What is Dottore's Plan? [Genshin Impact Discussion]

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42 thoughts on “What is Dottore's Plan? [Genshin Impact Discussion]”

  1. Teaveler: you can reverse engineer sncient war machines and you're using it to turn people into robots? But with that kind of technology you can cure eleazer!

    Dottore: but i dont want to cure eleazer! I want to turn people into robots!

  2. You're crazy and I like that, I subscribed to you and hit the bell because of it. Also Ayn Al-Ahmar literally means in English "the red eye" in my culture "red eye" means enviness, take that as you like

  3. I'm surprised that no one has asked /when/ does that image of Dottore burning the tree take place? The trailer implies that it is happening at the same time as the funeral, but wouldn't the burning of the tree be a big deal? Why is no one freaking out? Just some thoughts ive had.

  4. Honestly the only thing that confuses me is how on earth would he even burn an imaginary tree (the one in traveler's dream was well, a dream) and that if it was destroyed it would pretty much throw the entirety of Teyvat into chaos and possibly destroy the world itself. It's a way too high narrative stake, one that honestly has no other solution other than "it's not going to succeed", I think there's more to it, it's like nahida has said, maybe the truth is just a small simple secret, and we are all mistaking the glow of a firefly for a crystalfly.

  5. I disagree completly about dottore's interest in the dendro archon, because thats basically just a title now, nahida doesnt have the true power of the dendro archon, the Irminsul tree does, and most likely the aranaras are the ones that can truly tap into the dream/imagination/ reality bending powers, we can read through notes and sidequests that dottore is on a massive hunt to get his hand on the aranaras and their dream powers, but no one except for kids can even notice them or their actions. In my opinion his true goal in sumeru is nowhere near getting the gnosis or going against the dendro archon, its to get his hand of the dream powers that not only does the aranaras have, but also the sages from the akademyia with the akasha terminal. And dottore as a doctor/scientist/mad genius would NEVER burn the tree of knowledge unless he already collected everything it knows to himself. It will most likely be just a premonition from collei because she is connected to him, and they will be able to stop his plan, and just maybe as a last resort he would burn the tree to cause caos in the word as a final action. But we know that the game wouldnt work anymore without it because of the leylines. In the end he will get the gnosis, the knowledge, maybe the dream powers and escape at first, since scaramouch is the first boss of the region, then we maybe get a second storyline where we actually fight him before he can burn the irminsul tree to severe everyone from the knowledge he now has.

  6. I wonder if Dottore's task of burning down the Irminsul could also be connected with Tsaritsa's goal of destroying the Abyss because we know from the third part of the Aranara questline Arama tells us that there really is no way to destroy Marana (which is obviously their word for the Abyss) because the MEMORY of it is already in Sarva(the Irminsul tree) besides erasing the memory of the Abyss as a whole

  7. I think that the academia will fail there experiment. but it wont be a fail experiment for Dottore, also. i find it strange that the "divine (Tai Lopis)knowledge capsule" have a red glow. is it a corruption ? or is it like the sand nara told us. it is a fragment of the scarlet king?

  8. My immediate idea is the sages want to revive the greater lord with them even showing disgust for the less lord. The problem is the greater lord has been corrupted and their corruption has contaminated the leylines themselves as the greater lord is connected directly to it. This suggest the only way to cure the leylines is for them to be completely eradicated or forget from time.

    My assumption is the greater lord likely became corrupted when they killed the scarlet king (or possibly just came in contact with his miasmic after effect) as they did say the corruption is something that even the greater lord was dealing with, but nothing seems to suggest it's from before the era of the rain forest. It also could explain why the divine knowledge capsule for the greater lord is bright red similar to some corrupted things in game like the withering itself.

    The fatui wish to either destroy the akasha system, copy it for themselves, or possibly control it. Considering the gnosis is required to run the akasha, either way it will fail by the end of the archon quest. Burning the irminsul though may destroy the greater lord also preventing the withering from expanding. The fatui are pretty destructive, but they aren't as intent on killing everyone like the abyss.

  9. I love this theory and you are right about revival but you are wrong about dottore goal of why he burns the irminsul , dottore is already a traitor amongst the harbingers instead of bringing the electro gnosis back to the tsaritsa he gonna use it to create a new god or electro archon also he burns the irminsul tree down so that the tsaritsa want have information on how to defeat celestia

  10. It can’t be the Irminsul itself that we see burning otherwise Teyvat implodes a few seconds later maybe it’s the Gnosis that powers the Akasha that was built into a tree to link it with the Irminsul. And in a world quest where you destroy fatui’s plans of harnessing power with the devices you find in the Eremites camps it’s not to harness the power of dendro or the Irminsul and the leylines as a whole like in Golden archipelago, the Fatui states that it’s to harness the power of the withering,subtle difference but very important nonetheless.

  11. Not sure if this is relevant, but while doing the aranara quest, i stumbled across a paper called "Ragged Records" that talked about the aranara and how they have the ability to travel freely between dreams and reality. Whoever is writing these notes (which i assume is someone from the fatui or akademiya) wants to collect a sample of an aranara to control "cognition, complex memories, and irrational fantasies" and use them all as variables, which might be like the samsara we experienced. The records also state that five human subjects were tested on, two female children, one male child, one male adult, and one female adult. I think they were testing on with the withering, i'm not really sure. In the end the records said that all human experiments either showed severe symptoms such as "loss of blood", "pathological skin conditions", and heart + multiple organ failure.

    the ragged notes:
    “An ancient, tattered paper with incomplete information written on it”

    …Previously at ███, we collected 3 dosages of common substances that had been exposed to The Withering. But as we approached this facility, they were all purified, with no traces of abnormality left. The reason is still unknown…

    …Collected 5 samples (class: human) in the nearby village. Subject III: male adult, 20–25 yrs old. Subject IV: female adult, 25–30 yrs old. Subjects V/VI/VII: 1 male child, 7–14 yrs old, 2 female children…

    …All juvenile subjects went missing after displaying hallucinatory symptoms. The subjects in question seemed to be communicating with their “imaginary friends” in secret. Said “friends” are likely to be a Ley Line/Elemental creature that inhabits the forest (Aranara?).

    About Aranara
    According to the tales of the forestfolk, Aranara is a highly intelligent being (botanic creature?) that can travel freely between reality and dreams. They can even create dreams based on the fabric of real-world environments. Far-fetched though it may sound, the folklore is not without credibility. We should keep looking and try to obtain a living sample.
    If we put them to good use, cognition, complex memories, and irrational fantasies shall become controllable variables with which we can alter human individuals. As for the controllable dream, it has huge potential for both civil and military implications, and might even elevate human intelligence to a whole new level.
    If the plan goes well, mankind will obtain the power to conquer both reality and dream, and truly transcend the earthly boundaries we are born with.
    (A large ink stain was splashed next to the period. It seems that the writer broke the pen as they wrote this line.)

    Attached is the documentation of the folklore associated with the unverified creature, Aranara. This content is for reference only…

    …Subject IV, adult, body functions completely shut down, a large area of skin ██████, visceral ██████. COD: loss of blood.
    Upon seeing Subject IV in a coma, Subject III (adult) resisted violently in panic before being forcibly subdued, which resulted in the cessation of the experiment. Current conclusion: The Withering contains an unknown substance that can induce (the word “unpredictable” has been crossed out) pathological skin mutations. More tests are needed to identify the pattern of said mutations…

    …Subject III, adult, body functions completely shut down, a medium area of skin ██████, visceral ██████, blood ████, too. COD: Extreme fear led to complications, which caused heart failure and multiple-organ failure.
    This is a waste of resources. It is advisable to watch over the subjects’ mental state in the next experiment and avoid exposing them to extreme environments…

    Lab Lead on duty: ████
    (Some part of the signature was smudged, causing the entire name to be illegible.)

  12. there is a blue pop up quest (like helping pallad or delivering a letter to dr edith) where a few fatui and a few eremites have a meet up open field and you kill them. looked sus like a negotiation of some sort

  13. I feel like the devs have been giving small delicate hints that Nahida is Rukkhadevata but just reborn. Since the sages found her, they must have known exactly what happened and have been trying to revert her back to her previous self.

    Of course the only plot hole in this theory is if the sages know the truth, why would they treat Nahida like that?

    Well, in a way Nahida is not Rukkhadevata. At least not anymore. She's a brand new deity with new memories, characteristics and new powers completely contrasting her previous self.

    So if this theory is correct, Dottore burning down the irmisul tree would bring harm to Rukkhadevata (who is now Nahida) because she was always connected to it.

  14. My greatest fear for Sumeru's storyline is that the Sages are just a bunch of simple greedy motherfuckers. In the land of knowledge, being called Sages and also being the antagonists in the story. They have to be at least 30% of Otto apocalipse's shrewdness/greatness. Or else I will feel very disappointed in Hoyoverse's story writting, because I know their highest highs. Because similar stuff happened in Inazuma already, 2 of 3 commissioners were simply corrupt, nothing else, nothing new, very cliche.


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