what is the loom of fate? (Genshin Impact 4.7 lore, theory, and speculation)

I watched the 4.7 livestream and just decided to talk about it. disclaimer: rambling

00:00 What is the Loom of Fate?
03:21 How to Change Fate 101
06:09 The Sinner & Caribert

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#hoyocreators #genshinimpact #genshinlore


29 thoughts on “what is the loom of fate? (Genshin Impact 4.7 lore, theory, and speculation)”

  1. What IF instead the blessing of the Dendro Archon, you had the blessing of Deshret for saving Caribert? I think his spirit resides in this Dark Crystal (you got it?)

  2. It's my theory that the identity of the Sinner is actually Nibelung. This is mainly because of one reason: The Der Ring des Nibelungen, an opera that Khaenri'ah takes a lot of its inspiration from. In this story, the dwarf, Alberich, and Nibelung steals the Rhinegold from the Rhinemaidens and forges a ring of power, and the entire story revolves around the conflict of everyone trying to obtain that ring.
    So I believe if we translate this to Genshin, the Alberichs, who stepped in as reagents after Khaenri'ah fell, are working together with Nibelung to complete the loom of fate and take control of Teyvat, so surely the identity of the Sinner must be Nibelung. It would make sense as to why he has that title too, because he collected a lot of forbidden knowledge in the war that caused the world to nearly be destroyed. I think that after using all of that forbidden knowledge but it being cleansed, possibly so wounded he didn't even have a body anymore, he then turned to the powers of the abyss. Centuries later, he "heals" Caribert, possibly taking control over his body or started the process of making Caribert the loom of fate.
    Now, we hear in the trailer that the loom of fate is apparently complete, but i don't think that means that they are able to use it yet. Why? Because Kaeya's father told him that the "fate" of Khaenri'ah is in his hands. Now, we haven't gotten any information of Kaeya betraying Mondstat and stealing the thing he was supposed to steal. It's so important, hoyo would have found a way to let us know this information. So I believe that while the loom of fate is completed, it is still missing its power source, which is what Kaeya was sent to find.
    As for what this power source is, I got this theory from Ashikai's video, How Celestia Stole Teyvat(Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKq6E3o5jsA&list=PL6Hmm9aHV2zg8PLf8fLJQxmRGyDRjmP6c&index=2&t=644s ). I highly recommend watching her video, but to grossly summarize for my comment, at one point she gives reasoning as to why Nibelung is most likely a chinese inspired dragon(If you wanna know why, watch her video), and in chinese mythology, chinese dragons posess pearls that are the source of their power. So most likely Nibelung has some kind of pearl that is the source of his power. She gives evidence that suggests that back in the day, the Primordial One stole Nibelung's pearl, and that they then created a device(or loom of fate) to control the land, in other words, fate. It created the spirit veins protecting humanity from the dangerous effects of the primordial elements, and created fate allowing them to govern the fate of the world and its inhabitants. But during the battle with the Second Who Came, something happens to the loom of fate(most likely due to Nibelung's use of forbidden knowledge), so celestia can no longer manually control fate.
    it is my theory that the Primordial One lost control, he worked with the Second Who Came to create the Gnoses, and found a way to keep Nibelung's pearl by tricking SWC or by a deal. The Primordial One then takes one of the Gnoses, and becomes the God of Anemo. That's right… the Primordial One is Venti. Hence why Kaeya was sent to Mondstat to find something that will determine Khaenri'ah's fate there. Many other people also have this Primordial Venti theory due to both of them being androgynous in appearance and with wings and a crown, also the fact that Istaroth is with him , but now I'm even more convinced.
    I believe that the reason Venti took Nibelung's Pearl with him was so that, while he couldn't make a loom of fate of the same scale as before as he was probably weakened or under some degree of control from the Second Who Came, he was able to use his own power to be the loom of fate for Nibelung's pearl, so that he could make Mondstat free from fate, hence why Venti is the god of freedom, and Mondstat is the nation of freedom.
    I believe that the end game of Teyvat is a grand battle over who will obtain Nibelung's pearl and has the means needed to utilize it to wrest control over the fate of the world. And as of right now, Kaeya is in a prime position to take it, if he were so inclined. I delve into this theory deeper in a comment on a different video, so I'll just copy paste it in the replies of my comment if you're interested in reading more.
    If anyone sees this, congratulations for making it to the end! I appreciate it, haha. Please let me know your guys' thoughts

  3. Okay so the thing about Dendro archon. If we assume Nahida was in Sumeru at that time? Then she should have still responded?? Cause she did listen to other people's wishes. But it seems like she was 1. Still a child who didn't understand what was going on?? 2. This was immediately after cataclysm when she was not found out by the sages??

  4. I had this idea that the sinner may be a fragment of the second descenders will because we know absolutely nothing about them and my brains trying to fill in holes šŸ˜­ no evidence at all only guesses. if we do know anything about the second descender and I forgot, Iā€™m just slow.

  5. i'm in sumeru desert rn and im the type of person who do every major story quest and world quests(just finished the arana quest btw) . Do you think i can catch up for natlan release?

  6. I think its highly likely that Dainsleif is the final component of the Loom of Fate and Lumine is hunting Dainsleif down in the new AQ. Remember that Dainsleif in the Teyvat Chapter Preview tells traveller to show of he is worthy enough to take his place and reweave the threads of fate which means he at that moment is the one destined to reweave the threads of fate aka the main function of the Loom of Fate.

    You also can take a deep dive into Dainsleif to know why he is the perfect candidate for it. Dainsleif's title is the "Twilight Sword", the Twilight Sword in norse Myth was the original name of a sword that went on to be called Surtalogi wielded by the Surtr who was destined to bring the Twilight/Fate Of the Gods aka Ragnarokkr. So if someone in Genshin is gonna bring the Twilight of the Gods its gonna be The Twilight Sword

  7. The first time we heard about something loom of fate-ish was actually is travail! Dain says "Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave"!! Is also checks with CN!!

  8. i think some people/groups who try to reweave fate are trying to create an "artificial descender" to do so

    so what i mean by artificial? Descenders as far as we know are outlandes(person who came outside Teyvat) that have a will to rival the world.

    so artificial would be someone made or created IN Teyvat(and not outside) who has that will to rival the world.

    Rhindedottir trying to do it with Primordial human project that also involves Albedo(you already talked about his similarities with Traveler and hell he himself says that they are similar). so she was trying to create an artificial descender.

    the loom of fate project i also believe has "artificial descender" theme with Caribert becoming an artifical descender(the being who can rival the world and reweave fate)

    Rene trying to become a descender by combining the conscioussness(wills) of people and using the sword e.t.c

    and the newest info about Crimson moin dynasty orphanage i also believe involved creating an artificial Descender. people were "reborn" in the flames of the hearth after seeing the terrified eye of the crimson moon, they were basically reborn as artifical descenders, Perinheri was an artificial descender and i believe that Angelica saying that Perinheri is like her who will not suffer from the curse after saying that she is "freedom" means freedom from fate.

    that's why i am still following Arlecchino is an artificial descender theory. it's because similar to Perinheri i believe she was reborn after seeing that terrified eye in crimson moon(which she still sees in her dreams), her weapon description and other stuff saying that she is defying fate in some way, her glitching out AND her drip marketing introduction from Pierro line is 1:1 as to how someone would describe a descender-like being.

    so yeah i believe all of the above situations are cases of "artificial descender" stuff and the other way we have seen people trying to defy fate without artificial descender project is by using forbidden knowledge or Remus trying to write his own fate by combining the will of the people through Phobos's symphony which still involved Musica Humana taking over Musica Universalis

  9. I mean we already do technically have a character that fits one of the bills for being a descender and that character is scara with the thing he fits as a descender is the fact he is not registered as a descender

  10. ty for ur vids i cant keep up with genshin lore nor remember or connect things i have experienced myself in the game, it's a shame cus the story is one of my favourite things about genshin šŸ„²šŸ˜¢

  11. Following up on my comment on your previous video. If my assumption that Ichor is in fact Azosite, and both are just elemental energy from the Ley Lines, which is in turn memories of the world (i.e. its Fate) – Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop mentions that bad emotions turned that Ichor into black substance. And if you look at the icon of the Dewdrop that grey color kinda reminds me of the Dark Gem from the Wrio's Story Quest.

    That Gem (or, more appropriately, the substance within it) triggered bad memories in people. Which to me sounds awfully like what the Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop would contain, which potentially means that it was Ley Line energy filled with "fear energy".

    And you know who else wields an item with a sus Black Crystal in it? MITACHURLS! With their Black Crystal Horns. And Samachurls drop scrolls with Forbidden Knowledge on them. And hilichurls' masks hide their twisted identity, because their humanity can't comprehend the change.

    To me those 3 things kinda sound like 3 realms of Teyvat. Black Crystal is the representation of the Celestia's power (this being Irminsul/Fate), who in turn got that power from the initial elements of the planet. The scrolls represent the Void realm (Abyss) and its forbidden knowledge. And the masks represent the humanity, because cursed ancient humans are using those masks to appear human in their own reflection.

    This then leads me to relate these 3 things to three Descenders. Celestia is the first one. Sinner is the second one. And the third one would've been someone from the human realm who achieved strong enough of a will to rival the other 2, which made those two kill the 3rd descender together. And if we go with the somewhat popular theory that Tsaritsa is Bronya, the third descender might've been a Seele expy and now Bronya is trying to resurrect her by combining the Gnosis.

    With all of that being said, it'd make a lot of sense if Sinner could reverse the maddening effect of the hilichurl curse, because his forbidden knowledge is directly related to maddening effects itself (negative plus negative equals a positive and all that). And my crack theory right now is that Loom of Fate is meant to return full consciousness to ALL HILICHURLS, so that they can put up a united front against Celestia.

    This would also relate to why Lumine is on the side of the Abyss, cause she wants to bring her (Khaenrian) people back. It would also make sense why Chasm's location soothes hilichurls, because there's a window to the abyss there (the one from the Ordo's quest), which most likely has a positive effect on them. And it would also explain why hilichurls were praying to the Sinner, because he's their supposed savior.

    I also think that Lumine might've removed herself as the Descender from Irminsul, back when it was under the control of Irmin (that is if I'm correct with my crack theory that he had control of the White Cedar at some point after Remuria's fall).


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