a good look and figured he was from Natlan. I was able to duel him a TCG match.

  22. You know it's also fascinating when you connect what happens in game to what has happened historically too. Prior to other nations finding the Americas, they were very much isolated for a very long time and while the people in the Americas probably traveled through the 2 continents, they were pretty content to stay over here and not 'venture outside' of it, like those in Europe, Asia, (and even Africa).

  23. Egeria is a previous archon that isn’t conscious to any degree that we know of like the other previous two archons we’ve met. She is the water around the giant tree or that giant flower in the tree or both.


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