What if Scaramouche was never “abandoned” by Ei In Genshin Impact? I tried to answer that question. Will the vision hunt decree happen? Would Signora still die? Would Kunikuzushi be a good ruler? Let’s analyze that in this video! I missed doing this type of video style and I thought this would be the perfect topic lol. Hope everyone is enjoying Genshin Impact 3.1 so far! I know I have thanks to Cyno
Video contains spoilers for Genshin Impact Inazuma and Sumeru archon quests!!!
all music is from StreamBeats
#genshinimpact #genshin #scaramouche
With terror at his ..
Well he wouldn’t be evil
I saw a community post comparing Scaramouche to Izumi from Shikimori. I never see Scaramouche the same way ever again
Oh wow I think if this happened it would change a lot of the plot, timeline, and events that happen
This would’ve been so much more interesting in my opinion
Kazuha's best friend wouldn't have died 🤔
Well at least he isn't evil
Ayaka and Ayato's parents woudn't have died early
i havent watched it yet but i think it would be heaven
yes he can be replaced with a hamburger
I love ur vids i could never come up with such creative ideas and scripts
i not entirely agree that the delusion factory won't be exist, my speculation is that fatui will still make the factory, just different boss, afterall its still a business, fatui won't just ignore that;v, and teppei would still die ig, since he seeks power, and not having vision and some other people too, its kinda confirming even though scara not the boss in the factory, the factory would still be exist, and plus they (fatui) still need the gnosis, so the event is same like the scara one, but not scara he one traveler fight, prob another harbinger and then after we lose, miko came and give the gnosis
Time to hurt ourselves with fake scenarios 😭
40 min late🏃💨
what if Scaramouche were destroyed instead of spared alive ,would u like to make about it
I think this alternative Scaramouche will likely Die if that happen
Tomo would’ve been playable😔😔
Wow that's a lot of changes for the positives.
It would be one less archon waifu 😂
6:36 ah yes, my favorite group of antagonists in genshin. The hamburgers 🤣.
Ok, but… What about b00ba sword?
Good job I suddenly have a vision of scara pulling out a blade from his chest and do not ask why
You are not understanding the main point here scara would have corrupted because of his human emotions because he would have lost many other people because he'd just outlive them because he's still a child at heart he couldn't handle being betrayed by 3 people how do you think he'd change after people leave him betray him or plan behind his back because despite being a nation ruled by an archon it's still a nation and people have ambition. He was emotionally unstable that's why discarded because he became more than a doll. I think things would have been way worse because at heart scara have human emotions but he can't understand human limitations and desires because he just doesn't know what they mean.
6:38 "hamburger" LOL
i feel like miko would do alot more
if he wasnt abandoned nor destroyed, he wont be called kunikazashi, he will be called raiden shogun lol
is no one gonna ask how he replaced the word harbringer with hamburger at 6:39
He wouldn’t be emo
I think the main issue with him ruling inazuma is that he is not an exact duplicate of ei appearance wise. The people would know that he’s a separate entity to ei, unless there’s some crazy make up going on
The way Itto just…
NO. if Scara is a success test, it d be exactly the SAME like Raiden and everything ll go on the same. that s what Ei wanted the puppet to handle, establish the eternity rules and stick to it whatsoever. that s why puppet challenged Ei for changing her own decisions. there s no way that puppet scara ll stop the decree if he was a SUCCESS TEST.
I am going to age this like milk
A better idea- she didn't cast him out, just didn't have him as a puppet and kept him as a son. Teaching him to be an archon in case Ei herself was reached by someone.
I hope this video ages like milk.