What really happened with Albedo and his brother | My take on 2.3's mystery | Genshin Impact Theory

In this video we explore what REALLY happened with Albedo and his brother. SUS EVERYONE IS SUS. EVERYONE. At the end of the 2.3 Event Quest, we learn a lot about Albedo as Subject One, Subject 2 and Subject 3. In this video I express my thoughts on what happened to Albedo’s suspicious brother.

Thanks for watching guys and I appreciate you always!

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Music by KODOMOi


24 thoughts on “What really happened with Albedo and his brother | My take on 2.3's mystery | Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. This is my theory for this quest.

    Spoiler alert and take it with grain of salt.

    My theory is we never met real Albedo begin with.To avoid confusion.
    Let's say Albedo with star mark which we knows for long time and consider as real Albedo-> Albedo 1
    One without mark which is susbedo as-> Albedo 2.
    Albedo 1 told us about his Mark.Like when we make glass vessel,There is always mark for where you blown air And after vessel is created it's become their origin mark Tho maker can remove it too. Now as we know Albedo 1 told us Albedo 2 is prototype And failure of gold's project. So she told durin to swallow him and since that time Albedo 2 was in his Belly. Now here confusion starts
    Albedo 2 has not any birth mark, so if we take glass maker as example Albedo 2 should be perfect Albedo and Not our Albedo 1.
    And Albedo 1 is failure as he also consider himself too. So my theory is Albedo 1 (our) was never albedo gold wanted. And it was prototype thus left alone. We know Albedo 1 doesn't have any nationality tho he stays in monstadt cus he loves Dragonspine.
    While Albedo 2 was the Complete and flawless Albedo which Gold wanted. And I think she didn't tell durin to swallow cus she wanted to kill perfect Albedo. It was to protect her perfection. When cataclysm happened. She knew everything she did was responsible for it but she needed to survive and survive her experiment to rise again. Therefore she made albedo 2 to hide inside durin so no one ever find out about him. So the susbedo was meant to be Albedo, not one we know for long. Our Albedo has flaw but we also hear saying him or paimon that that's impurities makes human. That flaws makes human or something.
    Albedo accepted that he is prototype and he is failure Albedo accepted that he is prototype and he is failure. Plus we knows he doesn't have any memories with gold when they went in many domains to research layline.
    We saw in last patch event khaenri'ah had ability to create ruin guardian and grader without core and who healed their damage with layline energy Maybe it's gold's research too and she did it with our albedo and when she found out that she can get perfection in her human project she left Albedo, therefore our Albedo has memory issue.

  2. Untill this moment I refused to believe that Joserf was a Fakebedo, just because I was fealing really bad for Joel, like, since the introduction of dragonspine every time I teleported to the mountain it reminded me about a kid that searches for his missing father, and because of that I really wanted to belive that it is a real Joserf, meanwhile in the same time at the end I was worried about Fakebedo killing Albedo. But after watching your theory I finaly found some sence of closure and relief after the ending, yes, Fakebedo taking a place of Joserf is kinda creppy, but again, Albedo wouldn't let him do that if he had any doubts about him, and I trust Albedo. So because it's a win-win for all parties I chose to believe that it's canon inhales copium

  3. Personally, I think Josef saying he woke up with blood coated him is suspicious, but not in Fakebedo taking his place but rather Durin's blood was what overtime, resurrected Josef.

    So I think later on Mihoyo could do a quest call "The Resurrection of The Dark Dragon, Durin."

  4. I think Albedo and Fakebedo are both still alive. The one we see for the last time in Dragonspine was Albedo. When we go back to Mondstadt, that's Fakebedo. Maybe they have an agreement and Fakebedo has become Albedo's body double? 🙂

  5. you make good points.
    I personally think both fakebedo and Joel's dad are fake. I can't see albedo pulling pranks on a serious matter, even with all that subtle talk. nor I know if the real one can make his mark disappear at will. and if fakebedo is as smart, he can probably trick others and sound just like the original. also, if there's one mutated whooperflower, corrupted by durin's remains, enough says there aren't more? this whole thing is confusing and suspect.
    if we get a part 2 of this story, hope it clears up the whole thing, because i can also see it go like discovering the real albedo was sealed away in the depths of ice or something and we got played really good.

  6. My doubts, when it comes to Albedo at the end, personally lie within the fact that if we are supposed to understand the star shaped mark as a birth mark of sorts, as a natural so called imperfection that resulted from his creation process, following that logic… Would he really be able to make it disappear at all that easily? Given, we don’t know the full extend of Albedo’s capabilities but it’s still something that’s in my mind. The gardener talk makes me doubt it’s a fake because then it would imply the fake was around and we did not notice.
    If it really is the fake and was around to listen then would it be that far off to say he could be taunting us? Sure, the fake Albedo is smart but you can be gifted with intelligence and be smug about it. Because who would believe us if we say Albedo was fake? As far as everyone knows, the threat was neutralized and was only a mutated flower of Dragonspine.
    I read somewhere that maybe the role of the gardener could not only be applied to us as someone who can recognize the real value from the fake, but also referred to whoever cultivated the valuable. Maybe it’s a hint to more creations being made in Dragonspine (“fruits in the snow”) by using the alchemy notes still missing?
    “If you never had something of the same quality, of course you’d be attached”, was, I believe, something similar to what Albedo at the end said. What if it was the fake and was talking about how we are only attached to the real Albedo because we have never seen any other creation like him?

    Anyhow, point is that the quest was really good. Otherwise we wouldn’t even be talking about it, at the end of it all. I hope the writing stays at this level and goes even further. So looking forward to more Albedo content in the genshin storyline.

  7. "I hope I'm not overthinking things. When parents tell their children of 'the meaning of this world'… They must mean living a happy life, right?" From time to time, Albedo finds himself musing on this sentiment.

    Maybe he is acting different, not because he was replaced by Fakebedo, but because he is starting to follow and accept this belief more?

  8. I feel like this might be amoral but perhaps not immoral. By most people's standards replacing someone is pretty terrifying but if the person is dead then fulfilling their responsibilities and helping their dependents wouldn't be detrimental to them.

    I still wouldn't approve personally because I would be skeptical of how much an imposter would care for friends and family of their role and discovery would lead to a whole bunch of issues.

  9. Oh my, I was sure that Joserf was Fakebedo, as you named it, but I was thinking about it more in the Paimon's "horror story" type of a way, and I must say, I like how your theory sounds so much better! I'm a believer! +_+

  10. It's is high possiblity that Joseph is fakebedo, he said that he recognizes Joel and that's because he already meet Joel and him cover in blood it's possibly he telling us the moment he was resurrected by Durin blood

  11. Well if Joel is happy then it's okay with me even fakebedo is not his real father. Just pray that he will not throw Joel of the cliff again I'm only worried about that….

    I also totally agree with your theory that's what's I was thinking, I just didn't understand the gardener thing at last. I think albedo pranking traveler wasn't really out character I know it was a bad joke but it was funny though 😂


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