What a 1900 Elemental Mastery Yae Miko looks like | Genshin Impact

A quick showcase of how much damage Yae Miko can deal when built with pure Elemental Mastery. Do take note that the build used is not recommended and is completely for showcasing only.

Thanks for watching!

MojiX! x Elkuu – Minamo

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #YaeMiko #ElementalMasteryYaeMiko


37 thoughts on “What a 1900 Elemental Mastery Yae Miko looks like | Genshin Impact”

  1. Actually i would say its useless passive. But it said "bonus" so just let it be.
    But if we compare this passive to other characters, this is completely useless, while other characters have 2 passive that 'synergically' do significant impact on characters potential, meanwhile yae only has 1 passive + 1 'just bonus' passive. Very sad but ngl even with 1 passive + 1 useless passive, she is a beast. Can deal huge amount constant dmg just spamming low cd skill lmao.

  2. my yae did 12k-ish damage with her elemental skill with only 100em. i dont get it why my friends think my yae is good bcs i think my yae's raw damage is normal until i watched your vid and… wow i did great flex no, im not flexing.. just keep thinking oh maybe that's why people said yae is not that good. because its hard and high cost to build her great..

  3. I didn't even built her with em and I get that exact damage… So I guess it's the same???? But I didn't used sucrose with her, so I guess I have to try out a sucrose and yae comp now

  4. the critical build has a slightly higher percentage, but there is still a 40% failure rate on non-critical attacks.

    while the reaction build has a more solid damage applied for being 100% of the attacks with the effect.

    if you used the "Thundering Fury" blast set with the 4 parts, it would probably have had a higher result than this crit build.

    thank you for the video!!

  5. Tweaking my yae build. Originally I have 225 em, after I tweak it to gain a 62% crit rate with 223 crit damage… My em gone down to 16🙁. As per my testing, it is kinda nerf yae's totems… Idk if I did the right decision or just plain stupid haha.

  6. Basically what build I've been going for. Her burst is annoying and inconsistent. Having to redo those turrets is just annoying. 3 skills, burst another 3 skills. That's so long on the field and when it doesn't crit or whatever it just sucks. This is far nicer to play imo, especially in Abyss.

  7. Girl don’t even waste your artifacts building EM, you genuinely get higher scaling across the board with ATK. And the ratio EM shares with attack (on totems) isn’t even a 1/2 ratio. Just don’t. I have a C4 Yae with 0 em 2244 attack and when my totems crit they deal over 24k. It’s not worth it. Yeah it makes building her easier but she’s not sucrose ok she’s not converting enough to actually build her around EM.


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