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There’s a lot of topics surrounding the upcoming Fontaine region and some of them involve newest characters Lyney, Lynette, Freminet and Hydro Traveler. But it makes you wonder – 4 new characters announced and yet there’s a huge red flag you can see from the released characters so far that could potentially affect your long-time team building strategy.
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How are you getting tired of Dendro? Dendro unit still new until now its been so long
I know Genshin is at a low point right now, but I feel like a lot of people have been taking a break (me included). Only slowly I'm getting back into it for Kaeya's outfit and Kokomi's rerun. And then I'll peace out until Fontaine.
Bro, Gorou is so damn good at what he does, I never bothered to level him higher than 50, he just does his thing no matter how much investment you put in him xD
Oooooh, the editing is so on point
gun user might be a thing in 4.0 as was seen in the new teaser. Hoping
I did look at a little bit of leaks, specifically just Hydro Traveler (Don't worry I won't spoil it, other people probably already did it). I will say that he's a little bit different than other hydro supports in the game.
Although I'm a bit glad that he's not the 3rd Xingqiu or something(THANK GOD, I think we had enough characters of this archetype), people say he sucks but I think I can find a few ways he can be pretty useful with certain characters, and who knows? he could be a "sign" that there could be "changes" in future character playstyles
and remember, not everyone has every character! (this is basically what I say whenever someone says "but that limited 5* character is better")
2:50 yeeeee, it's called C2 and not strong
I mean, you could do Mono Hydro instead of Xinqque or Yelan, with Candace, cuz she does boost Hydro Damage if the Character is a Sword, Claymore or Polearm 🤷
Im hoping the new hydro and electro characters would improve freeze to shatter reactions. If only shatter scales with atk instead of EM
Me: saving for raiden
Hoyo:Fonataine characters
Fontaine will play around with hp drain and restoration mechanics, so any characters like hu tao, shinobu, dehya, lyney, will have a huge kinda buff/boost in the region of hydro. as far as dehya sepcifically is concerned, her bis is 4p vouruksha's glow with almost any claymore. navia (aka taylor swift) is shown to be a geo character in the teaser so we can only hope.
Oh my God someone actually made a genshin impact video.
nice game
I hope we will finally get Scubachurls. I mean, its a Water Region, how can there NOT be diving Hilichurls?
Im still of the opinion they had a terrible missed opportunity by not allowing anemo, cryo, or geo to interact with dendro. A good interaction could have helped save a geo a bit. As is they need to completely redo this element ..AGAIN. Just like when they had to update geo resonance, now they need to restructure the crystalize reaction into something better. And cryo, and anemo are left on the way side too since they can't do anything with dendro. They just were never as bad a geo so people forget they are really suffering as well.
It's obvius that 4.0 will bring a lot of HP manipulation mechanics, so Deyha will probably be useful, and shielder be less in demand
Sumeru era had a really negative start at first, people were complaining all the time and of course than impacted teasers as well. So seeing Fontaine already being free from this kind of fuss and having more views is very expected. Hope we though will revive as a fandom lol, the views everywhere are kinda.. as if genshin’s topic hashtags are getting shadowbanned?? Things like this on youtube exist but I really hope that’s not like it
Not super excited for the ho-hum looking Fontaine chars. New characters are now a total crap shoot.. Either they are laughably bad or really really good in one specific role without much flexibility. I would love to have fun with Deya but probably never going to get her and making her not strong was very purposeful by the developers maybe so that the darker skin character is not raining supreme. Ironically they gave her fire and then made her weak which is just bonzos.
I didn't get the cat girl, but I would much rather anemo swirls or a potent damaged based hydro char.
NAVIA aka umbrella girlie is a geo WOOOO
Fountain chars looks like a mass skip. Not a single sexy waifu.
2:35 Yeah I remember the crybabies who whined about electro's usage and Raiden Shogun. This is why the meta side of the Genshin community is a joke and always will be. Complain about a character or element first, get proven wrong later. The Genshin community in a nutshell.
People get too hyped for any video that comes out. I'm most excited for the underwater exploration. It's new to the game and I'm looking forward to it.
We also have a new geo character from the trailer
I think Fontaine is not going to buff weak characters, rather it will buff characters who are already strong. Xiao and Hu Tao, for instance…
so basically us hutao mains and those xiao mains are eating good for focalors lmaooo nice! idrc about dehya she sucks and i dont like her design at all just me lol But yea it legit just sounds like a buff for hutao or xiao lmaooo think about it..who loses hp when using skill? hutao and kuki…who loses hp when usin burst? xiao….i guess dehya does too but in comparison to those 3 she useless lol.
Honestly, now I just want more variations to play the game(and I think the devs are also on the same train as me).
The meta is already set in stone. No one will beat the strongest dps, no one will beat the strongest buffer, etc. I just want more ways to play the game. Yes just playing it not beating it to the ground. I don't need any meta defining characters to play the damn game.
but Navia is geo character , she the last chance for geo if she failed that would be a huge loss to geo element