What Happens in The Enkanomia Event "Three Realms Gateway Offering" (Genshin Impact)

Here is a summary about the main story in this limited-time event of version 2.5. Support me directly Like & Subscribe!


50 thoughts on “What Happens in The Enkanomia Event "Three Realms Gateway Offering" (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Now that I think about it that deal did sound sus, I mean the abyss order can create portals! They have been seen making portals to teyvant, so why do they even need permission to travel through enkanomiya if they can just portal to teyvant? is there some kind of lore reason that i missing?

  2. What's scary about this is that the traveller was actually suspicious of Tsumi the moment (s)he met her. It reminds me of how the abyss twin said that the traveller would see how the world really is by the end of his/her travels…

  3. hello dude, ik this kinda off topic, but do you know any info about where is Varka, other elites knight and 4/5 mondstadt soldier goes to? and why? i've been thinking this for so long lol

  4. Maybe in the future, all watatsumi inhabitants will move to tsurumi island as they are considering the development of that island which we can ascertain in certain npc dialogues.That way holy soil phenomenon and coral branch issue will be solved.

  5. The detail I like was that Tsumi saying something along the lines of the Vishaps aren't afraid of Light, in fact since they are pure elemental beings they like the light, it's that now where there is light there are Humans.

    Humans destroyed the Vishap society, they came, they conquer, they did experiments, humans cause all the issue below Watatsumi the moment the ancient lands of Byakuyakoku fell bellow.

    So aren't the humans the ones to blame for the Vishaps' aggression towards them?

    Also we don't know what their ancestors went through because of the Primordial One and it's mission to protect and guide Humanity's survival. These Vishaps have a long grudge for Humanity and maybe in future releases we'll see some massive undertaking by them.

  6. If I remember correctly, the "Holy Soil" is described as white at one time during the quest, which probably means that Watatsumi is salted earth. That would be an easy way of making new land from the sea, but it also would be completely lethal to all plant life.

    Anyone else really weirded out by Kokomi dialogue at the end of the quest?

    First we have her strongly refute that Vishap-people are a thing, there were only Vassals of Watatsumi. Ignoring that they probably are the same thing since that would explain why the "talk to Vishaps" is a thing they can do and from where did they come from.

    Second we have her saying that hopes of dialogue with the Vishaps were dashed during the time of the migration to Watatsumi because of the attack on Tsumi. Girl, during the time of the migration the Vishaps were being experimented to create and maintain the blood coral, wtf are you going to talk about with your victims?

    Third we have her deciding to look at another way of maintaining Watatsumi that doesn't require blood coral. Leaving aside that this change is being forced on them since the escape of the hatchlings means that they wont have enough modified Vishaps to keep it going, the way she talks bout it makes it sound like she was completely unaware of anything. I do remember that during the ritual we were told by the shade to keep it a secret, but did this secrecy also considered the Divine priestesses? It would explain why Kokomi would be ok with a ritual that does such abuses to a race she knows is sapient, but would be truly surprising that the ritual went well for as long as it did with such an absolute operational secrecy.

    All of this makes her seem extremely ignorant, and willfully at worst, which clashes with how hard they have been going with the "Kokomi is a genius" characterization.

    The issues of Watatsumi as a place to live just keep on piling on, I hope that we get an explanation of why it was so important that they stayed so close to Enkanomiya instead of finding some normal land to live on that is not just because they were stubborn, considering the amount of pain and suffering that decision has caused over time.

  7. Traveler : Meets Enjou an Abyss Lector from Abyss Order again for a second time, have a long chat yet never bother to ask him about their siblings who is supposed to be the leader of the Order in present time..
    Traveler : Suddenly asked Ei if she ever met the siblings on the events that happened 500 years ago in Khaenri'ah..
    Me: "You dense MF!"

  8. Enkanomiya is to me one of the most lore rich zones of the game right now. The amount of informations we learned about Teyvat, past inazuma, and past Watatsumi is insane

  9. "But Vishap-people and Reptilians… they're pure fiction. There is no evidence for their existence anywhere among Sangonomiya's classified documents."
    – Sangonomiya Kokomi (Three Realms Gateway Offering)

    Tsumi could be the last TRUE Vassal of Watatsumi. It is not explicitly mentioned but according to Kokomi, no more Vassals were born after Orobashi exhausted its power to create Watatsumi Island, and after that 'it grew weaker and weaker'. Kokomi explained that Vassals typically have 'half-human, half-snake forms' symbolizing that they are the 'familiars of the serpent god', and that over time, they became more likened to human beings, save for the 'pupils of their eyes'. We also hear this from Imaizumi, the Sangonomiya Samurai who was guarding the injured, who 'instinctively trusted her' when he saw her snake eyes.

    Kokomi also said the records do mention the very last of the vassals:-
    'All our hopes were placed onto HER. SHE was going to be the one who could communicate between the vishaps and the humans. But when she was just an infant girl, she and her guardian shrine maiden were attacked by vishaps at the border of Enkanomiya. Her whereabouts have been unknown ever since. Most believe she died that day. But some believe she was raised by the vishaps.' (Kokomi's dialogue)

    The 'guardian shrine maiden' could be Eboshi, she knew of Orobashi's secret regarding their journey to the surface, and her shade is in Enkanomiya. She's also the one that created the three trials, and the one that gave 'guided tours to visitors'. Additionally, Tsumi said when she was learning human language and writing as a child, 'not long after that, Enkanomiya was left without a single human being.'

    The pendant piece that Tsumi owned has been with her 'for as long as I can remember' (Tsumi's dialogue). According to Kokomi, the 3 pieces were given to 'the Dainichi Mikoshi, the Sangonomiya line, and the Vassals of Watatsumi' when Orobashi was reorganizing the court and reforming Enkanomiya.

    The reason Tsumi cannot destroy the 'light' of the Dainichi Mikoshi is perhaps maybe it has something to do with Orobashi (the Dainichi Mikoshi looks somewhat different from before, it has coral-like things at the top, which I'm not sure why), which might explain things because obviously she can't go against her own serpent god now, can she? We know the blood branch contains Orobashi's life force. And yet Tsumi believes she is 'Vishap' (Traveler disagrees) and even going as far as saying 'the conflict between our two kinds will go on forever'.

    Enjou didn't even know "that woman's" name, and calls her a 'Reptilian' based on the 'legends' that he read about (the 'highly intelligent and fast-evolving Bathysmal Vishaps' and he coins another term, "the Vishap-people", which actually sounds comical in Japanese, to which Paimon replies that it's the sort of name she would come up with). Although, when he said the vishap-people 'infiltrated Enkanomiya and infiltrated many high-ranking positions', it does ring quite a loud bell.

    It was Enjou who said he'd 'plunge all of Enkanomiya into darkness so that they (vishaps) could send their elites into the Dainichi Mikoshi and rescue their captive kin.' The vishaps' part of the deal was to give the Abyss Order safe passage through their territory and help him rebuild the three towers. Why? What happens if the Abyss Order gains control of the Three Realms Gateway, or the 'Triangle Gateway' (according to Tsumi, who said 'the Void Realm is invading', presumably after discovery of the betrayal)? Enjou did say (previously) he was looking for a book though… The darkness in the Dainichi Mikoshi was probably created by Enjou (by means of a 'vortex'), used as a bargaining chip to force traveler to go back, and prevent Tsumi's attempt at rescuing the vishaps (while he makes his escape, he even left us the 'mechanisms' to dispel the darkness, but I suspect it also focuses it). If Traveler had killed Enjou, Tsumi's 'rescue operation' would've succeeded and Watatsumi will starve. Therein lies the conflict.

    This has been a most enjoyable event. Sry for the long read! Cheers!

  10. Here are my thoughts about this: AT LEAST Tsumi is not a vishap-person. She is the last vassal of Orobashi, because:
    1. She had a part of the medallion which was given to the vassals, since one was given to us by Kokomi , and the other was found by Enjou in Dainity Mikoshi. She also mentions that she had it for the whole life, which excludes the possibility of her picking up it somewhere (like Enjou did).
    2. Tsumi can control Dainity Mikoshi's light, which is a weird thing for vishaps to do. They would have destroyed it long ago if they could.

    As for what Enjou says about her, I think he makes a mistake. He knows little to nothing about her, let along her story about being kidnapped by vishaps as a child. This, or Orobashi somehow has a relation to vishaps. But if he does, he would have freed them before living Enkanomiya, so I don't think this is right.

    Vishap-people might actually exist and infiltrated in human society (as a certain loading screen tells us), but they either don't know or don't care about it. We need more confirmation on this topic

  11. Now i just watch your videos to authenticate them and match my knowledge, and the answer is that this time you didn't misinterpret anything.

    But forgot to tell that Tsumi is actually a "Vassal".

  12. When doing the event, I kinda felt like I was gonna get betrayed again by Tsumi but I still love Enjou, he is so much fun to just converse with. Hope to see more of him. Also, don't we kill the bathysmal vishaps for material… I don't think its a part of the lore, just a funny thing I thought of.


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